Sept 2024 Session Highlights

  • Approved updates to the active membership roll: removed Michelle Califf who has moved to New York and is attending a new church and transferred Bonnie Houtz’s membership to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Lebanon.
  • Called a Congregational meeting for Sunday, December 8 to review and approve 2025 Terms of Call for Pastor Stephen.
  • Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee giving a positive outlook – expenses are below budget and giving continues to be strong.
  • Pastor Stephen presented a proposed statement and application for Derry’s new grant program, “Churches Helping Churches.” He has spoken with the Presbytery leaders and received permission to present the grant at the next Presbytery meeting on November 6. Session approved the program. More information can be found at this link.
  • This year’s Stewardship campaign, “Share the Love that Shapes Us,” will begin on Sunday September 29 and continue through Sunday, November 10 with a congregational luncheon in Fellowship Hall following worship. There will be no 8 am worship that day so that we can worship and celebrate as one church family. An informational meeting to review the 2025 budget will occur on Sunday, October 6 at 8:45 (Chapel) and 11:45 (Room 7 & Zoom).
  • Amanda Bentley was approved to receive two credit cards for purchasing hospitality supplies – a Visa card and Sam’s Club card.
  • Thee Personnel committee requested approval to overrun their budget due unforeseen expenses associated with the onboarding and training of new employees.