August 2024 Session Highlights

  • Approved baptism for Owen Lee Webber, son of Derry members Corinna and Lee Webber on Sunday Sept 8
  • Approved the use of the church building for the following events:
    • Wedding of Elizabeth Latsha and Benjamin Hoy (non-members) on Saturday, April 5 19, 2025, to be officiated by Rev Shawn Gray – use of the Chapel plus rooms for the wedding party.
    • Boy Scout Troop 2200 for a Court of Honor and reception in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall on Monday, Jan 6, 2025 at 6:30 pm.
    • Capital Area Intermediate Unit #15 to continue offering speech/language therapy to Derry Discovery Days students and children of Derry members throughout the school year in Derry classroom #1.
  • Approved a request to purchase cemetery plots received from Andy and Beckie Frieberg. 
  • Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee.
  • In conjunction with Derry’s 300th anniversary and in honor those individuals and organizations who throughout Derry’s long history contributed financial aid when Derry struggled to stay afloat, the Session approved a motion to select a church in the Carlisle Presbytery in need of financial support and contribute up to $10,000 to that church. Pastor Stephen will contact the Presbytery for information on congregations that are in need.
  • Approved a revised Building Use Policy which outlines the procedure and establishes rules and fees for requesting use of areas within the church building for meetings, classes, concerts, and family celebrations. This policy covers all requests except weddings and funerals.
  • Approved the Communication & Technology committee’s Capital Procurement Requisition to install a second “zoom” room in classroom #2. With the creation of the zoom room in room 7B, demand for a second room to conduct hybrid meetings has grown. The cost of the installation is estimated not to exceed $12,000, with funds taken from Derry’s Capital Facilities fund. 
  • To refresh the landscaping surrounding the church building and mission house, the Building & Grounds committee requested approval of a Capital Procurement Requisition to hire Nye Guy Landscapes at a cost not to exceed $17,000. The plan includes a general clean-up of all flower beds and addition of new, low maintenance, drought resistant bushes/plants prior to Derry’s anniversary weekend. The Session approved the request which will be funded through the Capital Facilities fund. The Gardeners of Derry group will continue with periodic maintenance of the church grounds.
  • As part of the 300th celebration, children in third through fifth grades participated in creating a picture book on the history of Derry Church. The book has been completed and printed and will be offered for sale at the anniversary dinner and on Homecoming Sunday (Sept 22) at a cost of $20/book. Proceeds from the sale will be donated to a mission chosen by the children who participated in the book’s creation. 
  • Gather the Spirit for Justice, a community support group located in the Allison Hill district of Harrisburg will be the recipient of Derry’s portion of the Peace & Global Witness offering. 
  • Approved Derry Discovery Days’ request to hire Megan Rhen and Nadia Misbahuddin as teacher aides. 
  • Derry Discovery Days will be holding its fall festival on October 5 featuring a biking fundraiser, crafts, food, games and music. The Session approved the request to raise funds by asking families for pledges to sponsor students as they walk/ride laps.
  • A gift from the estate of Mary Jane Mease will be deposited into Derry’s Capital Facilities fund. Officers of the church were authorized to sign the legal documents associated with the estate.
  • On Sunday, Sept 25, it was the joy of the Session to receive the following as new members of Derry Church: Lynn Clements, Joseph Dows, Bruce & Mary Hinkle, Colleen Mullikin, Ann & William Rundorff, Stephanie & Marty Vance, Meghan Walter, and Rob Zell.