Join the Team that Will Be Learning and Teaching ESL

As a result of Derry Church’s recent efforts to help a refugee family resettle in Hershey, mission committee members have realized the critical need for immigrants/refugees to learn English as a Second Language (ESL). To date six people are participating, but we need at least four to six more in order to offer an ESL program to the community.

The tentative plan is to offer three levels of English at Derry in sessions of about an hour long, from mid-October to the end of April, on Monday evenings. Each level would be led by a team of three people.

Professional training will be held at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Sept 20 (6-9:30pm) and Sept 21 (8:45 am-5:30 pm with a 4:30 pm stop for those attending Derry’s 300th anniversary celebration dinner). You must attend on both days. Cost is $50 for training materials.

Online (Zoom) training is also available in four segments of three to four hours each over the Sept 27-30 weekend. Course materials for the classes will be furnished by the Mission & Peace Committee. Applications are due Sept 13. For more information, contact Sue Whitaker or Marion Alexander.