Month: November 2024
Shawn Bentley is Derry’s New Facilities Director
November 27, 2024
Roger Zimmer’s position at Derry ended last week. Roger had served as our part-time Property Manger for the last seven years. We appreciate Roger’s time and work at Derry, and we wish him the best in his future endeavors.
The Session approved transitioning Shawn Bentley from Assistant Property Manager to full-time Facilities Director. This new position will combine the work of our previous two part-time positions and focus on long-term strategies to maintain, improve, and preserve Derry’s building and grounds.
Shawn’s schedule is 7:30 am – 3:30 pm Monday-Friday. He can be contacted at or 717-533-9667 ext 108.
Are You Good at Counting Money?
November 27, 2024Beginning in January, Derry Church is in need of volunteers to count money on Tuesday mornings from about 9 am – 12 pm. Each volunteer will work on one Tuesday of the month, with one or two alternates helping as needed. Contact Summer Hakkinen for more information.
Spread the Joy, Share the Love
November 27, 2024From Sunday, Dec 1 through Sunday, 8, join Derry Church for its second annual “Spread the joy and share the love” event! At stations in the Narthex, you can support our mission partners by:
- Bringing $30 Walmart gift cards for the racetrack ministry and Derry Township Social Ministries families.
- Dropping off canned goods for the Hershey Food Bank.
- Supporting Allison Hill Community Ministry with donations of sweaters, blankets, coats and jackets for babies, youngsters, teens and adults. Used items in good condition gladly accepted.
- Purchasing Joy to the Burg Christmas CDs (2-disc set is $20) featuring Central Pennsylvania artists rallying to help their neighbors facing homelessness.
- Dropping off toys in the Cocoa Packs collection bin.
- Donating winter hats, scarves and mittens/gloves.
- Taking a note card you can fill with cash or a gift card, then pay it forward to someone you meet who’s not expecting it.

Lynn Porter • Derry Member
November 27, 2024Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In December we’re lifting up the Christmas Joy Offering.
The Christmas Joy offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, it addresses the support needed by some of our church leaders, current and retired, in their time of need. It aids future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges, equipping communities of color.
Joy is a powerful asset to have in our lives. There are many benefits that this emotion provides. Trusting God, valuing God’s work, and God’s presence in our lives. Experiencing joy can promote a healthier lifestyle, boost the immune system, fight stress and pain, and support longevity. In the midst of life’s challenges, this can provide the strength of the Holy Spirit within us.
Each year the Mission and Peace Committee designates a recipient in our community that presents a need to receive a portion of the Christmas Joy Offering. This year’s recipient is Gather the Spirit for Justice. This non-sectarian organization, located in the Allison Hill area of Harrisburg, is not new to Derry. Gather the Spirit for Justice provides essential support for an underserved community. It connects people with services and helps them to see their worth and value as human beings. It provides a safe environment for the neighbors in the Allison Hill area to gather, have breakfast, share conversation, and learn about services offered by the Gather the Spirit for Justice staff and volunteers.
Currently, First Church of the Brethren is Harrisburg is assisting Gather the Spirit for Justice by providing space in their fellowship hall on Saturday mornings. Some of the services provided besides a full breakfast on Saturday mornings include a toiletries closet where folks can select two items at a time, and English as a Second Language instruction. In addition, because people were having difficulty obtaining photo ID’s, drivers licenses, and birth certificates, aid is available to help them through the process. This in turn enables people to gain employment, apply for public assistance, cash a check, apply for housing and to receive medical care.
The numbers of those attending the complimentary breakfasts has increased dramatically. To date, numbers have reached nearly 200 served on a Saturday. This has been steadily increasing over the last three months.
In this joyful season, be a blessing to others. Be generous! Promote joy so the underserved can endure life’s difficulties, having hope that a better day is coming.
Christmas Eve at Derry Church
November 25, 2024
2:30 pm: Worship includes Lessons and Carols and communion, with holiday music presented by the Derry Brass.
5:00 pm: A candlelight service of Lessons and Carols featuring participation by children and music for the entire family to enjoy.
7:30 pm: A traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service of Lessons and Carols, with music provided by the Derry Ringers and the Sanctuary Choir.
All Christmas Eve services include singing “Silent Night” and sharing candlelight, symbolizing that the Light of the World has come.
Child care available at 2:30 and 5 pm. The lounge adjacent to the Sanctuary offers a candle-free worship zone and a space where young families can move about freely.
Christmas Day at Derry Church
Come as you are for a worship service that includes carol singing and a Christmas story, followed by refreshments, fellowship, and a birthday cake for Jesus.
Kendall & Allison Cooper • Derry Members
November 21, 2024My sister and I, along with other youth from our church, were blessed with the amazing opportunity to spend more than a week in Ireland this summer with the support of Derry Church. Going into the trip, we both admitted we were a little nervous. Not only because we had never traveled internationally before (& I was never even on a plane) but also, since COVID, our participation in the church had unfortunately decreased. Even after in-person church services resumed, we initially continued to watch church from home and became less involved in the youth group and with the congregation.
When the opportunity for the Ireland trip first came about, we were interested, but after not seeing a lot of our church friends for a while, we were nervous about how the trip would go. We worried they may have all grown stronger connections together during our absence and we were scared to venture outside our comfort zone. After some discussion, we both agreed that if we went, we would have each other and it would give us the opportunity to rekindle past friendships.
Following the Ireland trip, we have never felt more a part of our church community. This trip not only reconnected us with our church friends, but helped to reconnect us with God and the rest of Derry’s community, and even new friendships. We have been going to Derry Church since we were born, but we have never felt as connected to the congregation as we do now.
Our time in Ireland taught us the importance of coming together as a community and since then, we have been able to include it in our daily lives. In school, work, and church, we make new connections all the time and work to connect others through God’s love.
We have also started to increase our service in the church and community again. Allison works in the nursery every Sunday and has created incredibly strong connections with the kids. Kendall gets to connect with members of the congregation on Sundays through conversations with people, often about their shared love of sports, including basketball and field hockey.
Looking back on our trip, we cannot thank God and the church enough for giving us the opportunity to go to Ireland. We will never forget the wonderful memories and lessons we learned, and we will never lose the special bonds we made with everyone on the trip. Sometimes life takes us away from things that really matter, but through God, service, and our community, we can always find our way back.
“A Derry Christmas” Concert
November 20, 2024
The 2024 Arts Alive Cultural Series presents “A Derry Christmas,” a holiday concert featuring the Sanctuary Choir, Derry Ringers, soloists, harp, percussion, and orchestra.
Under the direction of Dan Dorty, musicians will present a program looking to the Nativity with works such as The Angel Gabriel, Paul Manz’s E’en So Lord Jesus Quickly Come, and Mack Wilberg’s beloved Gloria in Excelsis Deo featuring choir, orchestra, organ, percussion, and liturgical dance.
The audience will be invited to sing along on selections including O Come, All Ye Faithful, Angels We Have Heard on High, and Mack Wilberg’s setting of Joy to the World. Featured soloists include Charley Miller, Bass; Janice Click Holl, Soprano; Julie Miller, Soprano; and Loren Geeting, Tenor. A handbell quartet will ring What Child is This, an exciting arrangement set by Kevin McChesney. Join us and prepare your heart for the love that has come down at Christmas!
No tickets needed. Doors open at 2:30 pm. Free will offering.
The concert will be live streamed on and on YouTube.
Nov 2024 Financial Snapshot
November 20, 2024Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 10/31/24:
Income YTD: | $1,148,237 | $1,104,333 |
Expenses YTD: | $1,022,995 | $1,144,549 |
Surplus/Deficit: | $125,242 | ($40,216) |
Remember Orange Day on Nov 25
November 20, 2024Presbyterian Women observes Orange Day every month. Orange Day is a day to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls. As a bright and optimistic color, orange represents a future free from such violence. In Turkey this year, the Strengthening the Current Mechanisms of Healthcare Services for Survivors of Violence project aims to create a more effective intervention mechanism within the health system for women subjected to violence.
Wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support for this program and others worldwide to end exploitation of females.
PW Thank Offering: Recipient #4
November 20, 2024You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God. Corinthians 9:11-12
Each year Presbyterian Women and Friends heed the call of Paul to “supply the need of the saints” through giving to the Thank Offering. This grant program allocates 40% of the funds to health related ministries. Of the eight grants this year, six serve people in the United States and two are international.
From the Synod of South Atlantic, Forward Paths Foundation works to positively influence at-risk youth in Lake County, Florida, with the support needed to complete high school, maintain a consistent work history and learn financial management skill. The grant will help expand their services to more homeless, unaccompanied youth and those who at 18 have aged out of the foster care system. By providing housing and a personalized plan for each youth, this program makes possible a future for them to have meaningful work and relationships, and to live independently by the time they are 25.
From the Office of Immigration Issues under the General assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), this office helps churches by providing advice and resources towards a more just immigration system. Advocacy work within the denomination is decentralized so that local needs are met. As a result, the church’s voice is often not organized to speak out effectively and powerfully. The grant will facilitate the purchase of software that tracks legislation and gives users a deep understanding of the issues and the ability to contact their lawmakers directly. With the advocacy software, Presbyterians can follow concerns unique to their location and also organize to offer a group voice working for justice and fairness.
The scriptural passage tells us that we must give in a way that honors God, plain and simple. Everything belongs to God first. As we receive more blessings in life, we are more able to give generously. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.
Your gifts will bless many others. You may use the offering envelopes in the pew racks, give online or mail donations to the church office. Make checks payable to “PW Thank Offering.” Thank you for your generosity.
C. Richard Carty • Derry Member
November 14, 2024After World War II, Americans looked forward to peace and unity, but it was not to be. The Cold War, as well as the Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Movements disrupted America’s sense of peace and harmony.
Derry Church, for 300 years, has endeavored to promote peace and welcome all. The decades after the war provided many examples.

Derry’s pastor, Reverend William Longbrake, who had been called to Derry Church in 1941, helped Derry transition from wartime to peace. During his tenure membership grew from 312 to 533 members.
As membership increased, Derry Church sought to broaden church leadership. In 1947 Session voted to recommend to the congregation that a “Rotary System” be instituted for the election of officers. Traditionally, Elders had been elected by the congregation for three years and could be re-elected immediately to succeed themselves when their terms expired. Under the Rotary System, Elders would not be eligible for re-election for at least one year after serving a full term. This expansion of church leaders continued during the 1950s. In 1957 Derry elected its first women to serve as Deacons. However, it wouldn’t be until 1970 that Derry would elect its first female Elder.
As the United States emerged from World War II, the church began planning to expand the building to meet the needs of a rapidly growing congregation. In 1946 a building committee began assembling a list of wants and needs for a new building. Initially, Derry member Maurice Glace, a draftsman with Hershey Lumber Company, was asked to draw up plans. These plans were reviewed and revised over the next two years, but no final design was approved.

In 1948, the committee decided that a professional church architect was needed. Derry Church selected C.S. Buchart, a York, Pennsylvania architect, to design an addition to the Chapel. Mr. Buchart designed an addition that matched the original chapel in materials and architectural style while providing a modern plant for educational and social activities. In addition to plans for the Christian Education addition, Mr. Buchart also sketched out a vision to expand the church in the future with a new, larger sanctuary, if the congregation continued to grow at its current rate.
At a 1950 congregational meeting, members voted to approve plans to add a Christian education wing to the Chapel. Derry broke ground for the addition on October 29, 1950, and the cornerstone was laid on April 22, 1951. The building was dedicated seven months later, on November 11. This was the second addition to the 1884 Chapel, the first being the John Elder Memorial Chapel in 1935. The addition created a new entrance and foyer, and added a nursery and children’s classroom, as well as office space on the main floor. The new lower level had a large social hall and a modern kitchen. The addition made it possible for the church Sunday School to continue to expand with additional classes and provided space for the church to gather together in fellowship.

In 1950 Reverend Longbrake resigned to take another call. He was succeeded by Reverend William Sheldon Blair, who was installed on October 12, 1950. The congregation approved an annual salary of $3,800 plus a contribution to his pension, use of the manse, a car allowance of $400, a one-month vacation, and moving expenses.
Reverend Blair knew when he accepted the call to Derry Church that a building program to add an Educational Building was planned and that a Building Committee was already in place. During his first years he led the congregation to raise money for the new educational building with a variety of creative activities. Of course, there were congregational pledges, but at that time Hershey Park Pennsylvania Dutch Days had been recently launched (1949) and quickly became a popular week-long summer event.
Dutch Days created an opportunity for community organizations to support this event. The Dutch Days venue offered limited opportunities for visitors to purchase snacks and meals. Derry Church, located just a few blocks away from Dutch Days activities, offered meals for sale with a Pennsylvania German theme: chicken pot pie, ham and beans, roast beef and filling. The church also provided transportation between the church and Hershey Park to facilitate access. Other fundraising activities included a public Auction Sale in May, 1951 and the distribution of small wooden banks resembling a church (made by men on the Little Church Bank Committee) to children and adults in the congregation to encourage their participation.
The church’s efforts at fundraising were quite successful. On Thursday, February 2, 1956, just four and a half years after the building had been completed, a Recognition and Mortgage Burning Dinner was held in the new downstairs social room to celebrate the Church’s freedom from mortgage debt.
Derry Church had been built in pieces over the years beginning with the 1884 Chapel, which had been expanded in 1935. The need to replace worn carpeting and do general repairs to the older sections of the church became more obvious after the Christian Education Building was completed in 1951. Session authorized improvements to Derry Church in 1955, old carpeting was replaced, pews and floors were repaired and a much needed humidifier was also purchased.
The condition of the 1933 Chapel organ was such that Session members wondered if a new organ should be purchased or if that purchase should wait until when and if a new sanctuary was constructed.
The early 1950s saw the United States engage in a “cold war” with the Soviet Union and send its military to the Korean conflict. Carlisle Presbytery, concerned about the war, asked its churches to have a day of prayer for men behind the Iron Curtain.
At home, Hershey struggled with labor relations. In April 1953, Hershey Chocolate workers went out on strike over wages and a demand for a closed Union shop. Seeking to not take sides, at their May 1953 meeting Derry’s Session forbade Reverend Blair from attending any union meetings.
Reverend Blair resigned from Derry Church in January 1959 to accept another call to a church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. While a search for his replacement was immediately started, Reverend George Evans served as Interim Pastor. In July Reverend Ira Reed was installed as Derry’s pastor.. The church continued to grow even though it was a time of conflict and division in our nation and the world.

In addition to his excellent preaching, Reverend Reed is remembered for his organizational leadership and emphasis on neighborhood evangelism. He was actively involved in community organizations and was a member of the Hershey Rotary Club, the Police Advisory Board of Derry Township, and a Trustee of Wilson College (Chambersburg, PA). In addition, he was a PIAA official for wrestling and football.
Under Reverend Reed’s leadership, Session meetings became more organized, the number of elders, trustees and deacons was increased from eight to 12, and women became part of Derry’s leadership team. In addition, session committees were improved. The arrival of a new and energetic pastor again spurred expansion in Derry’s membership. By 1964 the church had grown to almost 800 members.
Though political assassination and social disruptions in the nation characterized much of the 1960s, Hershey and Derry Church were little affected. While there was awareness of national events, Derry Church’s concerns focused on the need for more space for Sunday school classrooms and a larger sanctuary to accommodate the growing congregation. In 1962 a building committee was appointed and by the end of 1964 a contract was signed to begin construction. Completed and dedicated in January 1966, the new Sanctuary included the purchase of a new organ. The Reuter organ was dedicated to the memory of a former pastor, Commander George Snavely Rentz, Chaplain, United States Navy. Commander Rentz served Derry 1913-16. He had left Derry in 1916 to serve as a Navy Chaplain during World War I. He continued to serve as Chaplain during World War II. He lost his life when the U.S.S. Houston was sunk during battle. Rentz was one of the last to leave the sinking ship and gave his life so other, younger, sailors might live.

That same year the congregation approved the purchase of a property across the street for the purpose of expanding parking for the church.
Concurrent with plans to expand church facilities, the need for additional staff was becoming more urgent. Derry’s music program was growing and it was felt that a part-time organist was not sufficient for the church’s needs. In June 1963, the Music Committee recommended hiring an organist and a choir director. Richard Chubb was hired as organist and Virgil Anderson was hired as choir director.
After a review of Derry’s Sunday School by Carlisle Presbytery, it was recommended that Derry Church hire a part-time administrator. Derry member Harold Reichard volunteered to serve as the chair of the Christian Education program from September 1964 to September 1965. In his report to the Session, Reichard recommended that the position become full-time. In March, 1967 Reverend Robert Murphy was hired as Assistant Minister for Christian Education. Reverend Murphy served two years before resigning to accept another position. A second pastor, Reverend Paul O. Altaner, was hired, but he also resigned after not quite two years.
Finally, Derry Church created a new position, Director of Christian Education, and hired Nancy Joiner, a recent Grove City College graduate, to fill the position. At the same time Derry Church created a full-time Director of Music position and hired Herb Fowler. Both people brought new energy, ideas, and opportunities for music, youth engagement, and Christian education.
Stewardship Campaign Update
November 13, 2024On Sunday, Nov 10 we dedicated gifts received in support of Derry’s ministry in 2025. Your estimates of giving help the Session set a ministry and mission budget for the coming year.
Here is where we stand:
- 148 giving units completed 2025 Estimate of Giving Cards, compared to 185 at this time last year.
- 53 giving units increased their anticipated giving, compared to 65 last year.
- We received 9 new financial commitments totaling $27,480, compared to 19 totaling $67,175 last year.
- As of Nov 10, total estimated giving for 2025 is $719,612, compared to $853,651 last year.
- 96 giving units who made estimates of giving in 2024 have not yet submitted an estimate for 2025.
- Derry’s anticipated 2025 budget is a little over $1,423,000. To meet this proposed budget, we hope to receive estimates of giving totaling at least $1,200,000.
2024 has been an amazing year as we’ve celebrated our 300th anniversary. Let’s end this year strong as we look to continue growing our ministries and missions next year. To do this, we need your help in meeting our stewardship campaign goals. You can submit your 2025 Estimate of Giving online, call the church office (717-533-9667), or mail your estimate of giving card to the church (248 East Derry Road, Hershey PA 17033). Thanks, Derry!

Join Pastor Stephen and Derry Friends for Another Three Practices Conversation
November 13, 20246 PM TUESDAY, NOV 19 IN THE CHAPEL
Derry Church offers another opportunity to listen and learn from each other: this time we’re gathering as a worshiping community.
During the first conversation on Nov 11, a lot of time was spent talking about the media and truth. Participants wondered how different sides come to their ideas about what truth is, whether the truth of a situation can be known, and how the media sometimes twists the truth in order to scare, outrage, or get more clicks.
On Nov 19, the conversation will focus on how we discern truth in the age of mass media, 24/7 news, social media, and the internet. We will listen to one another, ask curious questions, and then share communion together as one beloved community.
2024 Blood Drive
November 13, 20248 AM – 12 PM SUNDAY, DEC 8 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL
Derry’s annual Jim Cooper Memorial Blood Drive is just a few weeks away. Everyone who comes in to donate will receive a buy one/get one free certificate for a Papa John’s large pizza, two admission vouchers to the Pennsylvania Auto Show and a blood donor T-shirt.
Choose from two options to schedule your appointment:
- Click here to schedule online
- Call 800-771-0059
Walk-ins also welcome, but those with appointments will be taken first. A form of ID is required to donate.
Longest Night Worship
November 13, 20246 PM TUESDAY, DEC 17 IN THE CHAPEL
Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may be a time that has always been difficult.
The constant refrain on radio and television, in shopping malls and churches, about the happiness of the season, about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of what they have lost or have never had. The anguish of broken relationships, the insecurity of unemployment, the weariness of ill health, the pain of isolation – all these can make us feel very alone in the midst of the celebrating and spending. We need the space and time to acknowledge our sadness and concern. We need to know that we are not alone.
Our spirits sink as the days grow shorter. We feel the darkness growing deeper around us. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us. For these reasons, Derry offers Longest Night worship.
Join Pastor Stephen and Derry friends in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, communion and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is for those who mourn, for those who struggle – and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. Everyone is welcome.
Therapy dogs will be present outside the Chapel as participants arrive and depart the service.
Place Your Order for Poinsettias
November 13, 2024It’s time to order poinsettia plants that will brighten the church during the Advent season. After Christmas, you’re invited to take your poinsettias home to enjoy for weeks to come. A small plant is $13, large plants are $35. Order forms are available at the insert rack by the kitchen. Deadline: Sunday, Dec 8.
Third Annual International Friendsgiving: A Culturally Diverse To-Go Feast
November 13, 2024International Friendsgiving is more than just a fundraiser: it’s a celebration of the diversity, resilience, and rich cultures of the refugee women in the CWS Marketplace, Church World Service (Harrisburg) women’s economic empowerment program.
Your Friendsgiving meal includes delicious family recipes from Nicaragua, Sudan, Belarus, Syria, and Myanmar. Purchases support the CWS Housing and Utilities Fund, which assists the most vulnerable clients as they work to rebuild their lives. In 2024 CWS welcomed 618 refugees, and the demand for support beyond basic needs makes events like Friendsgiving essential.
- Multi-course meal (feeds one person): $25
- 10-Pack: $230
- Donations: Welcome in addition to or instead of meal purchases
- Meal pickup: 2-5 pm Saturday, Nov 23 at Hadee Mosque, 245 Division Street, Harrisburg
- Click here for more info & to place your order
Join Derry’s Mission Team Going to the Dominican Republic in 2025
November 13, 2024Join Derry friends June 14-22, 2025 on a Bridges to Community (BTC) trip to the Dominican Republic to build a home for a needy family. Cost is $1,600 per person, due by March 3, 2025. Applications for Oak Fund grants to help defray up to half of the trip cost are available online or from the church office.
Sign up for the trip on the Mission and Peace bulletin board in the Narthex For more information, contact Pete Feil.
PW Thank Offering: Recipient #3
November 13, 2024You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God. Corinthians 9:11-12
Each year Presbyterian Women and Friends heed the call of Paul to “supply the need of the saints” through giving to the Thank Offering. This grant program allocates 40% of the funds to health related ministries. Of the eight grants this year, six serve people in the United States and two are international.
From the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, the SAFEchild (Stop Abuse For Every Child) project in North Carolina is the leading voice for child abuse prevention through evaluation, intervention and treatment. Specialized interviews are often a turning point in children’s lives, placing them on a path to recovery. The grant will provide for the purchase of discrete cameras and microphones to record interviews at SAFEchild’s advocacy center. Through prevention and intervention services, this program offers children and families a safer future, where they can find support and live into their true capabilities and callings.
The scriptural passage tells us that we must give in a way that honors God, plain and simple. Everything belongs to God first. As we receive more blessings in life, we are more able to give generously. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.
Your gifts will bless many others. You may use the offering envelopes in the pew racks, give online or mail donations to the church office. Make checks payable to “PW Thank Offering.” Thank you for your generosity.
Join a Zoom Party with Derry Friends and the Presbyterian Education Board!
November 13, 202412 PM SATURDAY, DEC 7 IN ROOM 7B AND ON ZOOM
Derry friends, you’re invited to a “Zoom Party” with the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) of Pakistan. Connect with Veda Gill and the staff of PEB as they introduce department leads and other team members, give a highlight about PEB’s curriculum, and share stories and videos of students.
Many Derry Church members provide scholarships for PEB students: here’s you chance to learn more about the lives being changed in Pakistan. We’ll join the party using Derry Church’s Zoom Room 7 as we gather with PEB supporters from all over the US.
Bring your lunch. Cookies & beverages will be provided. If you can’t attend at Derry in person, you’re welcome to join the party on Zoom from wherever you are.
FRIENDS OF PEB GIFT CATALOG features a selection of meaningful gifts that directly support students and schools in Pakistan. View the online gift catalog
Election Day Debrief with Pastor Stephen
November 7, 202412:45 PM MONDAY, NOV 11 IN ROOM 7B
Join Pastor Stephen to debrief and decompress from the election in a loving, safe, and judgment-free environment. Share your hopes and fears and ask curious questions of people who may have voted different from you. This is a chance to be listen and love well with curiosity and compassion.
If we can’t have honest, hard conversations at Derry, then how can we model how to live and love well together? Pastor Stephen will moderate discussion using guidelines from the 3 Practices groups he has led in the past.
If you’d like to participate but this date doesn’t work for you, contact Pastor Stephen so another conversation can be scheduled.
Greg Taylor • Chair, Stewardship & Finance Committee
November 7, 2024
If you’re like me, during the past few weeks you’ve received a lot of messages from political candidates, on both sides, asking for money. In the midst of this, Derry Church is running our own stewardship campaign.
While important issues are on the table in this election, I want to remind everyone that we have the chance, right here, to create something more enduring and powerful through the mission of Derry Church: proclaiming God’s word, sharing God’s love and practicing God’s justice. We can do this through donating our resources, whether it be our skills, time, or money.
This year’s Stewardship Campaign theme is Share the Love that Shapes Us. I think about how God’s love has shaped me and my family through Derry. Of course, the church is how I met Lee Ann. Natalie, Jacob and Emma all grew up at Derry – active in youth group, choirs, and even the trip this past summer to Northern Ireland – and that has shaped them. Singing in choir, serving on Session, and now as Chair of the Stewardship and Finance committee has shaped me.
Now, how do we share this love with others? That is where your help is needed. As I write this, we are less than half way to reaching our campaign goal. You can help make the mission of Derry Church a reality by providing your estimate of giving either online, by mailing back the card you received in the mail, or picking up a card at church on Sunday. Or bring the card with you on Sunday and drop it in the offering plate during the service.
I invite everyone to a soup and salad lunch in the Fellowship Hall following the service. There is no charge, but you can bring dessert to share. There will also be a fun activity (with prizes) after lunch!
Thank you and God bless.
Welcome Summer Hakkinen
November 6, 2024
Our new Finance Director, Summer Hakkinen, began her role at Derry Church on Monday, Nov 4. Summer is working side-by-side with Sandy Miceli through the end of the year and will take over when Sandy retires as of Dec 31.
Summer is a long-time member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), joining San Clemente Presbyterian Church (CA) as a teenager, and later transferring to Camp Hill when she moved to Pennsylvania in 2009 (with a stop in Texas in-between). Summer and her family are now members of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Lebanon, where Summer’s sister is the pastor.
Summer has spent her entire career in the accounting field. As a Pennsylvania resident, she has worked for the Pennsylvania Child Care Association and the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. She is an avid reader and gardener.
You can contact Summer by email and by phone: 717-533-9667, ext. 101.
Fall Raking and Outdoor Cleanup
November 6, 202412 PM – DUSK FRIDAY, NOV 22 • 8 AM – 3 PM SATURDAY, NOV 23
Bring your rakes and join the outdoor work crew as they prepare the church grounds for the winter. Pickup trucks and wheelbarrows are welcome and appreciated.
2024 Cookie Walk & Jumbles Shop
Start looking for that special cookie recipe! Derry Church families are encouraged to donate at least one batch of homemade cookies (2-4 dozen or more). Drop off on Friday, Dec 6 or by 9 am on Saturday. Include a label with name of the cookie. If cookies contain nuts, peanut butter or almond extract and the name does not reflect that ingredient, please list that information on the label.
Cookies are sold by the pound. Proceeds support Presbyterian Women’s mission goal for 2025.
Jumbles Shop donated items are restricted to jewelry, nice Christmas decorations, collectibles, and items suitable for gifts, all in good condition. Items can dropped off in Room 7A from Dec 1-5.
Contact Nancy Kitzmiller to volunteer for Friday set-up and Saturday sales and Jumbles Shop clean-up. Contact Doris Feil to help with the Cookie Walk.

Find Out Why Derry Member Barb Lefko Ran Her 10th Marathon for a Friend
November 6, 2024On October 27, I did not attend Sunday services at Derry as usual — something that always centers me for the week ahead. Instead, I ran 26.2 miles through the streets of Arlington, VA and Washington DC to complete the Marine Corps Marathon and honor a promise I made to an amazing man, Mike Thompson. Mike taught me to love running – not an easy feat (no pun intended) since I spent the first 40 years of my life as a couch potato. I met him through a program called Team in Training, a fundraising arm of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society where participants raise money in exchange for the training and support needed to do an endurance event, such as a marathon. Mike was my coach, then my friend.
And he was so much more, to so many more.
Mike coached me through my first marathon in 2002, and a few more over the past 20 years. Meanwhile he kept running his own. When he was approaching #50 and I was approaching #10, we made a “gentleman’s agreement” to run them together. God had other plans: Mike died on April 26, 2020. But, for me, a promise is a promise, so the singlet I wore to run the marathon on 10-27-24 proclaiming “This One’s For Mike” got him #50.
It also jump-started the fundraising for a scholarship that my husband, John, and I have established to honor Mike’s legacy. Running a marathon is not easy. Yet when you do it for someone or something you believe in, there is no doubt you will finish. So, two of my friends, and Mike’s running converts, ran “This One’s for Mike” together. And, other runners have been donating to the scholarship in honor and memory of the lessons they have learned from Mike.
Mike was passionate about everything he did in life, not just running. He was a guidance counselor at Middletown Area High School where he was a staunch advocate for all students. He believed every boy and girl should have the opportunity for a meaningful and purposeful life. He worked every moment to make that happen. He developed career pathways – programs that begin in grade school to get kids thinking about how they want to spend their life. That interest transitions into a functional education through middle and high school, preparing them for a work life they will love. Those career pathways are now state mandated for every high school in Pennsylvania, thanks to Mike rolling them out to guidance counselors statewide.
We hope that The Michael D. Thompson Scholarship will honor his passion for years to come.
Helping others succeed in whatever they do in life was what Mike did. Compassion and love for anyone in need drove him. Spreading God’s love and practicing God’s justice was fundamental to Mike. This legacy scholarship can make sure that continues.
A Veteran’s Day Message from Drew Stockstill
November 6, 2024
Navy Chaplain Drew Stockstill preached several times at Derry Church and was the pastor at Christ Lutheran Church, our mission partner in Allison Hill. He has written a thought-provoking article reflecting on the church, the military, and how the Body of Christ can offer meaningful support to veterans of the US Armed Services. Click here to read it.
PW Thank Offering: Recipient #2
November 6, 2024You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God through us; for the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God. Corinthians 9:11-12
Each year Presbyterian Women and Friends heed the call of Paul to “supply the need of the saints” through giving to the Thank Offering. This grant program allocates 40% of the funds to health related ministries. Of the eight grants this year, six serve people in the United States and two are international.
From the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, Voices of Jubilee brings together incarcerated youth and their families with mentors who have experienced incarceration and others who want to help. They provide pastoral care for youth and advocate for a more humane judicial system by providing support for youth who are in detention and in prison in Virginia, along with their families. They provide training and hospitality dinners to create communities that transform lives and embody the hope of the Gospel.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Presbyterian Ministries with Vulnerable Children protects and cares for at-risk children through outreach programs in congregations, neighborhoods and schools. The grant will provide training for a project that moves away from centralized programs that rely on physical structures and instead builds local social safety nets. Care of homeless children is offered by host families in Presbyterian Church in Congo congregations and the prevention of child neglect, abuse and abandonment is coordinated by church committees. Building this organizational structure will provide community based support to vulnerable children in a more effective and sustainable manner for years to come.
The scriptural passage tells us that we must give in a way that honors God, plain and simple. Everything belongs to God first. As we receive more blessings in life, we are more able to give generously. We are blessed to be a blessing to others.
Your gifts will bless many others. You may use the offering envelopes in the pew racks, give online or mail donations to the church office. Make checks payable to “PW Thank Offering.” Thank you for your generosity.

How Do I Purchase a Copy of “Under the Oaks at Derry Church”?
November 4, 2024“Under the Oaks at Derry Church” picture books are available in the church office during the week. Office hours are 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday. Copies are also available on Amazon for $25 each.
Proceeds from your $20/book purchase will benefit the peace forest initiative in Ireland and Northern Ireland.