Month: October 2024

Visit & Volunteer at the Mennonite Central Committee 


Members of the Monday Night Study Group invite you to join them for a tour and volunteer opportunity at the Mennonite Central Committee in Lancaster. We’ll learn about their operations, then they’ll put us to work doing whatever projects are available that day. Dress comfortably. When we finish by 1 pm, we’ll stop for lunch at Fox Meadow Creamery (you’re responsible for your own meal) before heading back to church. RSVP to Claudia Holtzman by Thursday, Nov 7.

Hurricane Recovery Update from the Montreat Conference Center

The conference center and its campus took a wallop from the storm and, in the immediate aftermath, shifted to be an emergency and information hub for the community, supporting the town staff in their efforts to locate residents and gain access to homes.

Meanwhile, it has received an outpouring of support from past visitors of the center concerned about the staff and the surrounding community. Read more in this report from the Presbyterian Mission Agency. 

Katelyn Laidler • Derry Member

The only prospect scarier than moving across the ocean is finding a new church to call home. Leaving our jobs, schools, and established life in England meant a lot of new opportunities for change. One of the most important considerations in our move was to find a church that would get us involved together as a family.  Luckily, Derry has so many opportunities to feel included.

The first area we became involved in was Sunday morning Bible study where a warm cup of coffee and a safe place to have deep conversations was available.  During this time, our daughter, Brooke began to make friendships and music with the kid’s ministry.  As the weeks progressed, it soon became clear that Terrific Tuesdays were an important part of church life.  Unfortunately, we had a clash on Tuesday nights with soccer practice which meant Brooke could only attend a few sessions of Tuesdays last year.  Brooke was so eager to attend Terrific Tuesdays this year that we changed her soccer team to better allow us to come along regularly!  To see Brooke confidently participating in the front of the church with handbells and singing is a testament to the inviting atmosphere Brooke has thrived within.

In addition to Tuesday nights, I have come along to many of the Sunday evening Journey in Prayer sessions where I have been made to feel so welcome.  It has been a fantastic place to get to know many of the women at church on a deeper level.  Austin has attended many of the Derry Dude’s sessions where he has been able to experience ax throwing and fellowship amongst friends and food.  We attended the Corn Roast where happy memories of fishing and mini-golf were made. Vacation Bible School was a chance to invite loved ones to experience God’s love (and act as secret agents).

Coming from Britain it has been a pleasure to see the strong links of Derry Church to Ireland and Scotland. Most recently having the pleasure of meeting David Latimer made Brooke feel at “home.” She remarked that David reminded her of her grandad back in England and was delighted to get a picture with him. This connection and link to our neighbors across the pond has further cemented the sense of community we feel at Derry Church.

It has truly been a pleasure to sense the love, community, and warm welcome that has been shared with us in the last few months. Getting involved has helped us immensely in settling in. We are so excited and grateful we have found a beautiful community to worship alongside. Thank you, Derry, for making us feel welcome!

Jeannetta Politis • Executive Director, The Joshua Group

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights one of our mission partners. This month the focus is on The Joshua Group in Harrisburg.

On behalf of Joshua Group and the children we serve, we wish to express our sincere gratitude for your generous donation of $3,500, which will give deserving Harrisburg city children a chance at a quality education—and a brighter future.

We deeply appreciate your support for our students, as this donation aids in the efforts of the Joshua Group helping over 200 disadvantaged young people living on Allison Hill in Harrisburg trying to improve their lives through education.

Our summer program served 140 1st through 9th grade students in a seven-week program. They received breakfast and lunch each day along with academic and enrichment activities. Our students participated in nutrition classes, cooking classes, financial literacy classes, robotics demonstrations and educational field trips in addition to reading, writing and math focuses. Our 8th grade boys participated in a program with Recycle Bicycle where they learned how to build, repair, and maintain bicycles and learn how to safely ride. At the end, they were gifted their own bicycle to take home.

Our J-Crew After-School Program, which supports students from 1st grade to 12th grade, living in Harrisburg, gives access to the critically important educational support they need to have a successful academic career. Our after-school program gives our students a safe nurturing environment to be in after their school day. They get a hot meal, homework help, mentoring and unconditional love. We provide enrichment opportunities along the experiences and exposure in areas they might not have otherwise. Our younger students have enrichment activities such as art, cooking, crafts and reading. Our older high school students learn about vocational opportunities and internships and have opportunities to apply for summer work. Our seniors are taken on college visits as most of their families do not have the ability to provide that opportunity for them. Our dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure our students have all the tools to learn and be prepared for post-secondary education or a self-

sustaining career.

Last year, the students in our programs earned an average GPA of 3.03 and had an average attendance of 92% and a graduation/promotion rate of 100%. Your support will help ensure our students continue to thrive and so we can break the cycle of poverty through education.

Again, we are deeply appreciative of your support. Thank you for investing in our students and in this organization. Your donation enables us to continue to offer access to education to students who would not have a chance otherwise.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Sept 2024 Session Highlights

  • Approved updates to the active membership roll: removed Michelle Califf who has moved to New York and is attending a new church and transferred Bonnie Houtz’s membership to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Lebanon.
  • Called a Congregational meeting for Sunday, December 8 to review and approve 2025 Terms of Call for Pastor Stephen.
  • Received a financial report from the Stewardship & Finance Committee giving a positive outlook – expenses are below budget and giving continues to be strong.
  • Pastor Stephen presented a proposed statement and application for Derry’s new grant program, “Churches Helping Churches.” He has spoken with the Presbytery leaders and received permission to present the grant at the next Presbytery meeting on November 6. Session approved the program. More information can be found at this link.
  • This year’s Stewardship campaign, “Share the Love that Shapes Us,” will begin on Sunday September 29 and continue through Sunday, November 10 with a congregational luncheon in Fellowship Hall following worship. There will be no 8 am worship that day so that we can worship and celebrate as one church family. An informational meeting to review the 2025 budget will occur on Sunday, October 6 at 8:45 (Chapel) and 11:45 (Room 7 & Zoom).
  • Amanda Bentley was approved to receive two credit cards for purchasing hospitality supplies – a Visa card and Sam’s Club card.
  • Thee Personnel committee requested approval to overrun their budget due unforeseen expenses associated with the onboarding and training of new employees.

October Bike Rides + Ice Cream Social


Everyone is welcome to join a fall bike ride with Derry friends! A short pre-ride orientation gives riders background on the evening’s bike tour routes:

No prior group bicycle ride experience is necessary. No one will be left behind. No special attire is necessary, however bicycle helmets are required. Youth must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Planning to ride? Call or text David Whitenack at 717-881-0757.

Fall New Member Classes Begin


The fall series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Nov 24.

Registration is appreciated but not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).

Check Out this Opportunity to Visit Pakistan in October 2025

An invitation from Debbie Hough, former Director of Christian Education at Derry Church

I had never ventured very far away except for places in the United States and a few trips to Europe when the invitation came to go to Pakistan. Truthfully, Pakistan was not on my bucket list, but after meeting Veda Javaid Gill and learning that the Presbyterian Church (USA) owned property and schools in the Punjab area (thanks to Presbyterian missionaries), I said yes to the invitation and my life and Derry’s has never been the same.

Pakistan is a Muslim country that was created from part of India back in 1947. That was a very turbulent time and sometimes violence still flares up. Yet the schools once begun by the missionaries started to come to life in 1998 when the Presbyterian Education Board of Pakistan (PEB) was reinstated with Veda as their Executive Director. The public education system of Pakistan is not very good, and attending a private school for Christian children is nearly impossible because of poverty. As it is, only about 40% of children in Pakistan receive an adequate education. The PEB schools are exceptional schools and scholarships and boarding houses are provided for the Christian students. 

I first went in 2015. Dr. Tom Davis went with me when I returned in 2017. Then the Derry Twelve (as we became known) went in 2019. Tom Davis, Drs. Cindy and Bill DeMuth, Doris and Peter Feil, Lois and Greg Harris, Ann Geist, Ann and Jim Kroh, Rev. Nancy Reinert, and I made the journey to Pakistan and returned determined to accept the challenge we were given to provide more scholarships and build a wing on the Sargodha Boys School. Sargodha is also where Derry has focused on giving scholarships. 

Next year we have another opportunity to return to Pakistan, dedicate the new school wing, and meet Derry’s scholarship students and their teachers. I invite you to come along with Pastor Stephen and me from October 17-25, 2025. Costs are very reasonable for a trip of this length: $2,500-$3,000 should cover your expenses. One thing I can guarantee is that you will be changed as you see the sights, smell the smells, eat the wonderful food, and, most importantly, meet the hardest working, most dedicated group of Christians that you have ever met. 

Space is limited, so speak with Pastor Stephen or call me at (717) 265-4733 as soon as possible. Go ahead and add Pakistan to your bucket list – you will be blessed, no doubt!

Arts Alive Presents Silver, Wood and Ivory in Concert


The two-person orchestra known as Silver, Wood and Ivory will perform refreshingly original instrumental arrangements on flute, Celtic harp, and piano when they return to Derry Church next month. 

Tracy Dietrich, the Silver and Wood of the duo, was born with the gift of perfect pitch. She says that playing music came as second nature to her from the time she was a child. Tracy has played other instruments, but it’s the flute that has captured the passion of her musical voice. Tracy has mastered 19 different flutes and recorders ranging from the most primitive to the most sophisticated. These intricate varieties of flutes compliment her unique style

Cindy Wittenberg, the Ivory of the pair, grew up in a musical family with a classically trained mother. She began playing the piano at the age of four and began formal training by the age of eight. Cindy also learned to play the organ and the bassoon which allows her to draw from her symphonic experiences when composing music.

Together, this two-person orchestra of classically trained artists have fashioned a tapestry of music that stirs the soul. Tracy and Cindy both have instrumental performance degrees: Tracy from Indiana University of PA, and Cindy from Elizabethtown College and Peabody Conservatory.

PW Schedule Change

The PW Circle will delve into the issue of land justice at 1 pm Wednesday, Oct 16 in the Lounge. Scriptural accounts of divinely ordered conquest and laws of Jubilee that support the rights of individual landowners stand in tension but are rooted in the perception that all the earth is God’s. Everyone is invited to join the discussion offered one week later than originally scheduled.

Korean Food & Culture Festival


Performances by students of the Harrisburg Korean Presbyterian Church and the Selahart Group will begin at 11 am, lasting about 30 to 40 minutes. There will also be performances featuring traditional Korean music, traditional Korean instruments, and K-pop dance plus Korean crafts such as tote bags, accessories, and gift bags.

The food menu will include items like beef bulgogi, pork bulgogi, japchae, bibimbap, yukgaejang, and kimbap. All proceeds will be donated to refugees in the Harrisburg area and for North Koreans’ disaster relief.

300th Anniversary Celebration

Derry member and videographer Dan Poeschl captured program highlights from the recent 300th Anniversary Celebration Dinner so that you can watch it right here! Thanks, Dan, for making it possible to relive (or see for the first time) this special evening in the life of Derry Church.