Month: September 2024

Rev. Shawn Gray • Associate Pastor of Christian Education

We just started our new program year, and it looks like it is going to be a great one.  Our Sunday School is back in full swing, and I have been encouraged by all the volunteers — both new and experienced — who have stepped up, willing to help. They bring with them a wide spectrum of energy and gifts to make our programs even stronger.  

The youth group (grades 6-12) just kicked the year off with “Cutout Capers.” At this event, the youth broke up into teams and headed into the Hershey community with life-size cutouts of celebrities such as Adam Levine (the lead singer for ColdPlay) and Katy Perry.  Taylor Swift was supposed to be in attendance, but her schedule didn’t cooperate (shipping was delayed). Teams had a list of places to go to take pictures with their cut-out. Much fun was had.

The Kids Fellowship (grades 3-5) will go apple picking on Sunday, along with the youth and everyone who wants to participate in this all-church activity. Later in the fall we have planned bonfires, s’mores, corn mazes, popcorn making, and service projects.

Our Sunday School is up and running with some new tweaks. Youth started “3G” during the Sunday School hour, which stands for God, Games, and Grub.  We will be playing games,  then having a faith discussion surrounding those games. Some of the games will be classics like Pictionary or charades, while others will be modern like Jack Box. After we play, we will eat and talk about things that matter.  We had a great turnout this past Sunday.    

Grades K-5 are following the SparkHouse curriculum, which includes hands-on activities, faith discussions, and multimedia resources. This past Sunday each class created a covenant to help them promise how best to treat each other.

Terrific Tuesday started this week, and we are excited about all the music, stories, fun, and puppets that will be happening. We have simplified the schedule a bit and added a recreation block so that our kids have time just to be kids and play with each other. 

Now that you know more about our programming, I would like to tell you why we offer these programs. Our primary goal is to create a safe place where all who participate will hear that they are loved by God (who is always with them) and by their church family. It has been my experience that if you are successfully able to accomplish these goals, then you can have rich discussions about faith formation, having divine worth, participating in God’s amazing work, dreaming about how the church can live its mission out, and discerning and realizing that each of us are uniquely equipped and have something to contribute to the church, community, and world.  

Something that you may not always hear a pastor say but I firmly believe is that participation in the church’s programming is not a requirement to having a faith. I believe that you should make faith a priority in your life, but our programs are just one way you can support and enrich your faith. Family time, athletics, vocations, and academics are also very important and demand your time. These things also contribute to your faith. 

I encourage you to make faith a priority in your life, and I hope that our programs will aid in your faith development. I hope and believe you find lifelong relationships in our church community. And I want you to remember that when life gets busy with other commitments, it’s completely understandable to take a break. Know that you will be missed, and we will be thrilled to see you when you return. 

Bring Your Spare Change to Help Children in Zambia

Change 4 Children has been a project of Christian Ed for many years. Your donations go to Alliance for Children Everywhere in Zambia, which states: “Family is at the heart of everything we do. We show the love of Jesus by bringing orphaned and vulnerable children into secure families, schools and communities.” Their temporary crisis homes are House of Moses (0-2yrs) and Bill and Bette Bryant Crisis Nursery (2-5yrs).

Additional programs include food relief, skills training, savings groups, and seed capital for micro-enterprises for parents. There are seven FaithWorks primary schools and the Helen Devos Christian School for secondary education. Change will be collected Sunday, Sept 15 in baskets outside the Sanctuary and Chapel. Place coins in zip-closed bags, making sure there are no extraneous items included such as paper clips, batteries, pins, buttons, tokens, etc.  Place foreign coins in a separate bag. Thanks for your support.

Gather the Spirit for Justice • A mission partner in harrisburg

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In September we’re lifting up the Peace & Global Witness Offering, where a portion of funds received goes to our mission partner Gather the Spirit for Justice. In their own words, here is a snapshot of their operations: 

The mission of Gather the Spirit for Justice (Gather the Spirit) is to “strengthen community in Allison Hill, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.” Most of our neighborhood folks are low-income and many are homeless. For the census tract immediately surrounding the community center, census data shows an estimated 2020 median family income of only $35,306 and a minority population of 88%.  

Gather the Spirit’s Common Ground Community Center provides a safe, comfortable place for our neighbors to gather for classes, weekly community breakfasts, gardening and special events. We offer services that help them improve their opportunities for employment and personal growth (e.g., English as a Second Language classes, cooking classes) and we assist with basic personal needs (e.g., toiletries, food, cleaning supplies).

Gather the Spirit began operation at the Shared Ministry on Market Street in Harrisburg in the 1970s and later also partnered with the Unitarian Church of Harrisburg, The open door of the community center was closed during the worst part of the Covid pandemic, from March 2020 through 2022. Now Gather the Spirit is located on the bottom floor of Christ Lutheran Church in Harrisburg, and Common Ground Coffee can be found there every Saturday, 9-11 am.

Dear Derry members, The Mission & Peace Committee would love to interest you in some of Gather the Spirit for Justice’s volunteer opportunities and the committee hopes to offer some financial support after taking a hiatus during the Covid pandemic. Please consider supporting this worthwhile mission! Contact me for more information and to volunteer — Karen Leader, Mission & Peace Committee Member

2024 Keepsake Christmas Ornament

Presenting Derry’s 2024 keepsake ornament handcrafted by blacksmith Mark Smith! These copper ornaments are 3-1/2″ wide by 4-1/2″ high and cost $15 each.

You can purchase ornaments in the Narthex after both services. During the week, stop by the church office and ask for Sue George. A few ornaments from previous years are also available for sale ($15 each). 

Proceeds fund scholarships for students who attend Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan. Only 150 ornaments have been made, so don’t wait to get yours and add to (or start) your collection. 

Are You Ready for Prime Timers?


SEPT 9: Prime Timers kicks off with “Where is God When it Hurts?” a Bible study and discussion with Pastor Stephen. This hybrid session meets in Room 7B and on Zoom: click to join.
SEPT 16: Get a first look at the picture book the third-fifth graders worked on over the past year for Derry’s 300th Anniversary celebration. Jill Peckelun and Courtney McKinney-Whitaker, who led the project, will be on hand to read the book, tell about the process, and answer your questions.
SEPT 23: Membership Connections committee members lead Derry Bingo!
SEPT 30: Enjoy a special 300th Anniversary heritage trip review. This is an opportunity to learn more about what happened on the trip, what we learned, and what travelers took away from the trip. Everyone who went on the trip is invited to come and share their memories and reflections.

Arts Alive Presents Pianist Thomas Pandolfi 


Internationally celebrated pianist Thomas Pandolfi returns for his fourth Derry Church concert. He is a graduate of The Juilliard School, with both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees earned as a scholarship student, Mr. Pandolfi was recently appointed as Dean of the Piano Department and Professor of Piano at Midwest University.

In recent seasons, Thomas has appeared as guest soloist with The Symphony of Oak Park and River Forest, Symphonicity, the Florence Symphony, Londontowne Symphony, Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic, Monticello Chamber Orchestra, Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra, and Gettysburg Chamber Orchestra. He has also been guest soloist with The Manassas Symphony, Western Piedmont Symphony, The Altoona Symphony, The Piedmont Symphony, The Chesapeake Orchestra, and The National Symphony Orchestra of London.

A recent recital tour took him to 18 states, and his international concerts have carried him across the globe to China and Europe. Click to enjoy a musical sample.

Monday Night Study Group Announces 2024-25 Schedule

The women’s Monday night study group offers hybrid meetings once a month at 7 pm in Room 7B and on Zoom. For more information and to be added to the distribution list for monthly reminders, contact Sue George

Sept 30: Short story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor
Leader: Chris Gawron
Hybrid participants, click to join on Zoom

Nov 4: “Trust the Whisper: How Answering Quiet Callings Inspires Extraordinary Stories of Ordinary Grace” by Kathy Izard
Leader: Lori Klucker 

Dec 2: Christmas potluck, location TBA

Jan 6: “The Sun Does Shine” by Anthony Ray Hinton
Leader: Cindy Wolfe

Feb 3: “Keeping the Faith: God, Democracy, and the Trial That Riveted a Nation” by Brenda Wineapple
Leader: Chris Gawron

Mar 3: Video introduction to C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis with discussion following.
Leader: Debbie Hough

Apr 7: Did the Devil Make You Do It? C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, #1-10
Leader: Debbie Hough

May 5: Screwtape Letters #11-31 & loose ends
Leader: Debbie Hough