Month: November 2023
Derry Church Responds to Crisis in the Middle East
November 30, 2023In addition to our prayers for peace, Derry Church has made equal contributions to two organizations working to help those affected by the recent violence. A donation to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance will be used to assist people in Israel. The second has gone to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem to aid in repairing the Ahil Hospital in Gaza. May we continue to offer our prayers for the peace negotiations and that these donations will aid recovery efforts in both areas. To hear a presentation on life in Gaza, attend Issues Class on January 7, 2024.
Kristen Campbell • Derry Member
November 30, 2023Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In December we’re lifting up the Christmas Joy Offering and Stop the Violence, recipient of a portion of that offering.
On Sunday, when I push through the curiously heavy doors that lead into Derry Church, I’m reminded about how much God has blessed our church with many amazing gifts. With those gifts comes a weighty responsibility to do our best to love and support our neighbors in the community, especially the vulnerable.
Who is vulnerable? Surprisingly, the vulnerable look just like you and me. They have jobs, but maybe don’t make enough to support a family. They have children, but lack affordable healthcare or childcare. They have housing, but struggle to have enough left over each month to pay for heat and other utilities.
God reminds us in Proverbs 31:8-9, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
The Christmas Joy Offering is one of four special offerings received by the Presbyterian Church (USA) during the year. This month and on Christmas Eve, Derry Church is receiving the Christmas Joy Offering. Derry Church will share a portion of our 2023 Christmas Joy Offering with Stop the Violence (STV) in Harrisburg. STV supports those that are vulnerable by providing counseling for women of domestic violence, as well as providing food, clothing, gifts and school supplies to families and elderly in need.
Rev. Mim Harvey, President and Founder, provides this update:
This is a very sad time for our area, as we experience high levels of crime and poverty. Many mothers and grandmothers are raising children on their own. People are hurting. The high cost of food and necessities, like clothing and diapers, is also an issue for our community.
So, what will the Christmas Joy Offering mean to an organization like STV?
- Secure food that is delivered to seniors that are afraid to come out, that don’t have transportation, or that don’t have relatives.
- Fund Thanksgiving food baskets for over 100 families, including turkeys and the works for dinner.
- Purchase new coats for needy children.
- Support a drive-by Christmas party serving 125 children with Christmas toys and candy bags (with a special appearance from Santa Claus!).
- Provide blankets, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks to the homeless.
In other words, donating to the Christmas Joy Offering will mean fewer hungry mouths, warmer people on the streets, reduced anxiety for mothers, grandmothers, and the elderly. It will mean that children in the community will be happier and healthier.
As you think about how you can spread love and joy this holiday, consider giving to the Christmas Joy Offering and helping lift up those in need. Click here to donate online or notate checks “Christmas Joy Offering.”
To learn more about Stop the Violence and ways you can volunteer, contact me.
News from Presbyterian WOmen
November 29, 2023Six books have been selected for the Presbyterian Women’s Peace and Justice book discussion group for 2024:
- JAN 8: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
- MAR 11: Our Missing Heart by Celeste Ng
- MAY 13: Transforming; The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke
- JUL 8: A Place Called Home by David Ambroz
- SEPT 9: Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond
- NOV 11: Searching for Savanna by Mona Gable
These book discussions are offered on Zoom from 6:30-8:30 pm and all are welcome with advance registration. Questions for discussion or reflection will be sent with your registration confirmation. Click here to read more and register.
Volunteer elves are needed for Paxton Presbyterian Church’s PW Santa Shops from Dec 4-14. Select a 2-3 hour commitment with start times varying from 8:30 am to 6 pm. Participating sites include Bethesda Mission for Women and Children, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, First Church of the Brethren, YWCA, Allison Hill Community Ministry, and YMCA. A schedule is posted on the PW bulletin board inside entrance #4.
Milton Hershey School Brings Choral Concert to Derry Church
November 29, 20237 PM FRIDAY, DEC 15 IN THE SANCTUARY
The Milton Hershey School senior division choir, New Horizons, will perform seasonal selections including “In the Bleak Midwinter.” This group of about 50 students between the ages of 14 and 16 are excited to perform at a venue outside of the school, and church members and the public are very welcome to attend.
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 12/3/23
November 29, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- Have you ever been homesick? What did that feel like?
- What are some things that remind you that we aren’t home yet?
- What are some glimpses of home you’ve seen in the past year?

Susquehanna Chorale Presents “A Candlelight Christmas”
Experience the magic of A Candlelight Christmas presented by the nationally acclaimed Susquehanna Chorale, a chamber ensemble comprised of 40 auditioned singers. This year’s Candlelight Christmas concerts will include Pachelbel’s Magnificat, Gloria by Randol Alan Bass, the music of Bob Chilcott, John Rutter, Mack Wilberg, and Stephen Paulus, as well as delightful settings of traditional carols including Jingle Bells. A pre-concert recital by Susquehanna Chorale accompanist, Derry’s own Dan Dorty, will be presented 15 minutes prior to each performance.
Participating from Derry Church are singers Janice Click Holl and Greg Harris. Click for tickets.
M.E. Steelman • DIrector of Church Life and Connection
November 22, 2023Thank you, Derry Presbyterian Church. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow as a faith leader over the last five and a half years. Thank you for your unending support and encouragement. Thank you for helping our children’s ministry programs grow by volunteering in our classrooms, surrounding us with your thoughts and prayers, joining us for special events, and sharing your gift of time, talents or financial contributions to our various programs. Thank you for joining with the Derry family for our whole church events like the Church Picnic and Corn Roast. Thank you for helping our Prime Timers program on Monday afternoons become a wonderful fellowship opportunity for the adults of the church. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to lead and serve you.
This Thanksgiving season I find myself extra full of gratitude. As I prepare to transition from my role as a church staff member to a congregation member, I feel incredibly thankful that I do not have to step away from this wonderful church family. While I will need to remove myself from our children’s ministry programs to allow Shawn Gray the opportunity to grow into his role at Derry, I am thankful that I can still be active in so many other ways.
I am thankful to have Shawn joining us on December 1 so that we can share a month working together. What a blessing for Derry Church to have this overlap time. I look forward to showing Shawn all the gifts that Derry Church offers to our church family, and the community, through our programming, education, care, time and talents.
The next few months will be different for us all. However, if we focus on the many church blessings we have and allow that to guide our hearts, this time of transition will be more joyful. As I was preparing for many Thanksgiving lessons between Sunday School, KIWI, fellowship, my preschool classroom and Prime Timers, I came across the following quote from Maya Angelou and it has stuck with me…
“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.”
I hope during this time of transition at the church, and during the Thanksgiving season, that you will find a way to stay present and thankful. My prayers consistently include prayers of thanksgiving for the unending helping hands we seem to have for one another, the level of stewardship for our beautiful and vibrant church building, the warmth and joyfulness you feel as you enter our church for worship, the thoughts and preparations made for each program and event held at the church, and the genuine care, help and thoughtfulness shared by everyone. Being present and thankful is much easier when you are with this church family.
As we approach my last month working at the church, I want you all to know how thankful I am for the last five and half years. What a blessing this chapter has been in my life. I look forward to this next chapter together as I continue to worship, grow in my faith and share my gifts alongside each of you.
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
With love and gratitude,
🙂 M.E.
Nov 2023 Session Highlights
November 22, 2023- Held the examination of two incoming Deacons and approved their ordination and installation on January 14, 2024.
- Approved extending an offer of part-time employment to Allison Cooper as a Nursery Childcare Provider. Scheduled a called Congregational meeting on December 10 to elect Pete Gawron as a Deacon to fill Michelle Califf’s unexpired term due to Michelle’s recent move.
- Approved a request from Milton Hershey School to use the Sanctuary for a choral concert featuring the school’s Senior Division New Horizon singers on December 15 at 7 pm. Also approved use of Room 7B by the Cocoa Townes HOA to hold their annual meeting on December 4 at 6 pm.
- Giving continues to be below budget expectations. Expenses also continue to be less than the amounts budgeted, however, there will be large year end expenses in December.
- The Session is discussing restarting the traditional offering collection and greeting one another during Sunday worship services. Concerns include being able to recruit volunteers to perform ushering duties, when and how to include these items in the order of service, the impact of interrupting the livestreaming of the service, and congregational health. Discussions will continue.
- Approved Harrisburg’s Stop the Violence group as the recipient of Derry’s portion of the Christmas Joy Offering.
- Approved the addition of Peggy Ladd to the Derry Discovery Board, and DDD’s request to hold a winter fundraiser event on January 20 in Fellowship Hall. The event will include a pancake breakfast, crafts, and a silent auction. There will be a charge of approximately $20 per family to attend.
Derry Reaches Tiny House Goal!
November 22, 2023Congratulations and thank you, Derry! We have not only reached but exceeded our goal of $50,000 in support of the Veterans Outreach of Pennsylvania program to build 15 homes for veterans in the Harrisburg area. Construction of the community center is already under way and construction of the tiny home funded by Derry is expected to begin in January.
The excess funds will be held until the project is completed and then donated to VOPA to support some of the programs to be offered to the vets living in the village. Thank you for your support in helping our veterans to reintegrate into today’s society.

Dominican Republic Mission Trip: June 8-16, 2024
November 22, 2023Derry friends, make your plans now to be part of Derry’s annual mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Be part of an international group immersed in the local culture that helps to build a new home for a Dominican family. You’ll also have the opportunity and joy to assist with Bible School activities. Cost is $1,600 per person with payment due by March 8. For further information, contact Pete Feil.
Joy to the Burg Benefit Concert
This festive Christmas musical fundraiser brings together Central Pennsylvania artists rallying to help their neighbors facing homelessness: funds raised support our mission partner Christian Churches United. A family friendly event, this concert spotlights performers from the Joy to the Burg 2023 Christmas album. Tickets are $10, children 12 & under are FREE. Can’t make the concert? A CD is available at Karns. More info here.
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 11/26/23
November 22, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- What does it mean to you to say, “Christ is King”?
- One definition of power is force x velocity. Where have you seen power that uses force to achieve its aims?
- Another definition of power is work over time, what Eugene Peterson has called “a long obedience in the same direction.” What can you do relentlessly day after day to make a difference in this world?

Pam Whitenack • Chair, 300th Anniversary Committee
November 16, 2023All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:18

If you haven’t already heard or read about it, next year Derry Church will commemorate 300 years of being Presbyterian and witnessing to our faith in Christ. Planning has been under way for almost three years now. It is my hope that we will not only look back, but also celebrate who we are today and what we aspire to be in the future.
To that end, 2024 will be filled with opportunities to celebrate, to explore our history, and to fulfill our mission to proclaim God’s word, share God’s love, and practice God’s justice. The year-long celebration will feature events and educational opportunities to learn more about Presbyterian history and Derry Church’s past, special musical performances, church family gatherings, special mission projects and a rededication of our church cemetery, established in 1734.
Derry Church has a rich and sometimes uncomfortable history. To help us better understand our past, each month we will be sharing an essay in the weekly eNews that explores different aspects of our history.
Sadly, many of Derry Church’s earliest records were destroyed in a fire. At that time Derry did not have a pastor, the old Derry sanctuary had been torn down the preceding year and the Chapel was under construction. The church records had been moved to the attic of the Paxton Presbyterian Church manse, which caught fire on August 24, 1894. Without those records, it would be difficult to try and write a formal church history. Instead, our goal with these essays is to put Derry Church in context with a broader history of the region and the state.
Once a month our worship services will include a heritage moment focused on the monthly topic. On another Sunday each month, a heritage moment will focus on a profile of one of our saints buried in our cemetery.
An important part of the anniversary year will be the rededication of our cemetery. During the past two years, the cemetery has undergone a major restoration. Two of the cemetery walls were rebuilt, gravestones were repaired and straightened, and volunteers cleaned gravestones. The cemetery was regraded and reseeded. Plans are underway to rededicate the cemetery as part of our Homecoming Sunday celebration that will be held next fall.
The Adult Education sub-committee has developed a series of classes to explore the history of Native American and European settler relations during the 18th and 19th centuries. A series of five classes, one held each month as part of the Issues class, will be presented.
A learning tour to Lancaster County is planned to explore parts of our history that we might not know regarding Presbyterian and European settler relations with Native peoples. It is our hope that these opportunities to learn about our past will help us to ask questions about how we might respond to this history.
Pastor Stephen and his wife, Courtney, will offer classes to explore the Scottish and Irish origins of Presbyterianism and why Derry’s founders chose to settle here in Central Pennsylvania.
There will also be an opportunity for all Derry members to join together in reading a special book. Authored by Reverend David Latimer, A Leap of Faith: How Martin McGuinness and I Worked Together for Peace, is a memoir of how two men stepped out of their comfort zones to work together towards change and reconciliation in Derry, Northern Ireland. A variety of discussion groups will be created to explore this book. Reading and discussing the book will be a wonderful opportunity to prepare for the arrival next fall of the author, David Latimer, Derry’s homecoming weekend special guest.
Derry Church children are already exploring our church history through the growth and development of the church campus over the past 300 years. Through artwork and writing, the children are creating a Derry Church history picture book that will be available for sale in the fall of 2024. Monies raised will be directed towards mission as decided by the authors and artists. A group of 11 Derry teens will travel to Northern Ireland next July to participate in a week-long program at the Corrymeela Community to build peacemaking skills.
The 2024 Arts Alive season will feature a variety of concerts and performances. Of particular note will be a performance by the Paloma School of Irish Dance on April 7. On March 17, our Director of Music Dan Dorty will present a Hymn Festival, conducted by Linda Tedford, director of the Susquehanna Chorale. The year will conclude with the annual Christmas concert.
Music is an important part of Derry in worship and outreach. Derry Church has commissioned David Gambrell, a noted hymnist, to write a hymn in recognition of our 300th anniversary. The hymn will be added to the pew hymnals and be introduced on Heritage Sunday, April 28, 2024.
While friends and former members of Derry Church are always welcome, a special Homecoming celebration has been scheduled for the weekend of September 21-22. The Homecoming celebration will be an opportunity to invite past members, staff, and ministers to come and join in the celebration.
On Saturday night, September 21, a more formal ticketed dinner will be held with a keynote speaker and special program.
Sunday, September 22, 2024, will feature a special worship and homecoming reception following the 10:30 am service. Our special guest will be Reverend David Latimer, retired pastor of 1st Presbyterian Church, Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Reverend Latimer will be the keynote speaker for the Saturday evening event and will preach on Sunday.
Mission is at the core of Derry Church’s mission statement as we share God’s love and practice God’s justice. When we began making plans for how we might celebrate this significant milestone, the Anniversary committee asked the Mission & Peace Committee to propose a mission project that would reflect Derry’s commitment to serving others and sharing our abundant resources. In response, the Mission & Peace Committee proposed not one, but two projects: to support homeless veterans by funding the construction of a tiny home in a new community being created to support homeless veterans in Harrisburg, and to fund the construction of a new classroom for Logos Academy in Harrisburg. These two projects will allow Derry Church members to practice God’s justice and share God’s love, not only by sharing our financial resources but also participate in the construction.
At previous anniversary celebrations, a variety of commemorative items were created: plates at one time were very popular. For the 275th, a beautiful large print of the church was commissioned and a replica of a communion token was created. For this anniversary, we turned to blacksmith and former member, Mark Smith. As he has done for several years, Mark will create a Christmas ornament that will serve as our anniversary keepsake. Mark will use copper from downspouts and gutters that were replaced on Derry Church’s building. The ornaments will be offered for sale beginning next fall, with the money continuing to fund scholarships for students at the Sargodha Schools in Pakistan.
I hope everyone will be able to participate in one or more of the opportunities planned to celebrate and honor this significant milestone in our church’s history.
Spread the Joy, Share the Love!
November 15, 2023
From Sunday, Nov 26 through Sunday, Dec 3, join Derry Church as we spread the joy and share the love! In the Narthex outside Fellowship Hall, you can pick up our 2023 Advent devotional, “Home for Christmas,” and an Advent wreath liturgy booklet, and support our mission partners by:
- Bringing $25 Walmart gift cards for the racetrack ministry and Derry Township Social Ministries (you can take a reminder tag this Sunday, Nov 19 from a tree in the Narthex)
- Dropping off canned goods for the Hershey Food Bank.
- Supporting Allison Hill Community Ministry with donations of sweaters, blankets, coats and jackets for babies, youngsters, teens and adults. Used items in good condition gladly accepted.
- Taking a note card you can fill with cash or a gift card, then pay it forward to someone you meet who’s not expecting it.
Nov 2023 Financial Snapshot
November 15, 2023Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 10/31/23:
Income YTD: | $976,142 | $1,082,500 |
Expenses YTD: | $934,642 | $1,142,402 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | $41,500 | ($59,902) |
Looking for an Advent Bible Study?
November 15, 2023
You’re invited to join the Monday Morning Bible Study as they begin a new study for Advent: Not A Silent Night: Mary Looks Back At Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton. Questions? Contact Claudia Holtzman.
Longest Night Worship
November 15, 2023
Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be the first Christmas without a loved family member who has recently died; it may be a time that has always been difficult.
The constant refrain on radio and television, in shopping malls and churches, about the happiness of the season, about getting together with family and friends, reminds many people of what they have lost or have never had. The anguish of broken relationships, the insecurity of unemployment, the weariness of ill health, the pain of isolation – all these can make us feel very alone in the midst of the celebrating and spending. We need the space and time to acknowledge our sadness and concern. We need to know that we are not alone.
Our spirits sink, as the days grow shorter. We feel the darkness growing deeper around us. We need encouragement to live the days ahead of us. For these reasons, Derry offers Longest Night worship, led this year by Pastor Stephen.
Come and join with us in sharing and hearing prayers, scripture, communion and music that acknowledge that God’s presence is for those who mourn, for those who struggle – and that God’s Word comes to shine light into our darkness. Everyone is welcome.

Derry Day Trippers’ Christmas Dinner
November 15, 2023
The Day Trippers also do evenings, and you’re invited to join them after Derry’s Christmas concert for some Christmas fellowship! Those attending will order off the regular menu and everyone will pay for their own meal. RSVP to Sue Whitaker by Sunday, Dec 3.
Worship at Londonderry Village
November 15, 2023
Pastor Stephen will lead worship with communion, prayers, a meditation and carol singing, with organ accompaniment by Kathy Yingst. A time of fellowship follows the service. The Prime Timers have been invited to participate.
Cookie Walk Recipes Requested
November 15, 2023If you’d like to share your recipe for the cookies you’re bringing to the Cookie Walk on Dec 2, bring a copy of the recipe with your cookies. Recipes will be displayed with the cookies and people can take a photo or wait for a printed copy to be made available later.
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 11/19/23
November 15, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- Where do you see signs of hope in the world?
- How has God given you hope in your life?
- What do you hope for the world in the future?

Duncan Campbell • Chair, Stewardship & Finance Committee
November 9, 2023
Our stewardship theme this year is “God Gives.” God Gives. It’s a simple, yet powerful statement that undoubtedly has a different meaning to each of us. Two words. Boundless interpretation.
God gives us our health. God gives us food for our table and shelter over our heads. God gives us the sunrise and the sunset. These are just a few examples of the simple interpretation of this statement.
I have thought deeply this stewardship season about how God Gives to my family through Derry. I have the honor of serving as Derry’s Stewardship & Finance Committee Chair and my wife, Kristen, is a member of the Mission Committee. Our boys, James and Brooks, have grown up in this church and have been Pilgrims, members of the choir and participants in youth group. In fact, James will be traveling to Ireland next summer with other members of the youth group to study conflict and learn about reconciliation and peacemaking. What a tremendous experience this will be for him, and one that he would not have, if not for God’s giving through Derry.
God gives so much to our family through the opportunities afforded to us by our church. When the Mission committee began to consider how Derry might host a refugee family, none of us knew exactly what this effort might entail. Indeed, it has been an effort—a herculean effort–with so many individuals providing their time and energy to ensure a successful experience for the Haikal family from Syria. Kristen has enjoyed her time with Alaa; my kids have gotten to know the Haikal kids, spending time with them at HersheyPark and Adventure Sports. I can fully attest to the fact that while we have done our best to provide the Haikals with a loving home in Hershey, God has certainly given to us in the form of this beautiful family. We are better off as a family and as a church for this opportunity that God has given to us.
I encourage you to give some thought to how God gives through Derry; and by doing so, think through the importance of our gifts to Derry. As the stewardship campaign winds down for the year, the pledges that we make to Derry will determine the opportunities that Derry can provide us in the coming year, our 300th anniversary year as a church. It will be a significant year in the life of Derry Church, and we have the opportunity to help shape this milestone year through our individual gifts. To this end, please join us after church on Sunday, November 12 for a soup and salad lunch as we celebrate the many ways God Gives.
God gives in many wonderful ways, from the simple to the complex and everything in between. If you think about your own experience at Derry, maybe you have felt God’s imprint of giving through the wonderful acts of kindness and love that the church affords us. I know that we have, and this giving has meant so much to our family’s spiritual growth.
Derry Church’s Session has approved hiring Shawn Gray as our Director of Christian Education
November 8, 2023
We are excited to welcome Shawn to our ministry team as of December 1. He has many years of experience working with children and youth in a Christian Educator role, most recently at Paxton Presbyterian Church.
Shawn has completed seminary and all the requirements to be an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA). There are just a couple procedural things that need to be completed before he can accept a position as an ordained pastor. When those things are completed over the next few months, Shawn can then serve as our Associate Pastor for Christian Education.
This is a two-year contract position similar to the annual contract we had with Rev. Marie Buffaloe for many years. Please be in prayer for Shawn and Paxton Church through this transition. Shawn will bring energy, experience, knowledge, and passion to our Christian Education ministry and to Derry Church as a whole.
Shawn Gray grew up in the Pocono Mountains region, graduating from Messiah University with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministries with a Youth Focus and a minor in Adventure Education. He has served in camps, para-church ministries, behavioral health and rehabilitation services, and parish ministry for the past 20 years.
Shawn graduated from Lancaster Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity. He is married to Mollie and their family includes an eight-year-old son, Gideon; a five-year old daughter, Mercy, and two rescue dogs, Beryl and Rex. Shawn enjoys working with his hands doing automotive and home repair, going on adventures outdoors and traveling. He has been to Juarez, Mexico, South Africa/Swaziland (Eswatini), Scotland, Palestine (West bank)/Israel, and Canada. Shawn’s ministry inspirations are Mr. Rogers, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Apostle Paul.
Shawn says, “I am excited and honored to be invited to serve at Derry Church. If everyone whom I met so far is any reflection of the church as a whole, it will be a blessing to walk alongside the church and do the good work that God has in store for all of us.”
Donation Match Takes Us Within Reach of the Goal!
November 8, 2023A donor has matched up to $10,000 in donations given to Derry Church’s Tiny House project, so when we we add $10,000 to the $39,612 raised to date, we are less than $500 from our goal of raising $50,000 to build a tiny home for veterans in Harrisburg! Thanks, Derry!

Our Faith Community Nurse is Official!
November 8, 2023
In September, Derry’s Faith Community Nurse, Beckie Freiberg, erolled in the Westberg Institute’s Faith Community Nursing Course through the West Virginia University School of Nursing. Faith Community Nursing (FCN) is a recognized nursing specialty. The focus of this eight-week online class was on the Spiritual Dimension, Professionalism, Wholistic Health, and Community of the specialty.
Beckie learned much through the readings and videos, and interacted with fellow classmates through the discussion questions and meeting with the instructor via zoom. Beckie is delighted to report that she has completed the course and can now officially claim the title of FCN. Congratulations, Beckie! We are blessed to have you serving as Derry’s first Faith Community Nurse. Learn more about her role as Beckie leads next week’s Issues Class, 9:15 am Sunday, Nov 19 in room 7B and streaming.
Save the Date: Blood Drive
November 8, 20238:30 AM – 12:30 PM SUNDAY, DEC 3 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL
Derry’s annual blood drive is a few weeks away. Click here to sign up for your time slot or call 1-800-771-0059. Everyone who comes in to donate will receive a $5 Funcks’ gift card and two admission vouchers to the Pennsylvania Auto Show. Walk-ins also welcome.
2023 Christmas Concert: Gaudete!
“Gaudete” is a fancy word for “Rejoice,” and that’s what the singers and ringers will be doing plenty of at Derry’s 2023 Christmas concert. Featuring our Sanctuary Choir, Derry Ringers, harp and orchestra, you can look forward to hearing works including Angels Carol, In the Bleak Midwinter, Carol of the Bells, and opportunities for the audience to sing along on carols including Angels We Have Heard on High and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. Featured soloists include Nina Cline and Christyan Seay. Join us in rejoicing in the birth of our Savior this Christmas season!

Say Grace, then Gobble Up a Good Book from the Ruth Codington Library!
November 8, 2023According to author Virginia Kroll in one of our library’s children’s books, “there is no official biblical law or teaching in the church that instructs us to say grace before or after meals.” But we do, and many of us will come to the Thanksgiving table with many prayers of gratitude, awash with wonder at the sweetness of it all (from Three Gratitudes by Carrie Newcomer, a favorite of one of our staff members).
Ever wonder where our most loved prayers came from? Looking for ways to get better at praying? Curious how those in other cultures or religions express their thanks? The answers may just be on our library shelves!
Search the “Prayer” or “Thanksgiving” keyword in our online catalog. Or, stop in to browse the shelves where our collection of books about prayer are featured for you to borrow (the library is just inside Entrance #1). While you’re there, don’t forget to add your favorite Turkey Day foods and football predictions to the graffiti wall, then visit the staff shelf to get inspiration from their favorite mealtime prayers (one is an Eagle Scout favorite. Can you guess who has 3 in his or her family?)
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 11/12/23
November 8, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- Where do you see evidence of the world and lives being broken by violence, heartbreak, and despair?
- What can the church do to help heal, mend, and repair what is broken?
- What can you do and give to help the church in its mission to bring hope, peace, joy, and love into the world?

2nd annual International Friendsgiving: A Culturally Diverse To-Go Feast
November 8, 2023
Enjoy a sampling of five international dishes while helping to support Church World Services’ refugees and programs! Foods will be prepared from family recipes in a certified kitchen and may be reheated. The Syrian dish has been prepared by a member of the refugee family partnering with Derry Church.
Cost is $20/box which is a single serving. Order by Monday, Nov 11: read more and click here to order.
Participate in the PW Thank Offering
November 8, 2023The Presbyterian Women Thank Offering is being received through Nov 26. This offering provides grants with an emphasis on women and children and health issues. This year there are seven recipients. Six of the projects are national and one is international: building a health care facility in Zambia. Because of the distances people must travel, care is frequently delayed — one of the primary causes for mortality and morbidity in women and children. The new health center will provide full maternity services and primary care of children. It will have the added benefit of relieving the overcrowding and long wait times throughout rural eastern Zambia.
Thank you for your support of this offering. You may give online, place contributions in the offering boxes marked “Thank Offering,” or mail to the church office. We have so much to be thankful for, and your gifts will help share our abundance with the world.
Rev. Matthew Best • Pastor, Christ Lutheran Church, Harrisburg
November 2, 2023A young woman came to the door of Christ Lutheran Church and rang the bell. As I opened the door and greeted her, I could see the expression on her face: she was concerned and looked uncertain. And she was very pregnant. She spoke no English, and my Spanish is limited. Thanks to Google Translate, I was able to discern that she was looking for the medical outreach clinic and she was told that the church could help her. I escorted her to the entrance of the clinic and explained to her in my broken Spanish that she could talk with a nurse who could help her directly. As we entered the lobby which had other people waiting to be seen, I introduced her to the nurses who immediately took her under their wing to offer her care and support.
This is a typical day at Christ Lutheran Church and one of the biggest reasons I wanted to come to here. I serve as pastor of Christ Lutheran Church as well as the executive director of the health ministries. My background includes extensive history in politics and government, entrepreneurial coaching, and at a food pantry. During my previous call, our congregation did a variety of ministries with those who were unhoused and in poverty.
I want to thank Derry Church for being a crucial partner for the Health Ministries at Christ Lutheran Church, going back to 2017. I look forward to seeing that relationship grow and strengthen as we continue helping our neighbors in need.
The Health Ministries at Christ Lutheran Church include a free medical outreach clinic which is visited by an average of 800 people each month with an assortment of health needs. The clinic is staffed by nurses from Penn State Health who offer care and support for every person who enters the clinic. Because of partners like you, Christ Lutheran Church is able to ensure that the clinic has all the supplies it needs including non-prescription medication, bandages, socks and underwear, reader glasses, and more.
We also host a free dental clinic that takes place three times a month. The clinic is staffed by dentists in the area who volunteer their time and expertise, as well as dental assistants who are paid by the church to be onsite for the clinic. The dental clinic sees between 6-12 patients each time it is open, and the main focus is on people who are experiencing active pain, offering fillings as well as tooth extractions. Plans are in the works to expand the dental clinic by moving it to the first floor, which would give us the ability to add an additional chair and be able to see even more patients.
In January, we will be launching our newest clinic which we are calling “Healthy on the Hill.” One of our nurses recently became a Licensed Nurse Practitioner, giving her the ability to prescribe medication as well as refer people for tests. Much of the focus of this clinic will be working with people who have chronic conditions such as diabetes, which require more consistent medical attention and care for the patients’ wellbeing.
Along with these ministries, Christ Lutheran Church also partners with Harrisburg Area Community College. Every nursing and dental hygiene student in their respective programs spends at least one rotation through the clinics at the church. This means that students are getting important hands-on experience that helps shape their career. It’s been reported back to me from the instructors that the students’ time at the Health Ministries of Christ Lutheran Church are some of the most important and formative parts of their education.
Thank you for your partnership in this ministry. We could not do this without you, quite literally. Because of your support, so many people’s lives are positively impacted, and they can start to receive healing. You help make Christ Lutheran Church and the health ministries that happen here a special place of healing. Thank you!
Oct 2023 Session Highlights
November 1, 2023- Derry’s sponsored Scout troops will offer a Spaghetti Luncheon (eat in or take out) on Sunday, February 4, 2024 in Fellowship Hall following the 10:30 worship service. Derry members Dora Butler and Daniel Eisenhooth will be married Saturday, June 8, 2024 in the Chapel at 6 pm. Both building use requests were approved at the recent session meeting.
- The Session approved a proposal to engage the services of Achenbach & Curry to perform accounting and bookkeeping services and assist us with simplifying our financial system.
- The Treasurer again reported that September giving was below budget expectations. Expenses also continue to be less than the amounts budgeted.
- Derry Discovery Days would like to add play equipment to the outdoor playground. They have proposed purchasing a climb and slide structure suitable for children between the ages 2-5 years. DDD will pay all costs associated with the purchase and installation using proceeds from recent fundraisers and pandemic funding given to childcare centers. The project was approved.
- The Session received an audit report of Derry’s financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2022 from Boyer & Ritter, LLC. No significant issues were encountered by the auditors in reviewing our financial records.
- Rev. Ira Reed’s children contacted Pastor Stephen to request approval to be buried in Derry’s Cemetery. Given their association with Derry and the fact that space is available, the request was granted. The interested parties are William and Ann (Reed) Rundorff, Jim and Kathleen Reed, and Barbara Reed.
- The Derry 300 Committee submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to contract with River Valley Landscapes to install a pond and appropriate landscaping adjacent to the Derry Church spring pump house, which is located on the adjacent Hershey Country Club fairway. The project will re-create the original spring pond that was critical to the early Derry Church settlers. The cost of the landscaping is $10,500 and will come from the Derry 300 Anniversary fund. The pond will be accompanied by a mural painted on the pump house featuring early settlers gathered around the spring. An informational sign is also planned to be installed on the edge of the church parking lot explaining the significance of the spring to members and visitors. Hershey Entertainment & Resorts and the Country Club have approved the project with the Country Club agreeing to assume responsibility for maintenance of the pond following construction. The Session requested additional information from the committee including whether Derry Township approval and any permits will be required. The project will be discussed with session committees and a vote taken at a later meeting after receiving the requested information.
2023 Keepsake Ornament
November 1, 2023Presenting Derry’s 2023 keepsake ornament handcrafted by blacksmith Mark Smith! These charming metal tree ornaments are 3″ wide by 2″ high and cost $15 each.
On Nov 5 and Sundays in November, you can purchase ornaments in the Narthex after both services. Stop by the church office during the week and ask for Sue George.
Proceeds fund scholarships for students who attend Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan. Only 150 ornaments have been made, so don’t wait to get yours and add to (or start) your collection.

Join the Party as Pakistan Schools Celebrate 25 Years of Denationalization
November 1, 202312 PM SATURDAY, DEC 2 IN ROOM 7
Derry friends, you’re invited to a “Zoom Party” to celebrate 25 years since the denationalization of Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) schools in Pakistan. We’ll connect online with PEB’s Executive Director Veda Gill and other staff members as they share stories and pictures of the past and dreams for the future.
We’ll participate using Derry Church’s Zoom Room as we gather with PEB supporters from all over the US to celebrate this important milestone.
Bring your lunch. Cookies & beverages will be provided. If you can’t attend at Derry in person, you’re welcome to join the party on Zoom.
Fall Raking and Outdoor Cleanup
November 1, 20234 PM FRIDAY, NOV 10 & 17, 2023
8 AM TO FINISH SATURDAY, NOV 11 & 18, 2023
Bring your rakes and join the Gardeners of Derry to work outdoors preparing the church grounds for the winter. Pickup trucks and wheelbarrows are welcome and appreciated.
Place Your Order for Poinsettias
November 1, 2023It’s time to order poinsettia plants that will brighten the church during the Advent season. After Christmas, you’re invited to take your poinsettias home to enjoy for weeks to come. A single plant is $13 and baskets are $32. Order forms are available at the insert rack in the Narthex. Deadline: Sunday, Dec 10.
2023 Cookie Walk & Jumbles Shop
Start looking for that special cookie recipe! Derry Church families are encouraged to donate at least one batch of homemade cookies (2-4 dozen or more). Drop off on Friday, Dec 1 or by 9 am on Saturday. Include a label with name of the cookie. If cookies contain nuts, peanut butter or almond extract and the name does not reflect that ingredient, please list that information on the label.
Cookies are sold by the pound. Proceeds support Presbyterian Women’s mission goal for 2024. Contact Doris Feil to volunteer to set up on Friday or sell cookies on Saturday.
Jumbles Shop donated items are restricted to jewelry, nice Christmas decorations, collectibles, and items suitable for gifts, all in good condition. Items can dropped off in Room 7A from Nov 20-30.