Month: October 2023
Natalie Taylor • Derry member
October 26, 2023
I am so incredibly lucky to have grown up in Derry Presbyterian Church. The number of opportunities I have been given from when I was in elementary school in Pilgrim Fellowship to now as a college senior have been so numerous. I remember in Pilgrim Fellowship being lucky to have opportunities like going out to the apple orchard together, having lock-ins, and shopping together for our Giving Tree gifts. It was the little gatherings that really showed me God’s love in big ways.
As I got older, I joined Youth Group and started to go on trips! The first trip I ever went on was our Philadelphia missions’ trip in 2017. I was a freshman in high school, and I was very nervous to go on this trip. It was the first time I had ever been on a trip like this on my own. However, that trip opened a door to a new part of my life, traveling and serving. I am so grateful that Derry continued to give us trips to go on after that, like Montreat and Triennium! Each trip has helped me grow in God’s love and show his love to others. Because of these trips I was able to continue my love of serving by going to Poland on a service trip in 2022 and going to Italy this past summer to work with refugees! I am also excited to be able to go on a trip to Ireland next summer to learn about our church and grow in my faith while we’re there.
Derry truly provides so many opportunities to grow and share God’s love, and it’s important to appreciate them and take those opportunities. You may never know the kind of impact it can make in your own life.
October 2023 Financial Snapshot
October 25, 2023Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 9/30/23:
Income YTD: | $894,650 | $974,250 |
Expenses YTD: | $857,034 | $1,028,161 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 37,616 | ($53,911) |
Treasurer’s note: We are $91,527 below our projected budget. However we are $79,600 below our projected income. YTD our actual income-expenses is $37,616.
Kathy & Ron Hetrick • Derry Members
October 19, 2023
Pastor Stephen asked Ron and me to write this article for the eNews reflecting on how we can relate to the theme “God Gives,” which has been chosen for the Fall stewardship emphasis this year.
Carrying out this request actually gave us the opportunity to stop and reflect on the many many gifts that we have received from God, especially since joining Derry Church in May 2022.
During my lifetime, I have developed a theory that has been proven over and over again. Ron teases me about my commitment to it, but he has seen real results many times…whenever we engaged in acts of “giving to others” (of our time, talents, money or other resources) we have been rewarded many times over in one way or another. I truly believe that God has provided us with our needs (and then some) because we have been among the “givers” of life. [You have heard, I’m sure, that humans are sometimes classified as “givers” or “takers”.] We have come to believe that because God first gave to us… in response, and in trying to follow His example, we give to others – which results in us being rewarded with good feelings and/or positive outcomes in return.
Throughout our lives, God has provided Ron and me with choices to make, which, because of our choices, led us in directions that have been good for us. One of the choices he gave us in 2021 and 2022, was to come to Derry and eventually join this congregation.
We have found that the Derry congregation, as an entity, could definitely be classified as “a giver.” We developed this premise from our very first encounters with the church and its members, and continue to feel this way today, as exemplified by –
The friendliness and genuine caring that we have received from those we encounter at whatever church activity we attend…
The manner in which members (and their friends and family) are prayed for, and provided with visits, prayer shawls, meals, transportation, grief support, and whatever compassionate care is needed and/or appropriate…
The myriad of opportunities provided by the church for individuals to utilize their interests, skills and God-given talents, as well as the utilization of the resources of the congregation to serve others through the diverse programs that Derry has designed to reach out to the community…
The sense of belonging and accomplishment that we have felt by being active with the Sanctuary Choir under the leadership and care of Dan Dorty…
The detailed planning by the staff, and active participation by congregational members, that we have observed, which results in the coordination of every aspect of each worship service to make it flow smoothly and reverently…
The attention paid by the Session members to appropriately carry out the responsibilities of the governing body of this church, particularly in the area of personnel changes and needs…
The passionate dedication to, as well as the resources solicited and committed to, mission projects — which span ages, socioeconomic circumstances, geographic locations and various categories of societal needs… and,
The way in which Pastor Stephen reminds us of our responsibilities to God to carry out God’s plans (for this congregation, our community and this world in general), through our actions and interactions.
At Derry we have observed the congregation’s stated mission in action: God’s word is proclaimed, God’s love is shared, and there is a conscious effort to practice justice in God’s name. In response to what God has given to Derry Church, the extensive programming is the congregation’s gift to each other.
We are thankful that God has given us the opportunity to worship and interact with the members of Derry Church, and by doing so, to “give back to God” by sharing God’s love with others through the many loving efforts of this congregation.
Sign Up for the Soup & Salad Lunch
Stay after church on Stewardship Sunday for a delicious soup & salad lunch (plus fun-for-all ages entertainment led by Pastor Stephen!) No charge to attend: just help us out with your RSVP so we can have plenty of chairs and tables ready. You’re invited to bring something sweet for the dessert buffet.

Welcome Our Guest Organist, Mark O’Hearn
October 18, 2023
There is such a rich musical heritage in the history of the faith. I look forward to exploring that with the choirs and congregation, and am grateful and excited to be a part of the music ministry at Derry while Dan Dorty takes a short leave of absence. I believe J.S. Bach said it best: “Where there is devotional music, God is always at hand with His gracious presence.” — Mark O’Hearn
Mark been involved in sacred music from an early age. Mark has recently held position as the Director of Music at St. Pauls Episcopal Church, Bloomsburg. A native of Ashland, Mark resides in the coal region with his family. In his free time, Mark enjoys disc golf and gardening.
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 10/22/23
October 18, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- Have you ever been given a gift that had a bit of danger to it, like a knife? How did you react and treat that gift?
- How have you seen and experienced money beiing used for faithful and good purposes? What about for negative purposes?
- We shouldn’t just spend our money on what IS important to us, but what SHOULD be important to us. What should be more important in your life than it currently is?

Dick Hann • Derry Member
October 12, 2023
When Elise and I moved back to the Hershey area in the mid 1960s, we were looking for a church home where we could raise our family in a caring church, a place where we could grow our faith through worship, mission, music and the youth program. We found that at Derry and started our journey in 1968.
After several years, I was ordained as an Elder and joined the Worship Committee. In the early 1970s the Vietnam war was a contentious time for the youth and adults. The Worship Committee got the youth involved in plays and musicals starting in 1971. It was expanded with adults and youth, not only from the congregation but the community who participated in plays and full musicals. This was the start of the Vesper Series, which later began ARTS ALIVE! We continue today to praise God through music and the arts with ARTS ALIVE! thanks to the support of our congregation and the community.
Elise and I had a number of opportunities to travel with the Derry travel group over the years. One of the most emotional trips was to Israel, where we had communion at the tomb, walked where Jesus walked, and touched the Jordan river where Jesus was baptized. Another trip was taking a journey in parts of Europe to many of the early biblical sites and tracing how Christianity spread throughout the world. In 1999 we traveled to Northern Ireland, where we traced our Derry heritage and witnessed reconciliation in that area.
We know that all of the programs at Derry require participation and finances. The foundation for my wanting to help others started when I was 10 years old. The church I grew up in was looking for a family to adopt in Germany after WWII and help them to recover. My family adopted a family of five in Germany. Although we were a family of six children, we would send a care package to the family every three months for several years. Still, today I remember that act as forming my future giving ministry.
Over the years Elise and I supported Derry with our time and money as best we could. We filled out the envelopes each week for many years before changing to online giving.
Elise was one who worked behind the scenes. She helped me prepare communion for over 25 years. She cut the bread while I filled the cups, then she would check to see that everything was just right on the communion table.
Elise’s journey at Derry ended earlier this year, but her journey continues with the Lord. We appreciate the caring congregation we have at Derry for the many cards and prayers, and for the choir coming to our home and singing hymns for Elise. We also appreciated the comfort provided by the caring people of Hospice who saw us through this difficult time.
We were blessed to find a church home that provides so many ways to grow our faith — through worship and many programs, and through our strong mission focus locally and around the world.
Prime Timers Offers “CarFit” Sessions
CarFit is a FREE, interactive and educational program that teaches participants how to make the vehicle they’re driving “fit” them to increase safety, visibility, and mobility.
- Review 12 key areas of your fit to your car, such as adequate space from the steering wheel, proper seat belt use, and properly adjusted head restraints.
- Learn how to use and adjust your safety devices.
- Each checkup takes about 20 minutes. This is not a driving test or mechanical inspection.
Two Derry Church Alerts
October 11, 2023- The steps connecting the parking lot behind Fellowship Hall to the lot along Mansion Road will be under construction over the next few weeks so a ramp with a railing can be installed. This is part of the drainage project that will be under way behind Fellowship Hall from mid-October to mid-November. Note that weekday parking spaces may be limited.
- There will be no Terrific Tuesday dinner or children’s programming on Oct 31 (trick or treat) or Nov 21 (Thanksgiving week).
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 10/15/23
October 11, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- How would you fill in the blank: God gives ____________________________________________?
What has God given you? - Have you ever seen someone at an event hold up a sign which reads John 3:16? Why do you think they are doing this? If someone does not know the Bible, what might they think the sign means?
- Nicodemus visits Jesus at night. Is it easier for you to ask hard questions at nighttime? Before you go to sleep, have you ever asked God a hard question? What question did you ask?

Jane Robertson • Derry Member
October 5, 2023Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for that month. In October we’re lifting up the 2023 CROP Walk, one way we can take action to care for hungry people in our community and around the world. This message written by Jane first appeared as a feature article in the 2011 eNews and is just as relevant today as it was 12 years ago.

Post worship fellowships, Terrific Tuesdays, corn roasts, cookie walks: these are just a few of the food-related events that we enjoy here at Derry Church. We sure do love to eat!
Fortunately for us, food is abundant. But that’s not the case for many people around the globe, as well as here in the United States. Worldwide, over a billion people are hungry – half of them are children. In the U.S. more than 36 million do not get enough to eat.
Sometimes when I hear troubling statistics such as these, I wonder what can I possibly do to make a difference? Perhaps you, too, have had similar thoughts. Well, one thing we can do is to make a commitment to participate in the 38th Annual Hershey/Hummelstown Crop Hunger Walk on Sunday, October 22.
Top reasons why you should support this walk:
- It is great exercise – a lovely 5k walk on the grounds of the Milton Hershey School.
- It is a family- friendly/pet-friendly mission event.
- It is an opportunity to socialize with folks from the community.
- Your donation will help meet our community goal of raising $10,000.
- In past years we’ve had as many as 60 walkers. With your participation, Derry could top that number this year.
- 25% of the money raised stays in our community to support local food banks
- 75% of the money raised is used by Church World Service to feed hungry people around the globe.
It is the Christian thing to do.
…if you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noon day.
(Isaiah 58:10)
Ok, now that I have convinced you to participate, here is what you need to know to get started:
- Mark your calendar and join the Walk on Sunday, October 22 at 2 pm on the Milton Hershey School grounds.
- Invite family, friends, and leashed pets to join you.
- Request donations from family, friends, and neighbors.
- Register for the walk online or at the registration table in the Narthex on Oct 8, 15, and 22 between services and after the 10:30 am service. Registration and donations will also be accepted at the CROP Walk. Look for the registration table near the start line.
- Make a donation: you can give online or make checks payable to CWS/CROP.
- Contact Marilyn Koch, Carl Rohr, or me if you have questions.
That’s it. Simple! So mark your calendar, recruit your family and friends, lace up your sneakers, and let’s all help to end hunger – one step at time.
New Member Classes Begin
The fall series of New Member Discovery Classes gives you the opportunity to learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church, and discover how you’d like to share your talents in the life of the church. You’ll also meet staff and leaders over the course of four weeks and tour the church. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Dec 3.
Registration is appreciated by not required: sign up online or call the church office (717-533-9667).
Racetrack Meal: Volunteers and Desserts Needed
On the last Monday of the month we’re feeding the back-of-the-track workers at Penn National racetrack. Derry’s Hospitality Coordinator, Loretta Chubb, will provide the main course. Desserts are needed, along with your good help to serve the meal.
Contact Marilyn Koch (717-503-6248) to sign up.
Site Visit: Veteran’s Tiny House
October 4, 2023- MEET 9:15 AM SATURDAY, OCT 14 AT DERRY CHURCH
- TOUR FROM 10-11 AM
Here’s your chance to see and inspect the site where Derry Church will be building one of the Tiny Houses for Veterans next year! Participants MUST wear boots or closed toe shoes and RSVP to Jim Kroh.
Scroll down to read more details on the Tiny Homes for Veterans project.
In October, Search for a Scarily Good Mystery in the Church Library
October 4, 2023This month in the library, indulge in the spooky feel of the season while you search for clues in one of our mysteries.
🔍 Grab a series title devoted to your favorite detectives: Chief Inspector Gamache (by Louise Penny), Blanche White (by Barbara Neely), or Brother Cadfael (by Ellis Peters)
🔍 Have a brush with the ghostly beyond in Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca
🔍 Be inspired by surprising sleuths like Perveen Mistry in The Widows of Malabar Hill, Lily Connor in Earth Has No Sorrow, or the septuagenarian crew in The Thursday Murder Club
🔍 Experience the twists and turns of Paula Hawkins’ psychological thriller, The Girl on the Train
🔍 Try a tangled tale set in our backyard in Picoult’s Plain Truth or Clark’s Shadows of Lancaster County
Our children’s section is also full of mystery in October as we highlight the many questions on our shelves. Find out Where Does God Live? What Color is Love? What Does the Sky Say? and Does God Know How to Tie Shoes? Come read with your kiddos on our comfy rug or take some titles home.
Search the “Mystery” keyword or find titles anytime in our online catalog. Or, stop in to browse the shelves (the library is just inside Entrance #1). While you’re there, don’t forget to add a riddle to the new graffiti wall or follow the clues to figure out our staff members’ favorite books and characters.
You’re Invited: Logos Experience
The Logos Experience is an hour-long opportunity to experience Logos Academy Harrisburg and see what a quality and compassionate education in a Christ-centered environment looks like. The morning includes breakfast (fruit, coffee, pastry) with students followed by a school tour and a brief presentation about the mission and vision of our mission partner, Logos Academy Harrisburg. Bring your questions! Registration is required: go to Can’t attend on Oct 20? Click the registration link for alternate dates.
Candle Elves Needed on Christmas Eve
October 4, 2023The candles that make our Christmas Eve services magical won’t be ready without help from a team of volunteers. Sometime in November, the candle holders are cleaned and inspected, and short ones are replaced. On Christmas Eve, tubs of candles the tubs are placed at the entrances to the Sanctuary and the candles are handed out at each service. After the final service, the candles are returned to their tubs and taken to the attic. Will you be one of the volunteers who prepares our candles this year? Contact Cindy DeMuth.
Sunday Sermon Conversation Starters: 10/8/23
October 4, 2023You are invited to ponder and discuss the following questions with your family, with small groups and committees, or on your own so what happens in worship can follow you, inspire you, and guide you throughout the week:
- Do you remember an important call (a phone call, letter, invitation, offer) you have received ? What happened because of that call?
- Frederick Buechner says “The place God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deepest hunger meet.” Where is that place for you?
- The calling of God reflects the generosity of God because it declares that our lives matter and how we live matters. In one sentence how would you explain to someone how God calls you to live?

LOVE INC Community Auction
October 4, 2023Come have some fun bidding on quality items while raising funds for Love INC of Greater Hershey! Bidding opens at 10 am Thursday, Oct 19 and closes at 8 pm Tuesday, Oct 24. Scan the QR code or click here to register and learn more. All proceeds benefit the programs of Love INC of Greater Hershey.