Month: July 2023
Julie Miller • Derry Member
July 27, 2023
“We proclaim God’s word, share God’s love, and practice God’s justice.”
These are familiar words to those of us who are members of Derry Church. However, I believe that the words that often follow our mission statement are absolutely as important, and they are the reasons that we can boldly act on our mission.
“…through being an inquiring, inviting, and inclusive Christ-centered community.”
In 2004 when I moved with my young family from Virginia to Hershey, one of the most important things for us to do was find a home in a community of faith. As one does when moving to another area, I began attending Sunday mornings at different churches. I will never forget the sense of welcome that I felt at Derry on that first Sunday. Not only were so many members friendly and kind during the passing of the peace, but afterward several folks came to say hello to me and my two young daughters (it is hard to believe that Gillian and Rachael were four years old and one year old when we arrived here). Then one day later that week as I was unpacking boxes in our new house, there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, there were two smiling people standing on my porch, thanking me for attending church the prior Sunday. Then they offered me a delicious loaf of Irish soda bread. I had never had such a warm welcome from any other church.
The community of Derry Church is so much more than people who all attend the same church. Not unlike prehistoric humans who discovered that once they lived together they also shared each other’s work and joys and sorrows, we who worship together at Derry experience very much the same support of one another. But it doesn’t stop there. Derry allows us to grow together in place, and out into the broader community of our town, and our state, and in the world.
I have found that it is so important to be a part of the programming of our church, because in these acts of service we also find community that perhaps we didn’t know we were missing. Over the years, the communities that have meant the most to me (and in fact, drew me to the church initially) were children’s ministries, and music. But my daughters and I have been fortunate to serve in other ways too, and all along the way we also felt nurtured and loved.
I encourage all of us to continue to listen to God’s call to us to share God’s word and love, and to practice God’s justice. Be inquiring: ask what you can do to be a part of mission and ministry. Share ideas you have to serve others. Be inviting: welcome newcomers to our church community, and be a model for Christ’s love in all that you do. Be inclusive and share community: bring about positive change, and show love to our neighbors – all our neighbors.
Derry Church, thank you for the faithful and loving community that you are for me, my family, and so many others throughout the world. I look forward to worshiping and serving our communities with you for many years to come.
Bell Tower Renovations Under Way
July 26, 2023

Work is under way this month in the Chapel bell tower, where crumbling masonry is being fixed, brickwork around the windows is being repaired, and old wooden ladders are being replaced with ship’s ladder stairs. An old motor and bellows for the pipe organ that used to be in the Chapel have already been removed.
Racetrack Meal: Volunteers and Food Needed
On Monday we’re feeding the back-of-the-track workers at Penn National racetrack. Derry’s Hospitality Coordinator, Loretta Chubb, is providing the main course. Desserts and a watermelon are needed to round out the meal, along with two gallons of lemonade and two gallons of iced tea, and your good help to serve the meal.
Contact Marilyn Koch (717-503-6248) to sign up.
Join an Easy Arthritis Class on Zoom
When it comes to managing arthritis discomfort and pain, studies have shown that “motion is lotion.” Join Derry member Sandy Morales, a certified arthritis exercise instructor who has been teaching the class for 14 years. She will guide you through a series of gentle exercises designed to take your joints through their range of motion.
Most of these exercises are done seated in a chair. An important goal of the class is fall prevention. Strength and balance exercises are included which will help you to prevent a fall. No special exercise equipment is required: just have some light hand weights or even small water bottles or soup cans handy for the strength training exercises, along with water to drink to keep yourself well-hydrated.
Chicken BBQ Benefits Hope Within
July 26, 2023Our mission partner — Hope Within Community Health, Counseling & Dental Center — is having their annual chicken BBQ fundraiser! Nolt’s BBQ from Manheim prepares a delicious, slow-cooked, charcoal-grilled ½ chicken in the “Amish style.” The meal also includes a baked potato, applesauce, roll, butter and a drink. Order at the link below by Aug 1 and pickup 11 am – 1 pm Saturday, Aug 12 at Hope Within, 4748 Harrisburg Pike, Elizabethtown. There’s also an option to purchase meals for Hope Within patients. Click to order

Derry Church Seeks a Treasurer
July 20, 2023Our church treasurer, Craig Kegerise, has expressed his need to resign from the position. We thank Craig for all his work and service to Derry Church.
We are now in the process of identifying a new church treasurer. If we cannot find a volunteer, we may have to outsource or hire for the position.
The person selected as treasurer will be very familiar with accounting practices, bookkeeping, and financial software. Click to view the position description.
Contact Pastor Stephen if you have questions or are interested in applying.
Lauren June • Derry member
July 20, 2023
Church libraries were never something that caught my attention. Growing up, the library in our church was just a big room our parents used for meetings. I remember liking the soft carpet and thinking the wallpaper was weird. I don’t remember ever checking out a book or considering the possibility.
In my six years at Derry Church, I had a similar relationship with its library. No weird wallpaper, but it was just sort of there. A space I crossed through to get to other places or maybe stopped in to use the tables or soft chairs. I grabbed a couple Faithful Readers titles when I couldn’t find them at other libraries, but never looked or borrowed beyond that. Besides, the books had to contain heavy religious topics that would depress me, confuse me, or put me to sleep, right?
A library epiphany was coming.
It was January, and Tuesday night fellowship was bustling. The parents had a few hours to wait, and I realized idle hands could be doing something helpful. I asked committees and staff for things we could do.
One evening, Kristy Elliott approached me and asked if we’d be willing to do something to promote the library. She is part of the library committee (did you know there was such a thing? I didn’t!) and they had been working diligently to modernize and zhuzh up the space and its collection. Now they needed people to notice. Why not? I could throw together some signs and face some books with neat looking covers out towards the passersby.
Since it was almost February, I decided to focus on books about Love. I googled famous literary love quotes and was pleasantly surprised that our library contained many of the titles and authors I was seeing. C.S. Lewis, Maya Angelou, Anthony Doerr, Jane Austen, J.K. Rowling, Elie Wiesel, Dr. Seuss, the list went on and on.
I became well acquainted with our online catalog, which I didn’t realize had been featured on the homepage of Derry’s website all along. It holds electronic, searchable records of EVERY title and produced 55 titles for my “love” keyword search. I was impressed.
I quickly realized this library space wasn’t just a few dusty old books about the Protestant Reformation. There was good stuff there, and lots of it! Biographies, poetry, new fiction, local history, cookbooks, children’s picture books. Books for everyone, even lovers of literary fluff like me. And the shelves on religion weren’t just full of dated or overly cerebral topics (but those are there too if that’s your bag). There are stories and studies of faith from varied perspectives. And not just our protestant faith, but of religious thoughts from around the globe.
Heck with those few signs I promised Kristy. People needed to get in here to see this, to check out these books that Kristy, Courtney McKinney-Whitaker, and Chris Gawron had so lovingly gathered and organized for us. This stay-at-home mom/professional volunteer, lover of Derry Church, quirky theme and décor enthusiast (and creator of self-imposed titles) would be the (un)official Ruth Codington Lending Library Advocate. And I would drench that library in eye-catching thematic fun so it would blend into the background no more!
My initial promise of two monthly themes has turned into seven, and I have plans for more. I am having a great time decorating, featuring book categories, and actually reading what I recommend (our book on Phillis Wheatley is pretty great. Thanks, biography month).
I love watching books disappear off the shelves, seeing congregation members interacting with the space, and getting to know the staff better when they graciously answer my questions for the Staff Shelf. And who isn’t loving the anticipation of what the library-user-driven sermon is going to be when the summer reading challenge winner is crowned?!
The library has reminded me about the greatness of our building and its people. Our building has an amazing book collection, a room full of yarn, gardens to tend, bells to ring, children to teach, a nook stocked with free greeting cards, a full kitchen that produces tons of food and fellowship. There is something for everyone in these walls, a bounty we are so lucky to have. Explore it. It’s for you.
And while you’re at it, talk to the people you find. They’re great, and interesting, and you’ll probably find someone that will enrich your life somehow. That small interaction with Kristy last January gave me a fun new purpose, new knowledge, new insight, and new friends. I love being a part of this place and its people.
What a gift we have in our library. A quiet space to sit or visit with others. A place where kids can play and read together. Walls of diverse titles that entertain and inform us and remind us that it’s ok to doubt, to question, and to imagine. It is yet another reminder that we strive to be an open minded, curious, welcoming group here at Derry Church. You will know we are Christians by our love, AND by our cool set of books.
July 2023 Financial Snapshot
July 19, 2023Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 6/30/23:
Income YTD: | $636,677 | $649,500 |
Expenses YTD: | 663,531 | 685,441 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | (26,854) | (35,441) |
Treasurer’s note: June income again fell short of budget, but expenses were also below budget
Sanctuary Guild Teams Needed
July 19, 2023Derry Church’s Sanctuary Guild teams come over to the church every other week to make sure supplies in the pew racks are restocked and the pews are tidy.
More teams are needed to get the job done on a regular basis. Sign up as a single and we’ll pair you with someone, or sign up as a couple. Either way, you decide when to come in on your scheduled week. This job takes about an hour. Contact Kathy Yingst or Pastor Stephen for more information and to sign up.
Worship Celebrating Our Covenant with Animals
In celebration of all of God’s creatures and their presence in our lives, Derry Church offers its 16th annual worship service that includes a hands-on blessing of animals and the people with whom they live. Animals on leash, in a kennel, or otherwise controlled are invited to attend along with their owners. Praise songs and hymns, prayer and a brief meditation are also a part of the worship service. Dress casual.
You’re invited to bring donations for the Humane Society as an outreach to those who help care for animals in need of help and homes. Click for a list of most-needed items.

Learn Japanese Swordsmanship
July 19, 2023Derry member Bob Foster is offering classes in Japanese swordsmanship on Wednesday evenings in Fellowship Hall. Derry members may take lessons free of charge (excludes the cost of basic gear). To learn more, click here or text Bob at 931-444-9394.

Classroom Renovations Under Way
July 19, 2023Renovations are under way this week in Rooms 4 and 5 on the lower level. The wall between the two classrooms has been removed to create a large space for Tuesday evening programming, KIWI and other large group uses. The folding wall between rooms 7A and 7B will be removed and placed here so that Rooms 4 and 5 can also be stand-alone classrooms when needed.

Roger Zimmer • Property Manager
July 13, 2023
As Property Manager, I am proud to partner with Derry Church’s team of great volunteers that work with me and other staff to continually improve and maintain the church property and buildings.
Since last year, many projects have been completed and even more have been started:
- Late last fall we completed the dismantling and total rebuild of approximately 150 feet of the stone wall surrounding the cemetery that was leaning and falling apart.
- The Session House, built in 1732 as a log cabin meeting place, has been leaning for probably over 100 years, and the bottom log on the north side had rotted. The Building and Grounds committee and others had concerns about it. We hired British Masonry and Restoration, a local specialty contractor, to stabilize the structure. The heavy old brick chimney sitting in the attic was removed and the north wall was lifted to allow the base of the wall to move out approximately nine inches. The bottom rotted log was replaced with an 1800s log beam, and it was supported with limestone slabs. The west wall had supports added and was re-sided with aged barn siding. This will protect the future of this historic structure for a hundred years or more.
- The second phase of the spouting and gutter guard project has been completed with only one more phase to complete the entire building.
- I have worked closely with other committees on projects like upgrading all the signs outside the building and adding the Zoom Room to room 7. With that project we also moved the large screen to Fellowship Hall to make presentation setups much easier in that space.
- The building known to most of us as the Scout House at the rear of the property needed maintenance and repair. We contracted to have a portion of the stone basement wall repaired that was near falling apart, then we had all the wood siding repaired and the exterior painted. Now the building has many more decades of life ahead.
We are always looking at short- and long-term needs and planning the best fix for the problem. A few current projects include the improvement of rainwater drainage in front of the Chapel and the whole rear of the building: that will happen this fall. A contractor is set to repair the inside of the Chapel bell tower and add a safe stair/ladder for future inspection and maintenance of the bell.
We are also adding and improving the lighting in the atrium library to make this a more welcoming reading area.
Next week rooms 4 and 5 will be opened up into one large room as requested by Christian Education. Contractors will move the folding wall from 7AB into rooms 4 and 5 to allow flexible use of that space. The space where the dividing wall was stored in 7AB will become a storage closet.
Derry Church Grocery Bags Available Now
July 12, 2023Come and get your Derry Church reusable shopping bag on Sunday, July 16! The bags were created in a collaboration with the Communications & Technology Committee (CTC) and our Vacation Bible School leaders. All children who participated in VBS will take home their projects tonight in one of these sturdy Derry Church branded bags.
The CTC ordered plenty of extras so you can have one free of charge, to help promote Derry Church in the community as you do your shopping and errands. Bags will be available for pickup at the welcome table in the Narthex as long as supplies last. One per family, please.

Awesome VBS Volunteers!
July 12, 2023
Three cheers to this amazing group of volunteers who led Derry’s “A Place at the Table” Vacation Bible School this past week. Click to see photos from this fun and busy week.
This year’s Vacation Bible School explored how meaningful, healing, comforting and encouraging it can be to have “A Place at the Table.” Participating families donated to Derry’s mission partners that help everyone feel like they have “A Place at the Table.” Now church families are invited to support our mission partners by bringing items to worship on Sunday or dropping off at the church office by Thursday, July 20. Items needed:
Hershey Food Bank: Canned meats, soups, peanut butter, rice, shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste
Grantville Racetrack Ministry: Reusable water bottles
Gather the Spirit: Financial donations
Downtown Daily Bread: Men’s & women’s underwear, dark colored socks and disposable razors
Items may be placed on the chancel and financial donations may be placed in the secure donation boxes outside the kitchen and office suite. Mark your checks or envelopes “VBS Missions.”
Presbyterian Women Seek Volunteers for August Gathering at Derry Church
Volunteers are needed to host the Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Carlisle: a pianist for the morning session, ushers/people directors, and a clean-up crew, plus set-up helpers (1 pm Friday, Aug 18) and lunch prep & servers (10 am – 2 pm).
Contact Doris Feil to volunteer.
The afternoon program will be a presentation on Derry Church’s refugee resettlement experience.
Derry Dads Axe Throwing #2
Due to popular demand, the Derry Dads have scheduled another axe throwing event. All men welcome to attend.

Sign Up for the Corn Roast!
This year’s corn roast features delicious corn on the cob roasted over hot coals, plus hot dogs and soft drinks. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
There’s a pond for fishing (bring your own gear) and plenty of activities and games for all ages to enjoy.
The corn roast is free. Your RSVP is required by Aug 8 to help the Leader family prepare for this large all-church event. Please fill out the form below to register.
If you’d like to make a donation to help offset the cost of the corn roast, you can do so at the event.
Need directions? Call the church office: 717-533-9667.
Many hands needed to set up and clean up: email Jess Delo to volunteer.

Pete Feil • chair, Mission & Peace Committee
July 6, 2023This month’s mission focus is on elder care as provided by Christian Churches United (CCU) and its partner agencies. From its earliest beginnings in Harrisburg in 1866, Christian Churches United of the Tri-County Area has evolved to a partnership of over 100 Christian congregations in Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry Counties that work together with concerned individuals, public and private funders, and numerous partner agencies like Derry to support our neighbors in need.
CCU provides a continuum of programs seeking to address both crisis housing situations and chronic causes of housing and financial instability. While motivated by Jesus’ love and example, CCU aids clientele without regard to religion or creed. CCU is united in service and love to those facing homelessness, poverty and incarceration.
One area of service provided by CCU is their HELP Ministries. Through HELP, services are offered to provide shelter, rental and utility assistance, as well as medical or other basic needs. For instance, families under threat of eviction can work with HELP to resolve the issue and remain in their home. During the winter, if a family has exhausted all other fuel assistance programs, they can receive a one-time supply of heating fuel through HELP.
HELP is the point of contact for those needing an emergency shelter as provided by the YWCA, Shalom House, and Interfaith Family Shelter. They then work with the shelter and client to find permanent housing in the area. Financial counseling may be needed to save for a security deposit and to make the initial monthly rental payment. This can lead the family to a long-term solution out of homelessness. In addition, HELP provides aid to those in need of medical, transportation, or food assistance. Thus, a one-time need for a life-sustaining medicine can be met. HELP can also arrange for emergency transportation in specific situations, such as a stranded traveler. Clients in need of food are referred to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s reference guide. Derry’s support of HELP Ministries enables them to provide a vital link with other social services to form a safety net for those in need in the Tri-County area.
June 2023 Session Highlights
July 5, 2023- The Coordinating Council of the Presbytery of Carlisle recently drafted a new Purpose Statement and solicited comments on the statement from the various church sessions. As requested, Derry’s session reviewed and commented on the statement. Pastor Stephen will pass our comments to the Council.
- May’s financial reports show that year-to-date actual income continues to be ahead of expenses.
- Approved awarding a Brong Scholarship to Natalie Taylor for her final year at Messiah College.
- Stewardship & Finance requested that persons authorized to open a new Vanguard account be updated to Craig Kegerise, Pastor Stephen and Sandy Miceli. This authorization does NOT include access to the funds in the Vanguard accounts or ability to change any investment directives. The sole purpose is for the opening of a new account. The request was approved.
- The Health & Wellness Team requested approval to permit Derry member, Bob Foster, to use Fellowship Hall to conduct Shin Shin Ryu classes, a form of martial arts based on Japanese swordsmanship. The practice emphasizes presence of mind and calmness. There is no sparring or fencing. Participants utilize wooden and blunt swords to improve individual technique. The classes would be open to Derry members as well as community participants. The session approved the request subject to times and days that coordinate with the church calendar.
- Reviewed a Capital Procurement Request to fund landscaping work in the church cemetery. After restoring the cemetery (upgrading the walls, removing several trees, restoring the tombstones) there are high and low spots which need to be leveled and reseeded. The cost of the project is $10,937. Elders were asked to share the CPR with their respective committees, and the session will vote on the proposal at a future meeting.
- Approved Stewardship & Finance’s request to add Patrick and Lindsey Plassio as committee members. The Plassios, who recently joined Derry, live in Texas and will be joining the committee meetings via Zoom. We are happy to welcome their participation.
- The Personnel Committee brought three matters before the session which were approved:
- After conducting a review of M.E. Steelman’s performance six months into her new position, the committee recommended increasing her salary to $50,000 (an increase of $4,000).
- Sue George submitted a request for a 20-day sabbatical in April 2024 to coincide with the 300th anniversary trip to Ireland and Scotland. During that time, she will be photographing the sites and gaining a deeper understanding of Derry’s past. Sue plans to document the experience with pictures, stories, and reflections in a format that those who are not on the trip can easily access.
- As Pastor Stephen, Sue George and Kathy Yingst will be participating in the 300th anniversary trip in 2024, Debbie Hough will be contracted to assist with office coverage while they are away.
LOOKING GOOD: 2023 Mission Houses
July 5, 2023Last month Derry’s mission team in the Dominican Republic helped to build these two houses along with a crew from Morgan Stanley NYC. Here they are with fresh coats of paint, all ready for sheltering their new owners.

Derry member and artist Elizabeth Gawron is one of the many local artists who will be creating works and demonstrating techniques along Market Street for Elizabethtown’s Tiny Art Walk. Stop by and say hello!
July 5, 2023Derry member Luke Gawron has started on the art installation to be placed in the Narthex by the end of the year. He measured and cut a 7′ x 3′ piece of masonite, then primed it so it’s ready to be painted with images of Derry Church life. Learn more about Luke’s project in this short video.