Month: November 2022
Join a Derry Church Meals on Wheels Team
November 30, 2022Derry Church teams deliver meals to homebound residents in Derry Township every Friday. The greatest need is for a driver on the second Friday of each month, but other Friday teams can also use support – or let us know if you’d prefer to be added to the list as an occasional substitute.
Deliveries begin at 8:30 am at the Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ on Chocolate Ave in Hershey, and take about an hour. Click here to read more about how Derry Church participates in the program. For more information and to volunteer, contact Mary Day.
Derry Twp. Police Officer Joins Tech Time
November 30, 20221-2 PM MONDAY, DEC 19 ON ZOOM: CLICK TO JOIN
For its last Zoom gathering in 2022, the Tech Time crew invites you to join them for a discussion with Ofc. Kevin M. Leiss of the Derry Township Police Department. Officer Leiss conducts digital forensic examinations at the police department, and works with a variety of cybercrime cases. He will talk about some of the things to look out for with regard to scams and good internet practice, and answer your questions.
Men’s Breakfast Returns
Men, it’s time for the return of Derry’s monthly men’s breakfast! Charlie Koch and friends look forward to bringing back this long-standing tradition of a delicious hot cooked breakfast served with great fellowship and a brief devotion. It would be very helpful to know how many men are planning to attend: please RSVP to Charlie by Monday, Dec 5.
Santa Shops Volunteers Needed
Sign up to help at Paxton Presbyterian Women’s Santa Shops and you’ll be providing an opportunity for inner-city youth to select Christmas gifts for their family members. Derry Church has helped with this project in past years. The time commitment is 2 1/2 – 4 hours per shift, with starting times varying from 8:30 am – 6 pm.
The Santa Shops schedule is posted on the Presbyterian Women’s bulletin board opposite Fellowship Hall entrance #4. Teens are welcome to help. Sign up by emailing Barb Greenwood. Questions? Contact Doris Feil.
Susquehanna Chorale Presents “A Candlelight Christmas”
Experience the magic of A Candlelight Christmas presented by the nationally acclaimed Susquehanna Chorale, a chamber ensemble comprised of 40 auditioned singers. Members of the Messiah University Brass will be featured in a performance of John Rutter’s inspirational three-movement Gloria. The Chorale will also sing Jim Clements’ Gabriel’s Message and Eric Whitacre’s hauntingly beautiful Lux Aurumque, along with an audience sing-along of Mack Wilberg’s Joy to the World with brass and organ. A pre-concert instrumental recital will be presented by the Messiah University Brass 15 minutes prior to each performance. A reception for the audience and singers follows each program.
Participating from Derry Church are singers Janice Click Holl and Greg Harris, and pianist/organist Dan Dorty. Click for tickets.
Kathy Yingst • Administrative Assistant and Clerk of Session
November 23, 2022For the past six months, it has been my joy and honor to be Derry’s Administrative Assistant in the church office. For those of you who have ever wondered, I can confirm that the church office is a very busy place!
I was fortunate to have started in April, as we were easing into the summer months. While the office was active, the steady workflow allowed me time to become acquainted with the responsibilities, procedures, and machinery associated with this position. Now that we are into fall programming with Derry Discovery Days in full swing and Advent just around the corner, the pace has definitely picked up.
I’m sure many of you have wondered what it’s like to work in the Derry Church office. To give you some insight, I thought it would be interesting to answer a few of the burning questions that I’m sure you’ve always wanted to know but were afraid to ask:
- What has been the most challenging thing to learn in your new job?
Definitely using Adobe InDesign software. This is the program used at Derry to design most of our print and digital media, including the weekly bulletins and eNews. Sue George is a skilled teacher, and with her guidance I’m becoming acquainted with some of the tools and layout capabilities of this robust program. - What do you like least about the job?
There really is very little that I don’t enjoy doing, however, the saddest part of my job is preparing funeral bulletins when a member of our congregation passes away. Each one of you is a blessing and joy, so it’s with a heavy heart that I prepare the programs for the memorial services. - What has been an unexpected bonus associated with your new position?
At the end of every day (or most days), I turn out the office lights and move into the sanctuary to play the Aeolian-Skinner organ. What a beautiful instrument this congregation has dedicated to the glory of God. No matter what type of day I may have had, playing this rich instrument brings peace. - What is the most surprising duty you have?
One duty I was not expecting is overseeing the use of the church van. With the purchase of the new van, several new policies were put into place. To reserve the use of the van or to become qualified to drive the van, I’m the contact person in the office. - In what ways has this position impacted your role as Clerk of Session – does it make it easier or harder?
I think being in the office makes my job as clerk easier. Being on staff helps me keep up to date with activities at church and how they impact the various church committees. I have access to Derry’s minute books and membership registries so I can include any changes as they occur. Having access to the computer and copier makes preparing the minutes, session agenda, and other documents very convenient. - What is your favorite office machine?
Definitely the folding machine. It’s one of the oldest machines in the office but it makes quick work of folding letters and other types of printed paperwork. It’s a unique machine that is just plain fun to use! - What is an unexpected joy associated with your job?
I love greeting all who enter the building and working with other staff members. Derry is rich with talented, generous people who are dedicated to supporting each other and our community. I love spending time with every one of you. Feel free to stop by, grab a piece of chocolate, and say “hello!”
2022 Season of Giving
November 22, 2022
From Nov 27 – the first Sunday in Advent – through Sunday, Dec 11, Derry Church will be giving AND receiving! In the upstairs hallway, you can pick up our 2022 Advent devotional and support these Derry Church mission partners at designated stations in the narthex:
- $25 Walmart gift cards for workers at the Grantville Racetrack Ministry, or write a check to Derry Church notated RTM. Goal = 40 gift cards.
- $25 Walmart gift cards for Derry Township Social Ministry families (Hershey Food Bank clients) to choose what they need most… or write a check to Derry Church notated DTSM. Goal = 60 gift cards.
- A group of local musicians and visual artists have combined to produce a downloadable Christmas album of 33 songs, Joy to the Burg 2022, and a collection of eight holiday greeting cards. For a $20 donation, you can have the album, and for a $15 donation, you can have the greeting cards. Cash, or checks made out to “CCU,” are welcome. All proceeds go to Christian Churches United, which is the recipient of our 2022 Christmas Eve offering.
- Bethesda Mission is sponsoring a food drive to supply Christmas dinners for their clients. Derry’s goal = 25 cans of sweet potatoes/yams (40 ounces) and 25 boxes of brownie mix for their dinner fixings.
- Medical supplies for Christ Lutheran Church’s Medical Mission.
- Pick up an Advent devotional booklet written by Derry members and staff, or click here to download a copy (PDF).
- Drop off your coins for the Change 4 Children offering to benefit the Alliance for Children Everywhere in Zambia.
Nov 2022 Session Highlights
November 22, 2022- Met with incoming officers to hear their faith statements. Ordination/installation of newly elected church officers will occur on Sunday, January 8, 2023.
- Approved a Capital Procurement Requisition submitted by the Communication & Technology Committee to upgrade our security firewall, wifi access points, and install zoom room capability in room 7. Funding for the security upgrades will be through the Capital Facilities Fund and the Zoom room will be through the Futures Fund.
- The Treasurer reported that 2022 contributions continue to be ahead of last year. The 2023 budget was reviewed along with an update on the status of pledge submissions. Over the next month, the budget will be finalized and submitted to the Session in December for approval.
- Approved a request from Derry Discovery Days to continue the sale of Fox Meadows Creamery gift cards as a fundraiser for new playground equipment.
- Reviewed the 2023 Terms of Call for Pastor Stephen and recommended forwarding them to the congregation for approval at the upcoming December 11 Congregational Meeting.
- Received the “Agreed-Upon Procedures” report from Boyer & Ritter, church accountants, for the review of Derry’s 2021 financial procedures. The report indicated that no exceptions were found.
- The Mission & Peace committee will be selling the 2022 Christmas album “Joy to the Burg” for $20, and a collection of eight holiday greeting cards for $15. Proceeds to benefit Christian Churches United, the recipient of the Christmas Eve special offering.
- Approved the Friends of PEB sale of Shares for Scholarships and the 2023 March Mission Madness event to support the schools in Sargodha, Pakistan.
- Received the following new members: Dottie & Art Bossler, Pennie Cavanaugh, Betsy Jamison, Kurestin Miller and Toni Onushco.
Christmas Eve 2022
November 22, 2022Celebrate the birth of our savior at three distinctive Christmas Eve candlelight worship services on Saturday, Dec 24 in the Sanctuary:
2:30 pm: Worship includes Lessons and Carols and communion, with holiday music presented by the Derry Brass.
5:00 pm: A candlelight service of Lessons and Carols featuring participation by children and music for the entire family to enjoy.
7:30 pm: A traditional Christmas Eve candlelight service of Lessons and Carols, with music provided by the Derry Ringers handbell choir and the Sanctuary Choir.
All Christmas Eve services include singing “Silent Night” and sharing candlelight, symbolizing that the Light of the World has come.
Child care will be available at the 5 pm and 7:30 pm services. The lounge adjacent to the Sanctuary offers a candle-free worship zone and a space where young families can move about freely.
Christmas Eve services at 5 pm and 7:30 pm will be live streamed.
On Sunday, Dec 25, worship will be held at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary and live streamed. Enjoy breakfast cooked by Charlie Koch and friends from 9-10:30 am in Fellowship Hall: your donation benefits mission trips in 2023.

Have Dinner with the Derry Day Trippers!
The next activity for the Derry Day Trippers is a potluck dinner and fellowship. RSVP to Sue Whitaker by Dec 11 if you will be joining and if you would like to carpool. Bring your favorite dish to share. We hope to see you there!
Jumbles Shop Update
November 22, 2022Presbyterian Women’s Jumbles Shop returns this year at the Cookie Walk on Saturday morning, Dec 3. Due to limited space, donated items are restricted to jewelry, nice Christmas decorations, collectibles, and items suitable for gifts, all in good condition. NO furniture, books, CD’s, tapes, or clothing. NO JUNK! It will be tossed.
Items can dropped off in Room 1 through Wednesday, Nov 30. Anyone out of town at that time who wishes to donate, please contact please contact Linda Chidester. Volunteers are needed for Friday, Dec 2 to set up and for Saturday, Dec 3 for sales and cleanup. To volunteer, contact Sally McKinney or Linda Chidester.
Wear Orange on Nov 25
November 22, 2022Rape as a weapon of war is as old as war itself. The objective is to humiliate and degrade, to break the spirit of defenders, to shatter families and communities, to instill a sense of hopelessness and despair. It often leaves wreckage too profound to repair. Women who have been raped do not want to spread information about themselves. Counselors in Ukraine are facing this roadblock and need to provide a place victims can feel safe to talk. Friday, Nov 25 is Orange Day, when Presbyterian Women asks you to join them in wearing orange or an orange ribbon to show awareness of and support those working to end exploitation of females worldwide. Pray for the victims of rape in war areas.
Final Week to Support the PW Thank Offering
November 22, 2022The Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women began in 1888 and supports mission projects at home and abroad. In keeping with the by-laws, 40% of funded projects are related to health ministries. Of the 10 projects funded this year, seven are in the US. Two projects that help adults with disabilities both here in the US and elsewhere in the world.
In Mombin Crochu, Haiti, Village Partners International have a project addressing chronic and recurrent malnutrition. As earthquake, drought, political instability and Covid-19 threatens local food supplies in Haiti, this project will help prevent deaths and address root causes of severe malnutrition for rural, exceptionally poor families in Mombin Crochu. The grant will address several areas: increase interactions between children with severe malnutrition and clinical providers; educate physicians and nurses to support critically ill children; purchase equipment needed for severely malnourished children and create a emergency stockpile of supplies; provide educational events with communities and families; and establish nurseries of Moringa oleifera and Liane panier, plants used as nutritional supplements for families to cultivate in home gardens for personal consumption and income generation.
A second project in McAllen Texas will receive a commercial kitchen upgrade. CAMP (Can Achieve their Maximum Potential) University provides opportunities for adults with special needs to develop skills and interests that facilitate greater independence. The grant will provide a safe, updated commercial gas range that will be used for teaching adults how to follow instructions, such as recipes, and how to use various kitchen appliances. By providing cooking lessons, clients will learn to safely participate in meal preparation and eventually cook their own lunches at the university as an alternative to bringing lunches from home.
Please consider a contribution to the 2023 Thank Offering. Place checks in the offering boxes or mail to the church office, or give online as you are able in thanks for all the blessings in your life.
M.E. Steelman • Children’s Ministry Coordinator
November 17, 2022
It is hard to believe that Advent is right around the corner, but in a few short weeks we’ll see the world around us transformed with lights, decorations, commercials for the latest toys and gadgets, parties & social events, festive music playing everywhere we go, wonderful concerts & performances, favorite holiday traditions carried out, gatherings with family & friends, visits with Santa, creating and checking off our shopping lists, wrapping all the presents, sending out holiday messages & cards, and probably so much more that I can’t think of in early November.
As the person in charge of children’s programming at the church, I imagine you all assume that the Steelman family practices our faith nonstop. Maybe the image you have is a family gathered in prayer before each dinner, ending each day reading stories from our many childrens bibles, or talking to each other with great kindness and love. I’ll let you in on an honest assessment of our faith formation at home… it is struggling. We are in the phase of life that has us running seven days a week to all kinds of programming and by the time we get home, stop running, and finally gather as a family, we are lucky if we are able to include a blessing during our mealtime. I am sure many others can relate.
Being “in the trenches” with our church families helps me stay real when offering new faith formation opportunities for folks to try at home. Before sharing a family faith formation idea with you all, I have a few rules that I have set for myself: opportunities must be realistic, they must be fun and a way to bring family together, they need to include messages that all ages can relate to at their developmental stage of life, and they need to be something that I will do with my own family.
The other day I was looking at one of the many Facebook pages I follow that have ideas for children’s ministry, faith formation and/or Christian education. One of the pages posted about the return of the “Wandering Wisemen” and it caught my attention. I started to read a little and quickly realized this was a wonderful idea. The concept is simple… the Three Wisemen spend the season of Advent wandering around preparing for the birth of Jesus. The journey of the “Wandering Wisemen” will conclude on Epiphany (January 6), the day they meet the Newborn King.
This Advent season I invite you to join our family as we have fun following the Three Wisemen. This will be fun for ALL ages! All you need is a creche, or nativity set. You will use the Three Wisemen from your set and you can either create your own journey, find “Wandering Wisemen on Facebook and follow along with their suggestions, or you can email me and be put on our “Wandering Wisemen” email list. I will send an email each Saturday morning with ideas for the upcoming week, including a description of what the Wisemen see/endure/do each day. Your family can then enjoy going on a hunt each day to find your wisemen and talk about what happens along their journey.
Don’t have kiddos living in your home? No worries! You can do this as adults or you can make this activity a fun new holiday experience to do remotely with your grandchildren. With the use of video messages and live video conversations, you can have fun with your grandchildren’s faith formation this Advent season by talking with one another each day and going on a hunt together in your home to find the wisemen. What a great way to connect with one another and also learn from each other as you journey along with the “Wandering Wisemen.”
I invite you to join us for a fun adventure as we journey along with the “Wandering Wisemen” to help bring the Christmas story new meaning and also welcome it into our daily lives as we enjoy this year’s Advent season. Joining the fun is easy: make up an adventure of your own, follow “Wandering Wisemen” on Facebook for ideas, or email me and I will add you to our email list.
Another fun way to celebrate this Advent season is joining us for Advent Wreath making on Sunday, November 27 after 10:30 am worship in Fellowship Hall. Click here to RSVP and join us. This is a wonderful opportunity for all ages to gather together for fellowship and create an Advent wreath to use in your home to help make this holiday season more meaningful.
November 2022 Financial Snapshot
November 16, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 10/31/22
Income YTD: | $1,108,075 | $1,041,667 |
Expenses YTD: | 936,808 | 1,078,283 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 171,267 | (36,616) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $58K ahead of 2021 and $42K ahead of estimated contributions through October.
- Mission and Peace is $21K behind 2021. Building & Grounds is about $30K below 2021. We do expect these committees to spend their 2022 budget.
Longest Night Worship
November 16, 20226:15 PM TUESDAY, DEC 20 IN THE CHAPEL
For those who have empty places in their hearts and homes this Christmas season, Derry Church offers a “Longest Night” worship service. This reflective, come-as-you-are service with communion returns this year to the intimate setting of our historic Chapel.
For those who are facing the sadness of divorce or broken relationships or grief over the loss of a loved one, this special service gives people an opportunity to remember and to acknowledge sadness and grief, and to know that they are not alone. The Longest Night service can also offer solace to those anxious about employment or financial instability, or facing a frightening diagnosis.
Pastor Stephen leads this service on one of the longest, darkest nights of the year as an opportunity to intentionally acknowledge pain and offer comfort. Come as you are!

Dave Kelley Reports on Conditions in Florida Presbytery
November 16, 2022We were anxious to get down here to North Fort Myers and survey the damage that our property received. We were very lucky in that we lost a tree and some screening, we feel very blessed. This morning we attended our church down here, Burnt Store Presbyterian Church, and learned of the impact Hurricane Ian had on churches in the Peace River Presbytery.
The Chapel by the Sea on Fort Myers Beach had only the steel girders left standing and the concrete floor had a large hole in it from the force of the water. Other congregations lost their sanctuary and are holding services outside. BSPC had their sanctuary severely damaged by water to the point we may not be worshipping in there for many months. We held services in an all purpose room which had tarps taped to the ceiling to prevent further damage. A new roof, drywall, mechanical devices etc. will all need to be replaced.
BSPC will be welcoming their new pastor and his family from South Africa next Sunday. All are excited for his arrival. Buildings aside, many congregation members throughout the Presbytery were devastated by Ian and have lost most everything.
In addition to your prayers, the Presbytery will need financial assistance to help parishioners and churches. I encourage Derry members and others in Carlisle Presbytery to give to Presbyterian Disaster Relief or send contributions directly to the Peace River Presbytery at 2230 Harriet Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33952.
Pancakes & Pajamas
November 16, 2022
Families of children in preschool through kindergarten (and siblings) are invited to a casual Saturday morning holiday drop-in. Participants will come dressed in festive PJs and enjoy pancakes and a hot cocoa bar, cookie decorating, games, crafts and making Christmas ornaments.
Please RSVP to Sarah Bartz by Thursday, Dec 1. If older children or teens would like to help with facilitating games and making crafts/ornaments, please let us know.
Love INC Says Thanks
November 16, 2022Love INC of Greater Hershey’s recent 16th Anniversary Celebration and Community Auction raised $29,600 through the generous support of sponsors, donors, and participants. Thanks to everyone who supported the celebration, especially the volunteers including Derry’s own Kristie Elliott. Through the years, Love INC has expanded to include 21 partnering churches who willingly pool their resources to support the broader community. Because of this network of local churches, Love INC is able to connect caring church volunteers with their neighbors in need. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the ministries available through Love INC and its partner churches.
Carlisle Presbytery has a New Stated Clerk
November 16, 2022Carlisle Presbytery welcomes Kristal Smith, who has begun her work as Presbytery Leader for Governance and Congregational Leadership. Kristal’s role encompasses the office of the stated clerk as well as consultation with congregations, individuals, and committees of the presbytery.
Contact Kristal at or call 717-737-6821.
Find Out How the 2022 Thank Offering is Making a Difference
November 16, 2022The Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women began in 1888 and supports mission projects at home and abroad. In keeping with the by-laws, 40% of funded projects are related to health ministries. Of the 10 projects funded this year, seven are in the US.
Raleigh, North Carolina is home to the Women’s Reentry Project. This project helps women prepare for and navigate life after incarceration by developing tools to forge new and better lives. The WRP combines housing – which is a significant barrier to successful reentry – with wraparound social and vocational support. The Thank Offering grant will help fund three forms of subsidized housing: Bridge Housing upon release from prison; Stable Supportive Housing for 12-18 months; and Independent Housing, for those who continue in the program as nonresidents. Using gender specific, trauma-informed, evidence–based services, this program helps women achieve stability, family reunification and independent living.
A very different program in Rome, Georgia, is the Day & Overnight Transformations Retreats for Cancer Patients. Low income cancer patients must navigate many challenges beyond their illness: they often must choose between securing food or medicine, lack reliable transportation and worry about paying everyday bills. Cancer Navigators assist medical providers by guiding patients toward a better understanding of diagnosis and care while connecting them with needed services. The Thank Offering grant will provide retreats for 60 cancer patients who do not otherwise have resources to leave for a day. Through an escape from daily life and struggles, these retreats offer patients a rare opportunity to take time for themselves and receive helpful tips and information. By spending time away with other cancer patients, retreat participants witness they are not alone in their cancer journeys.
Please consider a contribution to the 2023 Thank Offering. Place checks in the offering boxes or mail to the church office, or give online as you are able in thanks for all the blessings in your life.
Duncan Campbell • Co-Chair, Stewardship & Finance Committee
November 10, 2022
“Called to make a difference.” You have heard this message to be Derry Church’s stewardship theme for this year. I would ask you to think about the meaning of these words and how they might relate to you.
I believe that I was called to make a difference when I started a term on Session in 2021. With this Session appointment came a committee assignment, Stewardship & Finance. I would have been happy to serve any of our committees, but Stewardship & Finance seemed to make sense. I like numbers. balance our checkbook at home. While I’m not a banker, per se, I work in the banking industry so I’m around numbers for a living. And, I’ve led stewardship campaigns at a previous church. All of these things seem to have pointed me to where I would make the most meaningful difference as a Derry Church volunteer.
Now, I will be honest: I had not anticipated being called to make a difference as the Chair of the committee at my first meeting, but as we know, God works in mysterious ways. And so, I write to you today asking that you think about the ways in which God may call on you to do something of meaning—something of difference.
There are many ways that we can make that difference at Derry. Just read the eNews on Thursday to see all of the wonderful things that our congregation is involved in, from helping individuals and families in need through our various mission initiatives to facilitating multiple study groups for spiritual nurturing and delivering critically important youth programming and children’s ministry. And everything in between.
I encourage you to give of your time and of your talents as volunteers. There is a place for all of us to accept this invitation.
As you think about the leadership role that Derry Church takes in our community, we can only do so because of generous financial giving by the congregation. Year after year, the congregation responds during our stewardship campaign. You are called to make a difference, and you do so by sharing a significant piece of your personal treasure.
We have tremendous pastoral leadership, the highest caliber of music programs, mission initiatives that literally change people’s lives for the better; and so much more. Now more than ever, we need to recognize that these programs don’t just happen on their own. They happen because of the congregation’s financial commitment—a commitment that results from our love of God and the pride in which we all feel about our Derry Church home.
Derry does so much for so many. And, we can do even more. We are all called to make a difference during this stewardship campaign. I hope that you will join Kristen and me as we increase our pledge for 2023. But most importantly, I hope that you will give what you can, whatever that may be. Together, we can make a difference.
Report on the Search for Derry’s New Associate Pastor
Let me start with the process. To call a new associate pastor we are NOT following the traditional Presbyterian process as outlined in our Book of Order, but a much more efficient and we think much more effective process that Derry has used successfully in the past.
For example: Marie Buffaloe came to our Presbytery when her husband Brad Bradburn took the Executive Presbyter position in the Carlisle Presbytery. It so happened around that same time Derry had grown to the point where we needed an associate pastor. As we got to know Marie, it became clear that she could fulfill the pastoral needs that Derry’s growing congregation required. Rather than go through the highly structured, time consuming and expensive traditional Presbyterian call process, Derry’s Session contracted with Marie for her pastoral services. This was a relationship that lasted for 25 years. Each year, the Session renewed our contract with Marie until her retirement earlier this year.
Another factor that guided us in this case to not use the traditional Presbyterian call process was our experience using that process to call Pastor Stephen. As it turned out, of the 164 resumes that we received through the denomination call process none resulted in a candidate in which we were interested enough to interview. Rather, every one of the candidates the PNC felt excited enough about to interview came to us through the Pastor Nominating Committee’s own efforts to reach out and network with others in the denomination.
This summer, as we came to realize that we would need a new associate pastor, Pastor Stephen and I began to reach out to others in the Presbytery and beyond to find potential candidates that might fit Derry’s needs, resulting in three excellent candidates that expressed interest in the Derry position and agreed to be interviewed.
In October, the Personnel Committee formed the Associate Pastor Interview Committee (APIC) consisting of 11 Derry members from all facets of the congregation. The role of the APIC is to interview prospective candidates and come to a consensus on which candidate would be most suitable to meet Derry’s needs. Once a lead candidate has been identified, the candidate will be invited to Derry to participate in several activities with the congregation in areas in which they will be expected to take a leadership role. Based on feedback from congregation members participating in those activities the Personnel Committee will either recommend to Session that a contract be negotiated with the candidate or the APIC will interview additional candidates.
The APIC has been interviewing candidates based on the following dimensions: Ministry with Children and Youth, Teaching Ministry including faith formation for all ages, Communication, Pastoral Care and Worship. Questions exploring these five dimensions of ministry are being used by the APIC in the candidate interviews.
The APIC has completed three interviews so far. We scheduled a face-to-face meeting of the APIC on November 14 to review the results of our interviews and hopefully come to a consensus on inviting one to participate in the congregational activities. Given that we will soon be into the Advent Season, the congregational activities with the leading candidate may not take place until after the New Year.
Please contact me with your questions about this process and our progress, by email or phone. I ask that you keep the Associate Pastor Interview Committee in your prayers as we seek to discern God’s will for our new associate pastor.
Members of the Associate Pastor Interview Committee: Bill DeMuth, Bill Uffelman, Christina Simmons, Claudia Holtzman, Gregg Robertson (Chair), Julie Yutesler, Kristy Elliott, Lauren June, Sara Matthews, Timothy Mosher and Wally Patton.
Advent Wreath Making
November 9, 202211:30 AM SUNDAY, NOV 27 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL
You’re invited to join Derry friends to make your own Advent wreath! Each family will assemble a wreath to use in their own home throughout the season of Advent. Click to RSVP by Tuesday, Nov 22.
Fall Raking and Outdoor Cleanup
November 9, 20223-5 PM FRIDAY, NOV 18
Bring your rakes and join the Gardeners of Derry to work outdoors preparing the church grounds for the winter. Pickup trucks and wheelbarrows are welcome and appreciated.
Health Supplies You Can Donate During Derry’s Season of Giving
November 9, 2022

From Nov 27 – the first Sunday in Advent – through Sunday, Dec 11, Derry Church will be giving AND receiving! In the upstairs hallway, you will be able to pick up Advent devotionals and drop off items for our mission partners and gift cards for racetrack workers and children whose families use the Hershey Food Bank and Community Outreach. NO hats/gloves/scarves needed this year.
Here’s the list of supplies requested from Rev. Drew Stockstill that will support Christ Lutheran Church’s Health Ministry:
- Men’s and women’s plain underwear
- Men’s plain white undershirts
- Travel sized tissues and cough drops
- Hygiene items: lotion, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant
- Plain Tussin
- Muscle rub
- Chest rub
- Emergen-C, Airborne, Zinc
The Season of Giving takes the place of last year’s Derry Drive-Thru and previous years when you could choose tags from the Christmas tree in the downstairs atrium. You won’t see a tree downstairs this year as that space is now being used for fellowship and community. Just pop upstairs to participate in Derry’s Season of Giving!
Join the Fun: Decorate Derry Church for the Christmas Season!
Volunteers are needed to deck the halls of Derry Church with garland, candles and decorations for Advent and Christmas. No need to RSVP: just join the fun on Nov 30!
Place Your Order for Poinsettias that will Brighten Derry Church
November 9, 2022It’s time to order poinsettia plants that will brighten the church during the Advent season. After Christmas, you’re invited to take your poinsettias home to enjoy for weeks to come. A single plant is $13 and baskets are $32. Order forms are available at the insert rack in the Narthex. Deadline: Sunday, Dec 11.
Blood Drive
November 9, 20228:30 AM – 12:30 PM SUNDAY, DEC 11 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL
The Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank will be on site at Derry Church on Sunday, Dec 11. Appointments are strongly suggested: click here to schedule online or call 1-800-771-0059. A form of ID is required to donate. Walk-ins are welcome but keep in mind that donors with appointments will be taken first. Thank you for supporting our community blood bank by giving the gift of life!
Learn About Two More 2022 Thank Offering Recipients
November 9, 2022The Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women began in 1888 and supports mission projects at home and abroad. In keeping with the by-laws, 40% of funded projects are related to health ministries. Of the 10 projects funded this year, seven are in the US. Two projects are in conjunction with local Habitat for Humanity groups. Several grants will support projects that are aimed at adults with disabilities.
In Talladega, Alabama Union Village is an innovative program by Presbyterian Home for Children in partnership with the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind that turns unused farmland into much-needed accessible, affordable and secure housing for adults with multiple disabilities. This supportive housing community empowers independent living and is one of the few programs designed for this vulnerable population in the United States. The Thank Offering grant will support the construction of 16 tiny homes that provide special accommodations such as zero-step entry into the house and bathroom and strategic placement of lighting and sensory–assist devices.
Another program that supports adults with disabilities is Our Community Cup Coffeehouse in the Philadelphia area. When adults with intellectual disabilities and differences reach the age of 21, many supportive programs disappear. Our Community Cup Coffeehouse provides a space for adults with disabilities, their families and caregivers to feel welcomed and encouraged to grow in friendship, leadership and faith. Guests meet weekly to share a meal and participate in social activities like playing cards, coloring, singing with live music and participating in talent nights where jugglers, singer, comedians, poets, painters, fiber artists and dancers share their gifts. The Thank Offering grant will fund the use of the building, gifts for musicians, activity costs and food for the year. Since some regular funding was lost during the pandemic, this grant will allow the project to rebuild its financial infrastructure for the long term.
Please consider a contribution to the 2023 Thank Offering. Place checks in the offering boxes or mail to the church office, or give online as you are able in thanks for all the blessings in your life.
Pete Feil • Derry Member
November 3, 2022Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In November we’re lifting up access to health care in the Harrisburg and tri-county areas.
For many years Derry has supported Hope Within Ministries, Christ Lutheran Church Health Ministries, and the Community Check-up Center.

Hope Within Ministries, founded in 2002, is a volunteer, donation-based organization which serves Dauphin, Lancaster, and Lebanon Counties. Hope Within offers free, primary health care services for medically uninsured, low-income residents (250% of the federal poverty level or less). Appointments are required: this is not a walk-in clinic. As one of the few providers in the region, Hope Within offers counseling services on a self-pay, income based sliding scale, and in 2020 dental services were added. Hope Within was very helpful in supporting Derry Church’s efforts in the early stages of resettling our Syrian family by providing necessary physicals and immunizations.
Christ Lutheran Church Health Ministries in Harrisburg provides a free, nurse-run, walk-in clinic Monday-Friday. Patients have access to simple lab tests, basic physical evaluations, health education, and some social services. For three days/month with an appointment, patients can receive dental care and a weekly, walk-in oral hygiene clinic. A prenatal clinic for low-income, low-risk women is available, and a partnership with Holy Spirit Hospital provides advanced care and labor and delivery. A free, non-emergency urgent care clinic run weekly (by appointment only) is available.
The Community Check-up Center in Harrisburg’s Hall Manor area is another health care provider supported by Derry for many years. This non-profit organization provides services to men, women, and children in acute situations and to those managing chronic illnesses. Preventive health screenings, and immunizations are available. The Check-up Center also provides free gynecological and family planning services for women who are uninsured and meet age and income eligibility requirements.
These non-profit organizations are heavily dependent upon contributions for the support of their programs. Derry Church provides assistance to all three of these essential ministries through our Mission & Peace Committee, which receives a portion of the church’s annual budget. Thus, your pledges and contributions are essential in helping to support a variety of health care services to those in need across the Central Pennsylvania region.
Oct 2022 Session Highlights
November 2, 2022- Approved a donation policy for non-cash items with the purpose of assuring that such gifts are appropriately used by the church and to guide donors in their giving decisions.
- Reviewed a plan from the Communication & Technology Committee to upgrade our security firewall, WiFi access points, and install Zoom Room capability in room 7. These enhancements will improve security and online access, and the Zoom Room will provide a quality hybrid (in-person and online) experience for participation in meetings and classes. This item will be reviewed over the next month and voted upon in November.
- Discussed how and where to house the Syrian refugee family as their lease with Love INC will be ending in the next several months. This matter will be further discussed at the November meeting.
- Approved updating church bank accounts at PNC, Northwest, and Truist to allow Vice Treasurer, Craig Kegerise, access to those accounts.
- Approved moving the annual per capita line item from the Stewardship & Finance budget to the Mission budget. This is a pass-through item and will not take funds away from the Mission committee’s support of charitable organizations.
- Approved Church World Service’s request to sell handmade refugee items in Fellowship Hall on Sundays throughout November.
- Derry will continue its support of Derry Township Social Ministry’s Giving Tree and Derry’s Racetrack Ministry by collecting $25 Walmart gift cards. These can be brought to the church during Derry’s “Season of Giving” November 27 – December 11 and deposited in the collection points located in the Narthex.
- Christian Churches United was designated as the recipient of the Christmas Eve special offering.
- The annual chili cook-off and square dance is back and scheduled for February 25, 2023.
2022 Cookie Walk & Jumbles Shop
Start looking for that special cookie recipe! Each family is asked to donate one batch of homemade cookies (2-4 dozen or more). Drop off on Friday, Dec 2 or by 9 am on Saturday. Include a label with name of the cookie. If cookies contain nuts, peanut butter or almond extract and the name does not reflect that ingredient, please list that information on the label. Cookies are sold by the pound. Proceeds support Presbyterian Women’s mission goal for 2023. Contact Doris Feil to volunteer to set up on Friday or sell cookies on Saturday.
Due to limited space, Jumbles Shop donated items are restricted to jewelry, nice Christmas decorations, collectibles, and items suitable for gifts, all in good condition. Items can dropped off in Room 1 from Nov. 21-30. Anyone out of town at that time who wishes to donate, please contact Nancy Kitzmiller.
2022 Christmas Concert: Jesus the Messiah: the Promise Fulfilled
Centering on themes found in Isaiah’s promise of a peaceable kingdom, Derry Church’s 2022 Christmas concert brings together the talents of our Sanctuary Choir and Derry Ringers, brass and percussion in a program that includes “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day,” “The Dream Isaiah Saw,” “O Holy Night” and “Joy to the World.” Under the direction of Dan Dorty, you’ll hear Dan Stokes on organ and piano, sopranos Janice Click Holl and Julie Miller, mezzo soprano Amy Yovanovich and baritone Mitchell Sensenig-Wilshire. Don’t miss this joyful beginning to the holiday season!
Join the Derry Day Trippers for Dinner After the Show
Come to church for Basically Broadway, then join the Derry Day Trippers in downtown Hershey for dinner! Pay for your own meal: there’s no need to turn in money to the church this time. RSVP to Sue Whitaker by Monday, Nov 7 if you will attend so we’ll have seats for all who’d like to join. Everyone is welcome!
Sign Up to Help Families in Transition
November 2, 2022SUNDAY, NOV 13-SATURDAY, NOV 19
Family Promise families are returning this month to the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 610 W. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey. Evening meals, van drivers, and overnight chaperones are needed.
Click the links below to sign up to deliver dinner, drive the van, and serve as an overnight chaperone. Questions? Contact Jane Robertson.
Overnight Chaperones:
Van Drivers:
Worship at Londonderry Village
Pastor Stephen will lead worship with communion, prayers, a meditation and carol singing, with organ accompaniment by Kathy Yingst. A time for fellowship follows the service.
Help Lend A Hand Rebuild in NC
November 2, 2022Lend A Hand (LAH), a mission of the Presbytery of Carlisle, was founded in 1989 as a disaster response and assistance program. LAH will return to New Bern, NC, the week of Nov 13-19 to work on a new build. This house must be completed by Dec 31 in order not to forfeit a $200,000 grant.
The LAH team will travel by van and stay at New Hope Village, where bedding is provided. The $175/person cost covers lodging and food, but plan on additional funds to cover food expenses you may incur during travel and for dining out one evening. Questions? Ready to volunteer? Contact Pete Feil or register online.
Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women
November 2, 2022The Thank Offering of Presbyterian Women began in 1888 and supports mission projects at home and abroad. In keeping with the by-laws, 40% of funded projects are related to health ministries. Of the 10 projects funded this year, seven are in the US. Two projects are in conjunction with local Habitat for Humanity groups.
In Toledo (OH), the Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity Home Repair Ministry will be able to purchase materials such as siding, wood, paint, concrete reinforcements and windows for home repair in three areas designated in the Neighborhood Stabilization Plan. This program strategically focuses resources block by block to elevate home ownership, make critical health and safety-related updates and support neighborhood beautification projects. The project’s goal is to lift up marginalized neighborhoods so that residents want to live in the community, families find stability, and seniors are able to age in their homes.
The second Habitat-related project is in Chattanooga (TN). The Orchard Knob Collaborative is committed to restoring and strengthening the neighborhood by using a long-range, inclusive approach to assist low-income households with home repair. The Thank Offering grant will purchase materials to alleviate health, life and safety issues, address code violations and increase energy efficiency. By making repairs and reducing exposure to lead paint, asbestos and allergens, residents will live in safer and more inviting homes and will lead to improved quality of life.
Please consider a contribution to the Thank Offering. Place checks in the offering boxes or mail to the church office, or give online as you are able in thanks for all the blessings in your life.