Month: September 2022
Craig Kegerise • Derry Member and treasurer
September 29, 2022
We have reached September and are entering budgeting season. It is time for the annual update on how the church is doing financially and my projections for the rest of the year. Before I begin, I would like to thank Steven Guenther for his service as past treasurer. I wish him well in his new endeavors in Pittsburgh.
As of the end of August, we have received income contributions that are 74.4 % of our budgeted $1,250,000 income and approximately 10% ahead of 2021 contributions Y-T-D. Expenses are at 58.5% of budget. That is expected as many of our expenses are paid at the end of the year. If our contributions continue as they have in the first eight months of the year, and our expenses do not exceed the budgeted $1,293,937, we should finish the year in a break even to a positive position.
As the Session, the Stewardship & Finance Committee, and the other committees look forward to the 2023 budget and the future, we are working to ensure that Derry Church provides for the current needs of our church members and the community as well as the financial stability of the church. By planning for the future, we can make sure we are managing our resources responsibly.
Because of the generous support of the congregation, we have been able to do capital projects such as the refurbishment of the cemetery walls and planned improved signage around the church. The sound system upgrades are continuing. Lighting improvements around the church have also been accomplished and are continuing. We have been able to sponsor and support a refugee family. We have been able to do mission work in our community and throughout the world–whether it be helping youth with college scholarships or building a new wing on the school in Pakistan.
I would like to thank the congregation for your continued support of the church and its mission work in our community and the world.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything related to Derry’s finances, please contact me at
Question of the Week: 9/29/22
September 28, 2022
What teacher made the biggest impact on your life, and why?
Lynn Shirk: Dr. Ion Agheana, my college Spanish professor. He encouraged me to apply to be a teaching assistant during my sophomore year. I was painfully shy and I had never even considered becoming a teacher. I got the job and discovered my passion for teaching.
Elizabeth Gawron: Art teachers have always been the people who created an environment I could grow in as well as make mistakes in. The art teacher who has made the greatest difference in my life is my husband, Luke. His loyalty, commitment, creativity and faith in me have transformed my life into the blessing it is today.
Brian Montgomery: Professor White, my freshman (Plebe year at the Naval Academy) English professor, a very animated teacher, gave his perspective on why a BS degree (yes, bachelor of science) in English would stand me in good stead as a Naval officer. I was convinced and changed my major from Aerospace Engineering to English. It was a big change, and in hindsight, a good one.
Susan Stagg: Mr. Marchetti, my sophomore English teacher in high school. He challenged us (and required us) to be critical thinkers, and I believe that is an essential skill that is served me well throughout my life.
Ron Hetrick: My junior high school teachers. They recognized that I had academic potential and encouraged me to want to exceed in school. Because of this experience, I decided I wanted to be an educator as my future occupation. This decision led to a very fulfilling career.
Sept 2022 Session Highlights
September 28, 2022- The Session approved a motion that would permit Debbie Hough to administer the Sacrament of Communion. This measure will be presented to the presbytery with a request that they commission Debbie in this capacity.
- Derry’s annual blood drive will be held on Sunday, December 11, 2022.
- An application for credit cards issued by Northwest Bank were approved for certain administrative staff to make church-related purchases.
- Approved the transfer of $12,000 per year from the property rental income account to an administrative account which will cover the costs of obtaining outside financial consulting services.
- Received information on this year’s Stewardship campaign and the preliminary 2023 budget.
New Member Classes Begin Oct 30
September 28, 2022The fall series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, Oct 30 – Nov 20 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available. You’ll learn about the mission and ministry of Derry Church and how you can be involved. Registration is always appreciated, never required: click to RSVP.
Those who choose to join Derry Church will be received on Sunday, Nov 20 at the 10:30 am service.
Trunk or Treat on Oct 29
September 28, 2022
Families, you’re invited to enjoy a safe space to “Trunk or Treat” with your little ones. There is no cost to participate, simply come in costume and enjoy saying hello and trick-or-treating with your church friends.
Individuals, couples and families can join the fun by decorating their vehicles and providing candy for the “Trunk or Treat” experience. Let us know you’ll participate:
Candy donations welcome! Drop candy in the designated box between the doors at the Mansion Road entrance.
What You Need to Know About this Year’s Jumbles Shop
September 28, 2022Presbyterian Women’s Jumbles Shop will return this year along with the Cookie Walk on Saturday morning, Dec 3. Due to limited space, donated items are restricted to jewelry, nice Christmas decorations, collectibles, and items suitable for gifts, all in good condition. NO furniture, books, CD’s, tapes, or clothing. NO JUNK! It will be tossed.
Items can dropped off in Room 1 from Nov. 21-30. Anyone out of town at that time who wishes to donate, please contact Nancy Kitzmiller.
Volunteers are needed for Friday, Dec 2 to set up and for Saturday, Dec 3 for sales and cleanup. To volunteer, please contact Nancy, Sally McKinney, or Linda Chidester.
Share Your Reflections in Derry’s 2022 Advent Devotional
September 28, 2022This year, Derry Church’s Advent devotional will be reflections and thoughts on lines from our favorite Christmas carols. Click here to add your name and a line or phrase from a Christmas carol of your choice. Make sure that line has not already been chosen by someone else. You may share thoughts, reflections, or memories inspired by the line of your choice. Send your devotion of 500 words or less to Pastor Stephen by Tuesday, Nov 15.
Devotionals will be available on the first Sunday of Advent (Nov 27) and will be delivered to those who are unable to leave their own homes easily.
Save the Date: 2022 CROP WALK
Join Derry friends by raising money for local food banks and support Church World Service’s effort to end hunger across the globe!
You can also sign up and turn in donations at a table in the Narthex on Oct 9, 16 & 23.
Derry Church is a strong supporter of alleviating hunger in our local communities. Not only is this a national problem but it affects many families locally as well. We hope to have a strong turnout to show our support for the Central PA Food Bank, the Hershey and Hummelstown Food Pantries and other local organizations. More details coming soon. Get ready to walk!

Korean Food & Culture Festival
Come experience Korean culture through activities, and folk performances! A variety of Korean foods are available for purchase (Bibimbob, Bulgogi, Kimchi, etc) for $10-$20. Enjoy performances by the Harrisburg Korean Culture School and Selahart group from 11 am – 2 pm.
Dan Dorty • Director of Music & Organist
September 22, 2022“The one who sings prays twice,” a phrase written more than 1,600 years ago by St. Augustine, is still well-known today. The word “sing” appears more than 400 times in the Bible, 50 of which are a direct call to action. As Christians, we take comfort in the words of our beloved hymns: they help us express the gamut of every human emotion, calm our fears, uplift our souls, and share the message that God is with us. They give us the charge to live as Christ calls us and are the prayers of our faith set to melody and enriched by harmony. For millions of Christians worldwide, the great hymns of faith and songs of praise permeate every aspect of our faith journey.

When I met with members of the Derry choirs during my job interview, a great question was asked of me: “What do you envision for the future of the music program of Derry Presbyterian Church?” This question is one that I ponder each day as I drive from Boiling Springs to Hershey. What first came to mind is that Derry is a singing church, a congregation that loves and cherishes music in worship. It’s a church that worships with various styles and genres centered on its mission and vision: to proclaim God’s word, share God’s love, and practice God’s justice. To be an inquiring, inviting, and inclusive Christ-centered community.
In the tradition of a singing church, Derry offers many exciting opportunities to join singing and ringing choirs. My vision is to have a full choir loft each Sunday to lead the congregation in inspiring, uplifting, and meaningful praise, reflecting the message of the Sermon, scriptures, and worship service. The Sanctuary Choir is back in full swing, and I invite you to join us as we grow in faith, music, and fellowship. Rehearsals are held at 7 pm Thursdays in room 7.
The Derry Ringers are rehearsing on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm, and I invite you to ring with us! You don’t have to be great at reading music to ring handbells, and it’s never too late to learn. It would be wonderful to have a full five-octave bell choir, and you can help make that possible.
Youth and children can participate in choirs that sing and choirs that ring. Claire Folts, Mark Verner, Debbi Kees-Folts, and I are working together to nurture and cultivate community and growth in our young believers because they are our future.
It is a gift to worship with you each Sunday as you lift your voices in adoration, prayer, and praise for all that God has done for us. My vision for the music program of Derry Church is to lead a community that rings and sings for God’s glory. Come, and be a part of the music and the worship! Reach out to me and let me know how you’d like to participate. I look forward to singing and ringing God’s praises along with you.
Question of the Week: 9/22/22
September 21, 2022
If you could have a meal with any three people from history, who would they be?
Jan Nixon: Dolly Madison, John Adams, Queen Elizabeth II
Richard Carty: Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Queen Victoria
Pam Whitenack: Milton Hershey, Eleanor Roosevelt, Julia Child
Courtney McKinney-Whitaker: Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Gaskell, Frederick Douglass
Cindy Warnock: Benjamin Franklin, Eleanor Roosevelt, Grace Banker
Sept 2022 Financial Snapshot
September 21, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 8/31/22
Income YTD: | $930,702 | $833,333 |
Expenses YTD: | 756,962 | 862,622 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 173,740 | (25,634) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $86K ahead of 2021 and $79K ahead of estimated contributions through August,
- Mission and Peace is $27K behind 2021, and Building & Grounds is about $28K below 2021. We do expect these committees to spend their 2022 budget.
Six-Week Transformational Bible Study led by Dori Hjalmarson
You are invited to join a transformational Bible study sponsored by the Presbytery of Carlisle and led by Honduras mission co-worker Dori Hjalmarson. “Church, Community and Mission” examines God’s mission of jubilee and salvation in the world and the church’s participation in that mission.
Over the past two years, the Honduras Presbyterian Church has used the study to generate transformation and energetic reflection on its relationship to the larger community, redefining “evangelism” and Christian responsibility. The study was written by professors at the Latin American Biblical University in Costa Rica and translated to English by Presbyterian mission co-workers. It is participatory, conversational, and open-minded.
“Surviving the Holidays” GriefShare Workshop
September 21, 202210 AM – 12 PM SATURDAY, OCT 22 IN ROOM 7
For those grieving the loss of a loved one, this workshop helps with support, encouragement and advice for the upcoming holiday season. Free. RSVP to the church office.
Orange Day is Sunday, Sept 25
September 21, 2022
Orange Day calls attention to exploitation of females worldwide and people working to end it.
Recently 50 hygiene bags were delivered to the Domestic Violence Center in Harrisburg. Thanks to everyone who helped make this possible with donations of items, money and time to sew the bags, pictured right.
Pray for the victims and the staff working to help them break from the cycle of abuse: wear orange (or an orange ribbon) to show your support.
Chicken BBQ Raises Funds for Hope Within Ministries
The resources of our mission partner Hope Within Ministries have been considerably strained by the influx of so many new patients, and their team would really appreciate your support for this chicken BBQ fundraiser. Order meals for yourself and/or purchase for one of the clinic’s patients. Either way, your support is appreciated!
Question of the Week: 9/15/22
September 15, 2022
If you could have a meal with any three people alive today, who would they be?
Mayangela Speicher: Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, and Harrison Ford
Pete Steelman: V.S. Ramachandran (neuroscientist), Kevin Feige (Marvel Czar), Jerry Seinfeld
Mary Lemons: YoYo Ma, RIchard Engel, Liz Cheney
Katie McKinney-Gavazzi: Hillary Clinton, Nicole Wallace (reporter and former press secretary), Bono (from the band U2)
Tim Guenther: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Paul Krugman, Selena Gomez.
Sue George • Director of Communications & Technology
September 15, 2022Back in 2015, when I was working part-time as Derry’s Communications Coordinator, the Communications & Technology Committee embarked on a five-year technology plan. With former Derry member Dave Sweigert taking the lead, the committee worked to replace aging AV equipment and infrastructure throughout the church. I’m happy to report that we completed all the items on that five-year plan, and now that we’re out from under the heavy AV demands that the pandemic brought, we’ve begun work on the next five-year plan. One of the first things we’ll be addressing is the church’s aging and vulnerable WIFI network, which will improve connectivity, add security, and provide faster service for everyone who joins the Derry Guest WIFI.
In June the team that installed our live stream equipment drove in from Malvern to make adjustments to the sound system in the Sanctuary. If you’ve attended 10:30 am Sunday worship in person, tell me what you’re experiencing as you worship in that space. The AV crew is pleased that the nagging problem with feedback has been resolved, and some in the congregation have told me they can tell the sound is clearer. If the congregation is satisfied, then we can turn our attention to other projects.
In March I reported on the outdoor sign project and now we’re just weeks away from installation. Beginning in October, new signage will be appearing on the church campus and on the corner of Mansion Road and East Chocolate Avenue. I’m looking forward to having numbers on all the outdoor entrances, making it easy to direct everyone to the correct door — especially delivery people and guests. We’ve done some preliminary work on the indoor sign plan and we’re waiting for the first round of designs to be delivered for review.
Tech Time on Mondays at 1 pm continues to be a bright spot in my week. A handful of Derry regulars and many new faces drop in on Zoom for an hour for conversation and sharing tips and tricks on high-tech and low-tech devices. Whether or not you have a question, you’re welcome to join for a few minutes or the full hour as we learn and laugh together. It’s the one Zoom meeting that has continued weekly since launching in May 2020 as a way for friends to practice using that brand-new Zoom technology. Let me know your ideas for other Zoom gatherings the church could offer this fall.
I’ll close with a brief update on attendance. In 2022 we’re welcoming on average 32 people at the 8 am service, and 149 at 10:30 am. Live streaming brings an average of 151 IP addresses, which translates to about 225 people. Thanks to everyone who signs the guestbook and lets us know who’s out there worshiping with us. Pastor Stephen, Dan Dorty and I read all the comments and feedback you submit. Whether you join in person or by streaming, we’re glad you’re a part of the Derry Church family.
PS: Following the 10:30 am service on Sunday, the AV crew invites you to stop by the control center at the back to check out what they do on Sunday mornings. If you like what you see, we’d love to have you join the crew to run audio, video, or content added with the computer. Open calls to learn more about AV operations are held monthly.
Coin Return on Sunday Supports Change 4 Children
September 14, 2022Bring your coins for the Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Change 4 Children on Sunday, Sept 18
Alfie is one of 50 children Alliance for Children Everywhere was able to give the gift of family through last year’s contributions to Change 4 Children. His mother did not have the means to keep him and decided to leave him in the care of the crisis nurseries at the age of one month. As his family origins were largely unknown, it was realized reintegration was not possible for Alfie. The foster care team began proceedings to clear him for adoption. A young Zambian couple was matched with him, and the bonding process began at the House of Moses. Foster-to-adopt training has been going well, and Alfie is expected to soon go home with his new parents.
Change 4 Children baskets will be available on Sept 18 for donations to continue this and other ACE programs. Bring your change in zip-closed bags, remembering to bag any foreign coins separately. Check that the bag is free of paper clips, pins, batteries, buttons — anything that is not legal tender — as these clog the coin sorting machine.
Change 4 Children is collected quarterly at Derry Church. The next offering will be received on Sunday, Dec 11.
Children’s Music Program Begins Tuesday, Sept 20
September 14, 2022Kids music is starting up at Derry Church for the school year! Children in preschool through 5th grade are invited to join Ms. Folts on Tuesday evenings to explore, question, and express your relationship with God through music. Youth in 6th-12th grades, stay tuned: there will be music coming for you, too!
Young children in preschool and kindergarten will meet in Room 4 from 5:45-6:15 pm. During that half hour, we will sing, dance, and play together. Children in 1st-5th grades will meet from 6:15-6:45 in the Sanctuary. During our half hour we will sing, dance, play, and drum together. Children in 2nd-5th grades, stay until 7:20 pm to ring chimes!
All age groups will experience music from all over the world from hymns in Glory to God, to Ghanian drum circles, to Israeli folk dances. We will even compose some of our own music! All are welcome. No musical experience necessary. We look forward to having many kids join us! Questions? Contact Claire Folts.
Arts Alive Presents Renowned Organist Simon Johnson
September 14, 2022
Derry Church welcomes organist Simon Johnson, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral, London, UK.
Westminster Cathedral is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales. The largest Catholic church in the UK, it is the seat of Vincent Cardinal Nicholas, the Archbishop of Westminster. The Cathedral Choir is acclaimed as one of the world’s great choirs and remains the only Catholic Cathedral choir in the world to sing daily Mass and Vespers. Simon Johnson’s predecessors include Stephen Cleobury, David Hill, James O’Donnell and Martin Baker.
Johnson was previously the Organist and Assistant Director of Music at St Paul’s Cathedral since 2008, during which time he played for all the national events that have taken place there, including the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen and the funeral of Baroness Thatcher. Previously he was Assistant Master of Music at St Albans Cathedral, establishing the fine reputation of the Girls’ Choir. His first job was as Director of Music as All Saints’ Church in Northampton.
Johnson has performed as soloist and continuo player with premier British orchestras in including the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Mozart Players, the City of London Sinfonia, the London Baroque and the Cardinall’s Musick. His wide-ranging music making also included playing the organ on the soundtrack for the Hollywood blockbuster move the Grand Budapest Hotel, the soundtrack of which won an Oscar and a Grammy award in the U.S. and a Bafta.
He also enjoys orchestral conducting; his compositions are published by OUP and Peters. In 2018 he addressed the symposium of the Pontifical Council for Culture in Rome and in the same year he worked with NASA and the International Space Station in a sell-out performance of Holst’s The Planets at St. Paul’s.
Simon has had an extensive European recital career with recent venues that included Cologne Cathedral, Freiburg Cathedral, Weingarten Abbey, St. Florian Church with the organ of Bruckner, the Turku and Espoo Cathedrals in Finland; Also, the Frauenkirche in Dresden, Germany, Himmerod Abbey, in Germany, Vasteras Cathedral in Sweden, and Palma de Mallorca Cathedral. Closer to home he played concerts at the Westminster Cathedral, London, Truro Cathedral, York Minster, Beverly Minster, Merton College, Oxford, and Westminster Central Hall.
September 14, 2022Derry Church teams deliver meals to homebound residents in Derry Township every Friday. The team that delivers meals on the first Friday of each month is looking for a new driver to join them.
Deliveries begin at 8:30 am at the Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ on Chocolate Ave in Hershey, and takes about an hour. Substitutes are available when you need a month off. Click here to read more about how Derry Church participates in the program. For more information and to volunteer, contact Mary Day.
PW Bible Study: Celebrating Sabbath
September 14, 202210:30 AM MONDAY, SEPT 26 AT THE HOME OF JOAN THEAL
The Bible study Celebrating Sabbath focuses on accepting God’s gift of rest and delight. The lessons are organized around ways Sabbath interacts with different themes: creation, Sunday, surrender, servitude, hospitality, self-care, justice and community.
Presbyterian Women’s circle meets on the fourth Monday of the month at the same time and place except for December. All women are invited to learn ways of accepting this gift which can be hard to do at times.
September 14, 2022Love INC of Greater Hershey recently wrapped up its 9th Annual Lace Up with Love INC sneaker distribution that was held in August.
With the help of 63 volunteers serving over 300 hours, 285 students from Derry Township and Lower Dauphin schools were fitted for brand-new sneakers. 285 additional individuals will be served through the surplus sneakers shared with local ministries in Hershey and Hummelstown.
Love INC is grateful for the contributions of volunteers, donors, and community partners who made this year’s event possible.
Rev. Stephen McKinney-Whitaker • Pastor
September 8, 2022
I love stories: reading, watching, singing, telling stories that entertain, educate, shape, and transform. Everybody has a story: ordinary stories, extraordinary stories, stories that delight, entertain, and educate … stories that make you laugh, think, hope and cry. Stories are the raw material from which we live our lives.
I understand stories as the space where I can speak my questions, express my uncertainty and brokenness, the hurt done to others by me, and the hurt done to me by others.
In our diverse and divided nation, shaped by the ebb and flow of mutual fears and antagonisms, stories can be uncomfortable or discomforting. They can also be restorative and transformative. Each can hold a surprise that opens up life to me and allows me to know and learn about other experiences and ways of life.
I believe we need to create more spaces for storytelling and listening, because a space of stories becomes a space of engagement, and engagement and experience precedes understanding. We cannot reconcile and move forward living better lives together without on some level understanding one another. This is why I’m excited about Derry Church embarking on a new experience together called ENGAGE STORIES.
ENGAGE STORIES is a storytelling event where five people have up to ten minutes each to tell a true story from their own lives, and then the audience gets to ask curious questions. Our first event’s theme is “Once in a Lifetime.”
Everybody has a story that deserves to be heard. Our first group of storytellers will be:
- George Porter is going to tell a story about how a fractured jaw helped to repair a fractured relationship.
- Sara Woodbury says, “When I was 11, I took a trip that changed me in ways I could not have imagined before boarding the plane from Cleveland to Paris. I’ll share with you some of the things I found beautiful, funny, curious, and shocking during my once in a lifetime adventure.”
- Natalie Taylor will share about her recent experience traveling to Poland to teach English to Ukrainian refugees.
- Frances Mohler will share a story about being caught in a scary and dangerous situation on a church mission trip.
- Dan Dorty is going to tell about his 2020 life-saving and life-changing kidney transplant.
I hope you’ll come to the ENGAGE STORIES event at 6:30 pm Saturday, Sept 10 in Room 7. Come prepared to listen, to learn, to ask questions, and grow closer to one another through the power of stories.
Question Of the Week: 9/8/22
September 7, 2022
Who is someone you admire but do not personally know?
Dick Hann: Milton Hershey
Lori Klucker: Clara Barton
Judy McMillen: André Rieu, the Dutch violinist and conductor of the Johann Strauss Orchestra
George Porter: John Roberts
Corinna Webber: Serena Williams
Returning Sept 20: Evening Worship in the Chapel
September 7, 2022Evening worship with communion will be offered at 6:15 pm on the third Tuesday of each month beginning Sept 20. Come as you are and join Rev. Nancy Reinert and pianist Mary Lemons this month for informal worship, singing, prayer, a brief message and the sacrament of the Lord’s supper.
Welcome Claire Folts!
September 7, 2022
Claire Folts is no stranger to Derry Church which she began attending at age three. As a child and youth, she was an active part of Derry’s music program and participated in many of its vocal and bell choirs. After graduating from Hershey High School, she attended St. Olaf College where she received B.A. degrees in Music Education and Religion. At St. Olaf she was a violist in the St. Olaf Orchestra, a soprano in several vocal choirs, rang in the St. Olaf Handbell choir, and directed the Manitou Handbell choir. After college, she spent two years teaching music to children, youth, and adults in Guyana, South America at the Guyana Lutheran Music Academy. Upon returning to the States, she taught kindergarten-5th grade elementary general music for five years in Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Last year she returned to Hershey and, with Derry’s help facilitating her final project in March and April, completed her Master of Music in Music Education with a Kodaly Emphasis from Capital University. She is excited to report she just received her diploma this week! This school year, in addition to serving as the Director of Children’s Music at Derry Church, she is teaching kindergarten and first grade general music in the Derry Township School District as well as private violin, viola, and piano lessons.
At Derry, Claire will be working primarily with preschool through 5th grade children. She can’t wait to begin making music with them and using it as a vehicle to explore, question, and express their relationships with God. They will be singing, drumming, dancing, ringing, and playing together on Tuesdays nights. She hopes to see many kids there!
Buz Myers Presents “A Study of the Distinctive Elements of Presbyterian Life and Thought”

Do you know what it means to be Presbyterian? Have you ever wondered how Presbyterians differ from your Methodist or Lutheran or Episcopalian friends? What distinguishes Presbyterians from all other flavors of Christianity? Come and find answers to these and other questions in a four-part study based on The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) led by the Reverend Charles (Buz) Myers, Ph.D., an ordained Presbyterian minister who is Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at Gettysburg College. Read more.
Young Adult Trivia Night
Young adults, test your recall of fun facts and enjoy fellowship and friendly competition with Derry friends! Food available from 717Tacos & Chef Tony. Free, with a chance to win great prizes.
September 7, 2022CUB SCOUT PACK 200 for boys and girls grades K-5
- Meets Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm at Derry Church. Check out the Pack at recruiting night: 6:30 pm Monday, Sept 12 at Brookside Park, Hershey!
- Contact William Day
BOY SCOUT TROOP 200 for boys grades 6-12
- Meets Mondays 6:45-7:45pm at the Scout House
- Contact Chris Kalmbacher
SCOUT TROOP 2200 FOR GIRLS grades 6-12
- Meets Mondays 5:30-6:30 pm at the Scout House
- Contact Brian Holley
Dance for the Kids/Zumbathon®
Support Four Diamonds’ mission to conquer childhood cancer by assisting children and their families through superior care, comprehensive support, and innovative research! Multiple Zumba instructors will participate during the event, and snacks and water will be provided (bring your own water bottle).
Craig Smith • Derry Member
September 1, 2022Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In September we’re lifting up the PC (USA)’s Peace & Global Witness Offering, and our local offering recipient, Hope Within Ministries.
Hope Within Ministries is a community health, counseling, and dental center located on Route 230 (Harrisburg Pike) in Elizabethtown. Hope Within’s mission is to share God’s love with people in need through the provision of health care services, dental care, sound counsel and related education.
Their vision is to be a local community in which:
- Physical, spiritual, and emotional needs are met;
- Real hope is prevalent;
- Love for one another abounds; and
- Healthy, wholesome lifestyles are the norm
Hope Within was founded in 2002 to provide primary health care to uninsured, low-income residents of Lancaster, Dauphin, and Lebanon Counties. Through the grace and goodness of God, they are excited to share God’s love by offering excellent and free primary medical and donation-based dental care via the hands of more than 30 volunteer medical and dental providers, therapists, and nurses. Derry member Larry Espenshade is one of Hope Within’s volunteer medical practitioners.
Hope Within offers healthcare services for medically uninsured low-income residents in Lancaster, Dauphin, or Lebanon Counties whose household income is at 250 percent of the federal poverty level or less.
Derry’s Mission Committee is grateful for the Hope Within staff and volunteers who are providing primary medical care and immunization services to the Syrian refugee family we are sponsoring through Church World Service. Hope Within has supported many of the refugee families that have relocated in the Harrisburg/Lancaster region.
Hope Within relies on and is immensely grateful for generous support from medical and non-medical volunteers. Volunteer opportunities exist for health care providers, reception/front office services, nursing, help with fundraising and community outreach events, and miscellaneous ministry projects and needs. They would love to hear from you as to ways you would like to get involved.