Month: August 2022
Question of the Week: 8/1/22
August 31, 2022
What is your favorite toy to play with right now?
Kennedy Damron:
My Lil Woodzeez sets
Noah Ganse:
My new baseball glove or dinosaur shaped nerf gun
Calista June:
My ninja ropes course
Genevieve Minnich:
Wii video games: Mario Kart Racing and Disney Infinity
Adam Owsley:
My favorite right now is a foam airplane that does loops outside
New Sunday Guestbook Option
August 31, 2022Live stream regulars let us know they’ve joined us for worship by clicking through to sign the guestbook on our live streaming page. Alert users will notice we’ve added a new guestbook option below the streaming video player. Use either one, and if you prefer one better than the other, let us know in the guestbook comments.
Welcome Dan Dorty!
August 31, 2022
Sept 1 is the first day for Dan Dorty, Derry Church’s new organist and director of music ministry. He’s off and running with the first Sanctuary Choir rehearsal at 7 pm tonight in room 7, and all are welcome to attend.
Dan Dorty most recently served as the Director of Music and Organist at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Mechanicsburg. Previously he was the organist and music director at Camp Hill Presbyterian Church. A Shippensburg native, he grew up in Shippensburg and Newville Presbyterian churches.
Dan is the collaborative pianist and organist for the nationally recognized Susquehanna Chorale. He also serves on the Mount Gretna Summer Bible Festival board and accompanies its 200-voice massed choir. He has collaborated with such well-known composers and arrangers as Joseph M. Martin, Lloyd Larson, Howard Helvey, Heather Sorenson, Patti Drennan, Mary McDonald, and Kristyn and Keith Getty. He attended Messiah College, where he majored in church music with a concentration in organ.
Dan maintains a private studio, teaching organ, piano, and voice in Boiling Springs, PA. He frequently serves as an accompanist in the surrounding communities. He has accompanied the Messiah College Choral Arts Society, the Wheatland Chorale, Central Pennsylvania Oratorio Singers, the Harrisburg Opera Company, Men in Harmony, and many other choirs, professional vocalists, and instrumentalists.
Dan is a member of the American Choral Directors Association and the American Guild of Organists, where he serves on the board of the Harrisburg chapter.
Bus Trip to NYC on Nov 19
August 31, 2022
Here’s what you need to know about Derry’s annual bus trip to NYC:
- You can sign up in the Narthex on Sunday mornings beginning Sept 11: forms will be available at the insert rack outside the kitchen
- Bus departs Derry Church promptly at 7 am SAT NOV 19 and leaves NYC at 7 pm, returning at approximately 10:30 pm
- $60 per person for transportation only, and checks will be held until the bus is filled. Then payment is non-refundable unless your seat can be filled.
- Enjoy a day on your own in NYC to go shopping, sightsee or take in a show
- Bring your own snack or beverage
- There will be no stops along the way
- Sponsored by the Sanctuary Choir
- Questions? Contact Cindy Royer
Derry Day Trippers Plan a Hershey Experience
The Derry Day Trippers invite you to join them for a tour of the Hershey Theatre. Most of the tour is on the ground floor. There is no elevator so if you have mobility issues, you can remain on the ground floor and one of the guides will stay with you and tell you about the part of the theater you cannot access.
After the tour, the group will go to the Hotel Hershey for lunch and each person can order and pay for their meal.
Everyone is welcome to join this truly “Hershey” experience. Payment for the tour ($15/person) is due to Sandy Miceli in the church office by Wednesday, Sept 14.
Love INC’s 16th Anniversary Celebration & Community Auction
Check-in and silent auction for premier items begin at 5 pm with hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar available. Guests may enjoy complimentary access to the butterfly atrium and gardens prior to a buffet dinner at 6 pm. Reserve your seat no later than Oct 6 for $75/person. Walk-up seating on the night of the dinner is not available. All proceeds from this event benefit the ministries of Love INC of Greater Hershey.
The Online Community Auction happens Oct 9-13 and all may participate at no cost save the online items you may win at auction. Register now.
Are You a Member of Shepherd Group #23? Don’t Miss This Gathering!
August 31, 2022Cathy and Alan Olson are once again hosting a potluck social at their home at 1004 Grant Circle in Lebanon at 5 pm Sunday, Oct 2. Please bring your favorite covered dish. We will provide beverages, cups, plates, napkins and eating utensils.
Questions? Contact Shepherd Group Leader Richard Carty or Cathy Olson.
New! “Engage Stories” Live Storytelling Event
August 31, 2022
We love stories, and everybody has a story: ordinary stories, extraordinary stories, stories that delight, entertain, educate, stories that make you laugh, think, hope and cry. Stories are the raw material from which we live our lives.
Engage Stories is a storytelling event where five people have up to ten minutes each to tell a true story from their own life and the audience gets to ask curious questions. Our first event’s theme is “Once in a Lifetime.” Join us to listen as George Porter, Sara Woodbury, Natalie Taylor, Frances Mohler, and our new organist Dan Dorty tell us about once-in-a-lifetime moments, opportunities, relationships, and experiences.
Everybody has a story that deserves to be heard. Join us to listen to Derry friends tell about once-in-a-lifetime moments, oEverybody has a story that deserves to be heard. Come prepared to listen, to learn, to ask questions, and grow closer to one another through the power of stories.
Susan Kastelic • Derry Member
August 25, 2022In 2009, Rev. Marie Buffaloe asked me if I would be willing to embark with her on a new program for Derry Church. She had in mind a way to assist people dealing with the loss of a loved one. She explained to me that she had found a program entitled “Grief Share,” a nationally recognized Christian based bereavement program.
At that time our church had suffered the losses of several members, and a few of our members had other personal losses in their lives. We began meeting on Tuesday afternoons and our first group consisted almost entirely of Derry members. The idea was that they could attend Grief Share, then stay and enjoy fellowship around the table at Terrific Tuesday meals.
Since then, with outreach and advertising, our groups often have community members outnumbering our church members. People can visit to learn where the program is being offered. They come from a variety of faith traditions and some travel quite a distance to reach our church. We have faced unique challenges with those we seek to serve.
Knowing that Marie would not be with me this year, I asked God and my prayer warriors for direction in discerning if I could do this as the leader. In the late winter, the answer became clear that “yes,” needed to try. I was fortunate to have a woman who had gone through the program with us two times and had become a leader with us. Bonnie Landes from Palmyra Church of the Brethren was committed to making the program a success and has worked closely with me this summer to accomplish that goal. I am grateful to Bonnie for her informed guidance and compassionate heart.
We are now meeting on Monday afternoons and are privileged to gather each week with a group who have suffered profound losses in their lives. It is an honor to be a part of their shared experience. In these two hours they find acceptance and a safe place for their pain and their tears. These are times of affirmation of God’s love and God’s care for us. We look forward to being with them each week and providing the opportunity for them to try small steps, which often lead to bigger steps and deeper understandings of a God who never leaves us.
Editor’s note: The 13-week summer GriefShare series concludes in September, but they’ll be back next year. Watch the eNews for the 2023 schedule.
Question of the Week: 8/25/22
August 24, 2022
If you could return to one place you’ve visited, where would you like to go back to and why?
Tom Davis:
I have been fortunate to have traveled to many places around the world; however, there is one place that will always be “special.“ My family celebrated my first birthday in Avalon, NJ. Most of my birthdays have been celebrated there. I love the beach and the ocean. Some of my happiest memories with my Dad were our family vacations at the shore. As my Dad would often say, it was our happy place and the first swim in the ocean washed away all our cobwebs.
Cathy Olson:
I would love to return to Provence. Its towns have the best of modern France, and their Roman amphitheaters and thermal baths are well preserved.
Joanne McMullen:
I would return to Morocco because of the beauty, culture, food, geographical diversity, history, most importantly, the wonderful and friendly people.
Al Reed:
I would love to revisit Iceland and see the magical mystical northern lights at their peak.
Neal Rhoads:
I have lived in Turkey for two years and visited it three other times, however, it is one country I would like to visit again. I would visit numerous ruins of countless cultures since during every visit more of the ruins have been unearthed and others have been discovered. The people are very friendly and the food is delicious.
August 24, 2022- The Session joyfully approved the following children for baptism on September 18: Charlotte Anele and Hazel Ruth Hempel, twin daughters of Tyler & Eliana Hempel and Nolan Michael Farbaniec, son of Michael & Rebecca Farbaniec.
- Updated Derry’s active membership roll.
- Approved the following building use requests:
o Continued Capital Area Intermediate Unit’s program to offer speech therapy classes in coordination with Derry Discovery Days
o Use of fellowship hall for two children’s birthday parties on August 20 and September 17
o Use of fellowship hall for a “Zumba thon” to benefit Four Diamonds Fund on September 24 from 10-2 as requested by Carly Wilfong
o Use of the Chapel for the wedding of Melissa Barlow and Ralph Fertrow on Saturday, October 1
o Susquehanna Chorale’s request to use the sanctuary for their spring concert rehearsal on May 1, 2023 (the spring concert on May 12, 2023 was previously approved). - Reviewed and approved revisions to Derry’s Safe Children Policy.
- Rally Day, which traditionally marks the start of a new church school year, is September 18.
- Called two congregational meetings:
o October 2 for election of church officers, and
o December 11 to act on Pastors’ Terms of Call (this item moved from the Annual Meeting to facilitate payroll record keeping) - Scheduled a fall session retreat for Wednesday, September 21 from 6-9 pm.
- Approved the hiring of four Derry Discovery Days employees: Jennifer Harman-LadybugLead Teacher, Laura Mills-Ladybug Aide, Kate Kucharski-Turtle Aide, and Susan Stanton-Butterfly Aide.
- Approved George Porter, Duncan Campbell, and Greg Taylor as new signatories for Derry’s Vanguard investment account.
- Hope Within will be the recipient of the Peace and Global Witness offering.
- The Membership & Involvement committee will be coordinating upcoming Post Worship Fellowship gatherings.
Interfaith Series on Aug 28 Focuses on Islam
August 24, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch a DVD lecture from Chautauqua Institution’s 2019 Interfaith Series. The final class in the series is presented by Mustafa Akyol, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, where he focuses on the intersection of public policy, Islam, and modernity. A Turkish journalist and author, he is a regular contributing opinion writer for the New York Times since 2013, and has been a regular opinion columnist for Turkish publications such as Hurriyet Daily News, and for the Middle-East focused
Akyol is the author of Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty, praised by The Financial Times as “a forthright and elegant Muslim defense of freedom.”
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Join a Fall Study Group
August 24, 2022 10:30 am – 12 pm Thursdays beginning Sept 8 in room 7
This study group is led by Jan Nixon. On Sept 8, Pastor Stephen will talk about what he learned on his recent sabbatical trip to Ireland. In following weeks, the group will delve into the Presbyterian Women’s study, “God’s Promise.”
9-10 am Sundays beginning Sept 18 in room 2
Led by Meara Kwee and Tom Folts, this study/discussion group will start each week by taking time to “catch our breath” through a reflection or centering exercise. Discussion will focus on the book of Ruth for the first five weeks.
11:45 am Sundays, Sept 18-Oct 2 in the Chapel
Pastor Stephen’s 11-minute lessons are back! Join him for a three-week study on reconciliation and things he learned at Corrymeela. The series takes a break in mid-October, resuming on Oct 23 with a new topic.
7-8:30 pm Mondays, Sept 19, Oct 3 & Nov 7 on Zoom
This women’s study group is reading Dr. Amy-Jill Levine’s “The Difficult Words of Jesus.” The author invites and encourages readers to “wrestle” with some of Jesus’s more confusing, controversial, and historically damage-inflicting words as recorded in the Gospels. Two of the six chapters will be discussed in each session. Click to join on Zoom
Tour the Ruth Codington Memorial Library at Derry Church
August 24, 2022Over the past few months, Derry Church’s lending library has received a makeover with new organization and fresh titles. In less than two minutes, find out what’s new from Derry’s resident librarian, Chris Gawron.
Starting Sept 20, Tuesdays are Terrific!
August 24, 2022Weekly Terrific Tuesday dinners begin at 5 pm, but that’s not all: we’re bringing back Derry’s exciting weekly music and creative arts education for children age 4 through grade 12. Programming gets under way at 5:45 pm with opportunities for vocal and instrumental music as well as creative arts. No need to RSVP. Bring a friend!
Pets Are a Blessing!
August 24, 2022
Check out photos from Derry’s annual worship service celebrating our covenant with animals on August 23, 2022. It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor service, with 50 people and almost as many dogs in attendance.
Jacob Taylor • Derry Member
August 18, 2022
This summer, the youth got the opportunity to travel to Maine for a summer retreat. Our week consisted of lots of exploration, service, and adventure. After a long car ride accompanied by Harry Styles and filled with Claudia’s fun facts from her book about all the ways to die in Yellowstone, we arrived at our house and prepared for a busy trip.
Throughout the week, we spent a lot of time visiting places in Acadia National Park. We saw the waves crash in Thunder Hole and watched the sunset from Cadillac Mountain. We hiked through trails of the forest and swam in the freezing water of the ocean. Some of us went rock climbing for the first time, while others enjoyed the carriage roads throughout the park.
We got to serve in Acadia by weeding the carriage roads through “flossing.” We worshipped on Sunday morning at a service inside of the park. When we weren’t in Acadia, we were exploring the rest of Mount Desert Island. We received lessons on how to be lumberjacks and watched a show of the professionals competing with each other. On another day, many of us tried paddle boarding or kayaking for the first time. Other times we would just drive around and stop whenever we saw a great view of the mountains and lakes.
These stops often led to some of the best moments of the trip. Mr. Steelman became the fastest human as he clocked in at 29 mph while running past a speed radar sign. At another stop, we jumped between rocks on the beach and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Between all these activities, we got to hang out as a group at the pool or basketball court at the house and enjoy Mr. Patton’s incredible cooking. After dinner each night, everyone looked forward to what game or activity we would be doing. These games produced some of my favorite moments of the trip. We got to pretend we were on TV with Family Feud or order each other to do whatever we wanted when we were the Great Dalmuti. Our non-talent talent show featured everything from Yar singing Christmas songs while doing a handstand and shaking maracas with her toes to Claudia performing a puppet show with her knees and feet.
The campfire in the backyard made for the perfect spot to have devotionals and make s’mores. We shared our favorite experiences from the day while debating if it was normal that people like their marshmallows completely burned (It’s not). On Friday night, we finished our trip around the fire with Mr. Steelman’s incredible parody of Bohemian Rhapsody. And after another long car ride again filled with random Claudia trivia and even more Harry Styles, we all made it back to the church safe.
This trip was probably my favorite I have been on with the church. I can’t thank Claudia, Mr. Steelman, Mr. Patton, and Pastor Pam enough for the zesty time that was the Maine trip!
Editor’s note: Jacob is a 2022 graduate of Hershey High School. He is now attending West Chester University to pursue a degree in business. Jacob is the son of Greg Taylor and brother of Emma and Natalie, AKA “The Taylor Tribe.”
Aug 2022 Financial Snapshot
August 17, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 7/31/22
Income YTD: | $813,806 | $729,167 |
Expenses YTD: | 666,069 | 754,801 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 147,737 | (25,634) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $53K ahead of 2021 and $44K ahead of estimated contributions through July
- Mission and Peace is $21K behind 2021. Building and grounds is about $27K below 2021. We expect these committees to spend their 2022 budget. Some personnel expenses are backloaded.
Interfaith Series on Aug 21 Focuses on Judaism
August 17, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch another DVD lecture from Chautauqua Institution’s 2019 Interfaith Series. Rabbi Saul J. Berman was ordained at Yeshiva University, from which he also received his B.A. and his M.H.L. He completed a degree in law, a J.D., at New York University, and an M.A. in Political Science at the University of California at Berkeley.
Rabbi Berman was the Rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel in Berkeley, California, from 1963 to 1969. He was an early leader in the Soviet Jewry movement and, an active participant in the Civil Rights movement, he was present and was arrested at the demonstrations in Selma, Alabama in 1965. In 1971 Rabbi Berman was appointed Chairman of the Department of Judaic Studies of Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University. Under his leadership over the next thirteen years, it grew into the largest undergraduate Department of Jewish Studies in the United States. In 1984 Rabbi Berman accepted the position as Senior Rabbi of Lincoln Square Synagogue in Manhattan, where he served until 1990, then returned to academic life.
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Desserts Needed for the Next Racetrack Meal
It’s Derry Church’s turn to host a meal for the back-of the-track workers at Penn National racetrack. The meal will be prepared by Loretta Chubb and served indoors. You can help by providing a dessert and/or helping to serve the meal: contact Craig Smith (717) 574 9296.
Communion at Country Meadows
Pastor Stephen will lead a communion service in a room adjacent to the Rose Room, assisted by members of the Care & Share committee.
Question Of The Week: 8/18/22
August 17, 2022
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Meara Kwee:
I would go to Peru. While I speak Spanish and have traveled quite a bit in Central America, I’ve only been to one country in South America. I’d love to hike to Machu Picchu and experience the cultures and flavors of Peru.
Bill McGregor:
Garmisch Parkenkirch in Germany: I went on vacation there as a child with family and friends when I was growing up in Germany.
Stacey Ruch:
I would like to visit New Zealand. The wild beauty and variety of nature appeals to me. Mountains, oceans, and remote locations feel peaceful to me.
Greg Taylor:
Australia, because I was born there.
Mark Verner:
I would love to visit a monk monastery and spend time there. It would grow my faith and enrich my soul.
Arts Alive Welcomes the Lebanon Big Swing Band
The toe-tapping sound of the Big Band era will fill the Sanctuary when the 16-member Lebanon Big Swing Band plays for Derry Church’s 2022 Arts Alive Cultural Series.
The Lebanon Big Swing Band was organized in 1990 by Edgar Felty, Lee Moyer and Karl Wolf, Jr. — members of Local 401-750 of the American Federation of Musicians in Lebanon — to provide an opportunity for area musicians to present music of the Big Band Era. Their repertoire includes music in the style of favorite dance bands such as Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Harry James, Count Basie and Duke Ellington. Most members of the band have “day jobs” and come together to rehearse and play concerts and dances and entertain audiences as a hobby. They are all accomplished musicians who learned their basic music skills in school instrumental programs and have enjoyed enhancing their lives by sharing this style of swing music.
The Lebanon Big Swing Band has played at Derry Church twice before, and performs across Central PA throughout the year under the direction of trombonist and band leader Steve Leibig. The ensemble includes vocalist Lauren Schuyler as well as two original members of the band: Lee Moyer and Warren Daugherty. The musicians remain dedicated to keeping the spirit of Big Band alive.

PW Gathering/Orange Day
August 17, 2022- Ladies, mark your calendars for Saturday, Aug 27 and the PW in Carlisle Summer/Fall Gathering at Second Carlisle Presbyterian Church. The programs include an introduction to the Bible study, Celebrate Sabbath, by Rebeca Lister and a presentation on anxiety by Rev. Andy Hart. Contact Doris Feil to get in the car pool.
- Presbyterian Women observe Orange Day the 25th of each month to show awareness of exploitation of females worldwide and to show support for people working to end it. In Pennsylvania, we hear of domestic violence more than labor and sexual exploitation, but both do exist in this state. Next Thursday, wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support for organizations ministering to the victims of the exploitation.
M.E. Steelman • Children’s Ministry Coordinator
August 11, 2022
Can you believe it is almost half-way through August? Time sure does fly by during the summer months. As we continue preparing for the change of seasons and the start of our next program year, the Christian Education committee is hopeful that we will see the return of a consistent schedule!
The last two years have taught us many important lessons and also helped us see the value of things we often take for granted, things as simple as the consistency of a schedule. Our Christian Education team has had to remain fluid for the last two program years. We desperately wanted to set a schedule for our programs and activities for everyone to enjoy, but we knew our plans would likely change before the event occurred.
We are all hopeful that this year will be different now that we are learning to live with Covid as part of our normal way of life. As we work hard to create programming that is dynamic, meaningful, educational and fun, we are hopeful that our church family members will make these activities part of their consistent schedule each week.
Here is a glimpse of what you can expect to enjoy this year…
For Children…
- Weekly Sunday School from 9:00-10:15 am
- Tuesday evening KIC Club beginning September 20 at 5:45 pm
- Fellowship Fun for children in grades 2-5 from 11:30-1:30 on select Sundays
For Youth…
- Weekly Sunday School from 9:00-10:15 am
- Weekly Youth Group activities
- Tuesday Evening programming
For the Church family…
- Adult Sunday School programming from 9:00-10:15 am
- Vocal and Bell Choirs
- Terrific Tuesday dinners at 5pm each Tuesday starting September 13
- Special programs throughout the year
We hope you will find a program or group that fits your needs and helps your faith grow and be challenged in meaningful ways. We also hope you will make it a part of your consistent schedule 🙂
We look forward to gathering with you soon!
Question of the Week: 8/11/22
August 10, 2022
What are your three favorite movies?

Daniel Forslund:
- Rocky
- Lord of the Rings,
- The Godfather
Susan Hubbell:
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
- The Christmas Story
- A Few Good Men
Joey Owsley:
- Space Balls,
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ,
- Spotlight
John Messmer:
- Blazing Saddles
- Immortal Beloved
- The Wizard of Oz
Karen Potter:
- The Princess Bride
- The Wizard of OZ
- It’s a Wonderful Life
Interfaith Series on Aug 14 Focuses on Zen Buddhism
August 10, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch another DVD lecture from Chautauqua Institution’s 2019 Interfaith Series. Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede [pronounced “BODE’n COAL-heed”] is a Zen Buddhist priest and Abbot of the Rochester Zen Center. Born in Michigan in 1948, he received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In 1971 he entered what would become a 15-year course of residential training at the Rochester Zen Center under Roshi Philip Kapleau, the Center’s founder, who ordained him in 1976. He has conducted meditation retreats throughout the United States, as well as in Sweden, Mexico, and Germany.
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Benefit Concert Helps People of Ukraine
Local, national, and international musicians are uniting in Harrisburg for Glory To Ukraine, a concert benefiting the people of Ukraine who have been severely impacted by the war. The concert will feature:
- Tetyana Pyatovolenko, cellist from Ukraine
- Peter Sirotin, Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster and world class violinist from Ukraine
- The Susquehanna Chorale with Dan Dorty on the piano
- Other musicians from the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, including Andreas Oeste, Principal Oboe and Professor at Penn State University.
Proceeds from the concert benefit the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation (USUF).
Purchase tickets on the event website or call Whitaker Center at (717) 214-2787. Concert tickets are $40 each. VIP tickets are $100 each and include premier seating and entrance to a post-concert meet & greet reception with the musicians.
Kari King • President and CEO, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
August 4, 2022On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In August we’re lifting up Education of Children. The Mission & Peace Committee has supported Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC) for many years. They value PPC’s continued advocacy for the health and education for the children in our state. This letter from Kari King confirms the value of Derry Church continuing its support of the organization in the future.
As the statewide, nonpartisan, nonprofit child advocacy organization with a vision to ensure every child living in Pennsylvania can thrive and reach their full potential, PPC focuses its efforts on ensuring that:
- Children and their families have access to affordable, high-quality child care and pre-k.
- Children can access an adequate and equitable high-quality public education.
- Each pregnant woman and child has access to affordable, quality health care.
- Children can grow up in a home where they are safe and protected from abuse and neglect.
Our work across policy issues is centered in four key strategies: analyze and interpret data to inform our policy work as well as conduct high-quality research; work with stakeholder partners at various coalition tables to raise advocate voices; serve as an objective resource for the media on policies impacting kids; and educate policymakers at the state and federal levels on both sides of the aisle.
We are especially proud of recent accomplishments achieved through our advocacy work, including:
- A total increase in funding for pre-k of $79 million in the 2022-23 state budget – the largest in its history since the Pre-K Counts program was enacted in 2007. In the past eight years, pre-k programs have seen 187% growth in state support, currently serving over 65,000 eligible children statewide and over 1,600 in Dauphin County.
- For child care, funding in the 2022-23 state budget to support the sector’s workforce with $2,500 one-time recruitment and retention bonuses (using $90 million in federal stimulus funds) and an additional $25 million in state funding to increase eligibility for the Child Care Works subsidy program up to 300% of the federal poverty level, helping working families afford child care.
- Historic investments for K-12 education funding, which in addition to a $750 million increase for basic education also included additional support for special education and career and technical education, as well as $200 million for grant programs split between school-based mental health services and physical safety needs.
In the remaining months of the year, we are excited to focus on some federal work, with reauthorization needed of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, or MIECHV, in US Congress. Often referred to simply as “home visiting,” these programs pair families looking for additional support and mentoring with their parenting skills with trained professionals such as nurses or social workers. These customized services impact outcomes ranging from improved child health, improved early childhood literacy, and improved family economic self-sufficiency to reduced instances of child abuse and neglect.
PPC truly appreciates your support of the work we do. Without it, we would not be advocates on behalf of Pennsylvania’s children.
Question of the Week: August 4, 2022
August 3, 2022
If you could only listen to three music albums for the rest of your life what would they be?

Randy Aires:
- Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
- Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
- Dvorak’s String Quartet No. 12 (“American”) by the Emerson String Quartet
Sara Matthews:
- 1200 curfews by Indigo Girls
- Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John
- Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons
Julie Miller:
- Out of Time by REM
- Paper Airplane by Alison Krauss & Union Station
- The Music of Kings: Choral Favorites from Cambridge by the Kings’s College Choir
Tim Mosher
- Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 in C Minor (The Resurrection Symphony) recorded by New York Philharmonic under the direction of Leonard Bernstein
- Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere recorded in the Merton College Chapel, Oxford in 1980 by the Tallis Scholars
- Shostakovich: String Quartets Nos. 1 – 13 by the Borodin Quartet
Jim Royer:
- More of The Monkees by the Monkees
- A Song For Two by Cashman and West
- Belly Up by Dr. Hook and The Medicine Show
Issues Class Interfaith Series Begins Sunday, Aug 7
August 3, 20229-10 AM IN ROOM 2
For many years Sue and Jim George spent a week each summer at Chautauqua Institution in Western New York. In 2019 Sue especially enjoyed an interfaith lecture presented by award-winning educator, writer, activist, and scholar Simran Jeet Singh, who spoke about his Sikh faith. In fact, Sue liked the lecture so much that she purchased the DVD set so Derry’s Adult Education committee could use the lectures when there was time in the schedule. Now you have the chance to watch that lecture — and three others from the 2019 series — over the course of the next four weeks.
On Sunday, join Jack Keene and friends in room 2 to watch the DVD lecture presented by Dr. Singh. Simran writes and speaks regularly on issues of diversity, inclusion, civil rights, religion, and hate violence, and his thought leadership extends to a number of audiences, including university campuses, government bodies, and leadership conferences. He is Executive Director for the Aspen Institute’s Religion & Society Program and author of the recently published book, The Light We Give: How Sikh Wisdom Can Transform Your Life.
Following the video presentation, there will be time for questions and discussion, and even a chance to hear some of the questions posed by the Chautauqua audience.
Young(ish) Adults: Have Lunch Together on Sunday!
Young and young-ish adults are invited to a fellowship lunch gathering on Sunday! This is a great chance to meet young adults at Derry Church and reconnect with others. Please contact Pastor Stephen if you plan to attend.
Update on Derry’s Partnership with a Refugee Family
August 3, 2022In cooperation with Church World Service Harrisburg, our Syrian family of six has arrived safely in Hershey. The Welcoming Team met them at the airport and presented their four children, ages 4-12, with several stuffed animals as well as backpacks containing age-appropriate activities. Each family member brought two duffle bags containing their household and personal belongings which were taken excitedly to their new home.
With the aid of a translator and despite the long travel day, the family continuously expressed their thanks and appreciation for all that was being done for them. This was extended to include attendance Friday at the local mosque. As you might expect, there are many questions: how do you run the washing machine; what are those blinking lights we see at night (fireflies); and do you work when it snows?
The coming days will be filled with ESL lessons, physicals, registration with government programs and school enrollment, also job searches for the educated parents.
Donations you can help with now:
- 24″ and 26″ Bicycles
- Two-shelf shoe rack, approximately 12″ wide by 36-48″ long
- Men’s electric razor and a hair clipper kit
Contact Marilyn Koch to arrange for pickup of items or drop off at the church.
Watch for upcoming opportunities where you can help their transition into a new culture.
Terrific Tuesday Kicks Off in a Big Way on Sept 13 with “Stories and Sounds”
August 3, 2022We’re thrilled that weekly Terrific Tuesday meals will be returning at 5 pm in Fellowship Hall beginning Sept 13, and excited to have families gather for fellowship and opportunities for music and learning.
At 6 pm Sept 13 in the Sanctuary, Derry Church is delighted to present “Stories and Sounds” for families and friends of all ages to enjoy. The program features three beloved fairy tales: Three Little Pigs, Brementown Musicians and Adventures at Grannie’s (Little Red Riding Hood) with music by contemporary American composers Daniel Dorff, Kile Smith and Gwyneth Walker. This 35-40-minute-long program introduces elementary school children to storytelling through music and theater and features live performance by theater major students from CASA, Dr. Ai-Lin Hsieh, cello professor at Lebanon Valley College, and Peter Sirotin, Concertmaster of the Harrisburg Symphony.
Would You Like to Receive Communion at Home?
August 3, 2022Derry members and friends who are homebound and unable to receive communion at the church: Pastor Stephen and a Deacon would like to bring communion to you. To sign up, just call the church office (717-533-9667) or email Pastor Stephen. Home communion goes out once a month, and we’d love to add YOU to the rotating schedule.