Month: July 2022
D. Lee Backenstose, MD • 1915-2001
July 28, 2022Derry Church is blessed by the many people who make up our church family. In addition to their roles and leadership at church, they have often played important roles in the growth and development of the larger Hershey community. Hershey Community Archives’ oral history collection holds interviews with many Derry Church members. These interviews provide information about their lives and contributions to Derry and the community. Thanks to elder and retired Archives Director Pam Whitenack, who compiled Lee’s history for this week’s message.
Daniel Lee Backenstose was born in Schaefferstown in 1915. He grew up in a farming community, often helping his grandfather with a wide variety of farming chores.

Lee attended Penn State University, graduating in 1936 with a degree in agricultural education. That same year, he was hired as Derry Township’s teacher of agriculture. In 1942 he was drafted by the army and served four years in Europe both in combat and later with the Army Judge Advocate’s division.
Seeing soldiers wounded during the war greatly influenced Lee’s plans for his future. While he had not had the financial resources before the war, the G.I Bill opened the door for Lee to pursue a medical education. He attended Jefferson Medical School, graduating in 1951. Interested in private practice, Lee considered establishing an office in Hershey or in Lebanon. He met with Jim Bobb, manager of the Milton Hershey School Farm Division, who encouraged him to set up an office in Hershey. While initially slow, the practice gradually grew. Lee saw patients in his Hershey office, and for additional income, also assisted a surgeon at the Lebanon Sanitorium on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Lee also remembered,
In those days, I had some patients at Lebanon, I had some here in the Hershey Hospital, and I was on the Harrisburg Hospital staff. At times I used to visit all three places in one day.
His practice also included delivering babies at Hershey, Harrisburg and Lebanon hospitals as well as home deliveries.
Lee was ambitious and blessed with boundless energy. In addition to his private practice, he also served as the HERCO (now Hershey Entertainment and Resorts Company) doctor, including caring for the Hershey Bears, the Medical Director of Milton Hershey School (1968-82) and shared weekend duty and covered vacations for the chocolate company doctor.
When the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center opened, Lee opted to not join its medical staff, whose doctors were paid employees. He preferred the independence of his private practice. However, when Charles and Irma Millard established the Four Diamonds Fund in honor of their son, Christopher, following his death from cancer in 1972, the Medical Center asked Lee to serve as the first chair of the Fund. The Four Diamonds’ mission was to provide financial assistance to children battling cancer at the Hershey Medical Center.
A critical step in making the Fund successful was Lee’s efforts to engage the Penn State Interfraternity Council (IFC) in raising monies for the Four Diamonds fund. As Lee related in his oral history, he worked with Herbert Kraybill, from the Penn State gifts and endowments office. At the time, they were competing with other charities to get the IFC to lend their services to the Four Diamonds Fund.
And in those days it was really a touch-and-go, because you had multiple sclerosis and the Leukemia Society and everything else that were trying to get those students to lend their efforts and their performance to their cause. So we were really in competition up there a number of years before we established our dominance in having the Interfraternity Council put all their efforts behind the Four Diamond Fund down at Hershey… This year [1990] the IFC may have raised $600,000 for the Four Diamond Fund. It turned into a tremendous thing that we started. At the beginning we started with something like $50,000. That was the IFC goal. Now the IFC is up at $600,000 a year. It’s the biggest fundraiser we ever had. They raised a tremendous amount of money for the Four Diamond Fund. We couldn’t do what we’re doing today if we wouldn’t have the benefit of the Interfraternity Council from Penn State.
[Before the IFC involvement] in those early days, I used to go around to Lions Clubs and 4-H Clubs and give talks for benefiting the Four Diamonds to raise a dollar here and a dollar there, something like that, talk to schools and all that kind of business, which isn’t even done today anymore. But that was the beginning. That’s where we started. And look where we are now. Whew!
In 2022, the IFC THON raised $13,756,375.
To read the entire transcript of Lee Backenstose’s interview, click here.
Fun fact #1: Lee and Dottie Backenstose (pictured) were the parents of Derry member Amy Backenstose and grandparents of Auggie, Grace, Mavis, and Georgia.
Fun fact #2: Did you know that another Derry member has a connection to the origin story of the Four Diamonds Fund/THON? Click here to read the article first published in the Derry Church eNews in 2013.
It’s time to sign up for the All-Church Retreat!
July 27, 2022
Krislund cabins that sleep 2-4 are $85/night, and you can bring your own linens or use theirs ($20/set). Only pay for the meals you will be eating at the camp on Saturday and Sunday. Jack Keene has all the details: contact him to plan your stay and RSVP before the Aug 21 deadline.
Question of the Week: July 28, 2022
July 27, 2022Presenting a new eNews feature designed to help Derry members and friends learn more about each other. You never know when Pastor Stephen might reach out and ask you the Question of the Week. How would you answer?

If you could only read three books (besides the Bible) for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Pete Feil:
- The Brothers Karamazov (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
- Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (Ted Lawson)
- Guns, Germs, and Steel (Vernon McKreith)
Shari Lapano:
- Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
- Journeys of a Lifetime (National Geographic)
- If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits? (Erma Bombeck)
Peter Gawron:
- Shawshank Redemption (Stephen King)
- Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen)
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Mitch Albom)
Eliana Hempel:
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (J.K. Rowling)
- A Mysterious Affair at Styles (Agatha Christie)
- Choosing Happiness (Stephanie Dowrick)
Lee Freeman:
- Unbroken (Laura Hillenbrand)
- Addictive Organization (Ann Wilson Scahef/Diane Fassel)
- 1,000 Events that Shaped the World (Jared Diamond/National Geographic)
Adult Education Opportunities for Sunday, July 31
July 27, 2022ISSUES CLASS: Ireland and the Power of Stories
In Northern Ireland, the Corrymeela Community and other reconcilers understand stories as the space where we can speak our questions, express our uncertainty and brokenness, the hurt done to others by us, and the hurt done to us by others. In our life together, often shaped by the ebb and flow of mutual fears and antagonisms, stories can be uncomfortable or discomforting. They can also be restorative and transformative, surprises that open up life to us and others we live in community with. We a need a space for stories, because a space of stories becomes a space of engagement, and engagement and experience precedes understanding. Discover what Pastor Stephen learned in Ireland and how stories may help us live life better together.
BIBLE STUDY: Women of Exodus, Part 4: Miriam
9:30-10:15 AM IN ROOM 1
This week Meara Kwee leads a study of Exodus 2:1-10 and Exodus 15:1-21. Miriam is the first woman in the Old Testament to be identified as a prophet. Beloved by her people, Miriam led them in a song of liberation as they left Egypt and crossed the Reed Sea. How did she act as a prophet to her people? How can we join in the songs of modern day Miriams working for justice in our communities and world?
This is your last chance to drop in the summer Bible study series before leaders take the month of August to regroup and plan for the fall. Contact Meara Kwee or Tom Folts if there’s something you’re interested in studying on Sunday mornings in the coming months.
Experience the Joy of Play on Sunday Mornings!
July 27, 2022The children of Derry Church invite you to hang out with them in the church nursery on Sunday mornings! This is a fun and great way for you to get to know the youngest members of our church. By volunteering in the nursery one or two Sundays a quarter, you will have the opportunity to experience the joy of play. You will also help to fulfill the baptism promise we all pledge: to watch over and guide each child of God.
The link below takes you to our new digital sign-up sheet. Please place your name (or your youth’s name) on dates you are available to join the nursery team:
Chicken BBQ Benefits Our Mission Partner
July 27, 2022
Our mission partner — Hope Within Community Health, Counseling & Dental Center — is having their annual chicken BBQ fundraiser! Order at the link below and pickup 11 am – 1 pm Saturday, Aug 13 at Hope Within, 4748 Harrisburg Pike, Elizabethtown.
Loretta Chubb • Hospitality Coordinator
July 21, 2022It’s great to see people coming back to church and enjoying food, fun and fellowship. Speaking of food and fellowship: there are opportunities coming up that you and your family can enjoy and participate in here at Derry Church.
Take the night off from cooking and enjoy a meal at the church. Terrific Tuesdays return on Tuesday, Sept 13 starting at 5 pm. We generally are able to serve until close to 6 pm. The meal includes an entrée, vegetables, salad, drink and dessert, and the cost is just $5 for ages 6 and over while children age 5 and under are free. We are always looking for help to serve and then clean up after the meal. If you are interested in helping, get in touch with me by sending me an email.

Post Worship Fellowship following the Sunday (10:30 am) church service has started up again and is going well. This is a great time to catch up with fellow church members and friends and have a couple of cookies and an iced tea or lemonade. There are also opportunities for you to assist with “hosting” Post Worship Fellowship on Sundays. Click here to sign up or give me a call if you are interested. The cookies and drinks are supplied: all you have to do is stop in the kitchen at about 10:15 am to get instructions. You will be helping to plate cookies and other snacks, serve the drinks and assist with cleanup afterwards. If you have a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, homecoming or other special event you want to celebrate, feel free to provide additional refreshments.
Since the spring of 2020, we’ve added some equipment to the kitchen. We replaced our aging Vulcan gas stove with a new, more efficient model with six burners, two ovens and a griddle. The new gas stove saves gas, is more efficient and has more safety features than our old oven. It’s been working very well since it was installed almost two years ago. This spring we obtained a slightly used 20-quart mixer. Through the generosity of Susan Hines, owner of Steve Hines General Store on the road to Elizabethtown, we accepted this special donation. It’s already been put to good use in mixing up cookie dough as well as a real nice batch of twice baked potatoes. This makes mixing a large batch so much easier.
In the near future I’m looking forward to starting a group to make cookies for Post Worship Fellowship. Keep an eye on the weekly eNews for further information.
July 2022 Financial Snapshot
July 20, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 6/30/22
Income YTD: | $666,604 | $625,000 |
Expenses YTD: | 563,591 | 646,972 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 103,013 | (21,972) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about $12K behind 2021 and $31K behind estimated contributions through June
- Mission and Peace is $27K behind 2021. Building and grounds is about $9K below 2021. We expect these committees to spend their 2022 budget. Some personnel expenses are backloaded. We expect to be similar to 2021 at break-even
Adult Education Opportunities for Sunday, July 24
July 20, 2022ISSUES CLASS: Switzerland Travelogue: Churches, Castles and Scenery
Join Jack Keene for a virtual tour of Switzerland in this week’s Issues Class! Whether you join in person or by streaming, you’ll enjoy seeing highlights of Jack and Heidi’s recent trip.
BIBLE STUDY: Women of Exodus, Part 3: Zipporah
9:30-10:15 AM SUNDAY, JULY 24 IN ROOM 1
According to womanist biblical scholar Wil Gafney, Zipporah was a shepherd, survivor, wife, mother, God-wrestler and divorcee. Who was this Midianite woman who married Moses? How did her courage pave the way for the liberation of the Hebrew people from Egypt? Join Meara Kwee for a discussion of Exodus 2:16-22; 4:18-26 and 18:1-7. This class was originally scheduled for June 26, 2022.
4th Tuesday Worship: Celebrating Our Covenant with Animals
July 20, 2022
In celebration of all of God’s creatures and their presence in our lives, Derry Church offers its 15th annual worship service that includes a blessing of animals. Animals on leash, in a kennel, or otherwise controlled are invited to attend along with their owners. The worship service will include praise songs and hymns in addition to a hands-on blessing of animals and the people with whom they live. Dress casual.
You’re invited to bring donations for the Humane Society as an outreach to those who help care for animals in need of help and homes. Requested items include non-scoopable cat litter, puppy training pads, paper box lids (for litter boxes), metal pet dishes, sheets, towels, blankets, paper towels, garbage bags of any size, dust pans and brushes, odor neutralizers, glass cleaner, floor cleaner, and gift certificates to pet stores, grocery stores, and hardware stores.

What the Heck is Tech Time?
July 20, 2022Since spring 2020, Derry friends have been gathering weekly on Zoom to talk and learn from each other. What started as a way to practice the new Zoom platform has evolved into a supportive online community. Friends from as far away as Portland, Oregon drop in to ask questions about their smart phones and computers. We’ve talked about everything from electric vehicles and Twitter to how to avoid email phishing attacks. Every week is different but one thing stays the same: we learn something new from each other.
Newcomers are welcome to join Sue George and friends on Tech Time at 1 pm on Mondays. Drop in whenever your schedule permits – you don’t even need to ask a question. Click this link to join the meeting any time between 1-2 pm. If you’d like a weekly text reminder, click here to sign up.
Orange Day is Monday, July 25
July 20, 2022Monday, July 25 is designated as Orange Day by Presbyterian Women to show awareness of exploitation of females worldwide and to support people who are working to end it.
Various NGOs have addressed sexual violence in conflicts: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, FIDH, TRIAL International, CIVITAS MAXIMUS, REDRESS and others. They work to sensitize the international community and civil society on this subject and also to care for the victims and prosecute the aggressors. However, there is no unifying pole of expertise and actions entirely devoted to war rape. WWoW is attempting to fill this gap
Wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support for these efforts, especially in light of news from Ukraine.
Roger Zimmer • Property Manager
July 14, 2022
I have been blessed with an active committee and members who bring their knowledge and skills to constantly improve and maintain our beautiful church.
Since last years’ update article, we have been very busy. A short list includes managing the building needs and working with contractors to install the new organ, repainting the Chapel exterior doors and the exterior of the church’s garage near the railroad tracks, replacing the broken glass on the south side of the Session House’s glass enclosure, fixing and painting three rooms including the church secretary’s office, the office now used by Sue George, and the Heritage Room inside room 6.
Our maintenance team has changed with the retirement of Jeff Miller as custodian after many years here at Derry Church. That position has been filled by Josh Pearson who is bringing his energy, knowledge and personality to the team. We are lucky to have him constantly moving throughout the whole property checking for issues, fixing and cleaning where needed, and then working on the ongoing list supplied by staff and others.
Here’s a list of a few of the larger, ongoing items the committee and I have been planning for, working on and constantly monitoring:
- Planning for the 300th anniversary revealed some long-term maintenance and repairs were needed for our cemetery. A specialty contractor has been here repairing and resetting damaged and fallen headstones. I am also working with the stone masonry contractor on removing and rebuilding approximately 150 feet of the stone wall that was close to falling over. This work should have the cemetery in very good condition for a very very long time. Take a look over the stone wall next time you’re at the church – I think you’ll be very pleased with progress made to date.
- The stone work in the cemetery required removal of several old spruce trees and two memorial Dawn Redwoods. The largest parts of the redwoods were taken to a sawmill and cut into lumber. Portions will be made into benches by church members: the benches will be placed in the cemetery. There is much extra wood to be used later, and the mill generously donated all their work to the church.
- The second phase of the lighting project is under way as we improve the lighting and reduce the operating cost with long-lasting LED fixtures.
- Later this year we will replace the rest of the spouting on the north and west sides of the building. This will improve drainage away from the building and prevent spouting from filling with leaves from our beautiful trees, and reduce annual and long-term maintenance costs.
We are also working on the building most people know as the Scout House. A small part of a stone wall is being repaired before it falls in, and some exterior wood is being repaired before the exterior is painted.
I would like to thank the many members that we see very often doing so many things around the church, even without being asked.
Sign Up for the Corn Roast!
July 13, 2022
This year’s corn roast features delicious corn on the cob roasted over hot coals, plus hot dogs and soft drinks. Bring a side dish or dessert to share.
There’s a pond for fishing (bring your own gear) and plenty of activities and games for all ages to enjoy.
Cost is $3 per person, FREE for age 6 & under.
Many hands needed for setup and cleanup: click to volunteer
Save the Weekend: All-Church Retreat at Krislund Camp
Get away from it all with your church family! Arrive on Friday evening or Saturday morning. We’ll begin with a service project for the camp, and the afternoon is free time where many opt to go to Penn’s Cave (15 minutes away) which has an excellent gift shop and you can take a boat trip through the cave. Alternatively, you can join in games and activities at the main lodge.
Saturday evening features a wagon ride through the woods followed by a s’mores roast. On Sunday morning we’ll worship, either outdoors or in the lodge.
More details coming soon. Send your questions to Jack Keene.
Volunteers Needed for the Love INC Sneaker Drive
July 13, 2022At least 50 people are needed to get more than 300 pairs of sneakers to the Lower Dauphin and Derry Township students who need them. Help is needed for scheduling appointments, managing inventory, greeting families on distribution day, and fitting students with their new sneakers.
Any time you can volunteer is appreciated! Event dates and times are broken into shifts; you may sign up for one or as many shifts as you are able. If your availability does not fit a specific shift listed, please call the Love INC office (717-835-0101) and they will be happy to accommodate your schedule.
Refugee Resettlement Update
July 13, 2022This week members of Derry Church and All Saints Episcopal Church agreed to partner with Church World Services Harrisburg to help resettle two Syrian families in the Hershey area. The first family will be arriving July 27 and the second family on Aug 2. Watch for further announcements about how you can participate in this refugee resettlement program. For more information and to volunteer, contact Pete Feil.
225th General Assembly Report
July 13, 2022The 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) convened in recent weeks in Louisville and online. Click here for a short summary of actions. Click here to read more.
Karen Leader • Derry Member
July 7, 2022
Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In July we’re lifting up elder care. You can always check the Joys & Concerns section of the weekly eNews for a quick reminder of the month’s mission focus.
About 25 years ago (maybe more!) I heard about the Meals on Wheels program from a friend, and went to shadow her to see what the volunteer commitment entailed. I discovered this was a way I could help others in need of food — even with my preschooler in the car!
Meals on Wheels is a program provided and funded by the Dauphin County Department of Aging. The meals are prepared, under contract, by the Nutrition Kitchen of York. They deliver meals Monday through Friday mornings to the Church of the Redeemer United Church of Christ on Chocolate Avenue, which is the focal point for the Derry Township program.
Chester Rose has been coordinating the Derry Township program for seven years. Five local churches are responsible for providing delivery drivers on the four routes. Spring Creek Church of the Brethren delivers on Monday, Redeemer Church on Tuesday, Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church on Wednesday, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on Thursday, and Derry Church on Friday. The number of meals delivered daily varies from 45-55.
Our Derry Church coordinator is Mary Day. Each of Derry’s four teams covers one Friday of the month, and all the teams are assigned one of the fifth Fridays during the year. Our church members who volunteer have a strong commitment to this outreach service. There is even a list of volunteers who will substitute in the event a team member is unavailable.
The recipients in their homes are always grateful for the food and your smile and conversation. And for me, delivering has been a rewarding experience. If you’d like to volunteer on Derry’s Meals on Wheels team, contact me, Lynn Porter or Mary Day.
Editor’s Postscript: Meals on Wheels in Derry Township has been around for decades, but we don’t know the exact history. If you can fill in the blanks, please contact Sue George.
You’re Invited: Dinner at Derry
July 6, 2022
Each evening before our “Wonderfully Made” Camp Week gets under way, Derry Church is offering dinner for all to enjoy. Simplify your summer evenings and gather with friends old and new!
Dinner at Derry meals are available to Camp Week families, church families and the community. Please feel free to invite a friend to join you. RSVP requested. Pay at the door by cash or check payable to Derry Presbyterian Church
Learn About a Mission to Educate Children in Haiti
Did you know that 80% of Haitian Children drop out of school by the end of elementary school? Reach Out Lafond is a program that empowers children in life skills and leadership training so that they can see and reach their full potential. Learn more from Dr. Ryan Crim in this week’s Issues Class.
Dr. Crim is a family physician with UPMC in Carlisle. He and his family lived in New Zealand for several years. They are members of First Presbyterian Church in Carlisle. Dr. Crim enjoys soccer, hunting and dogs, and especially debating religious issues.
New Member Classes Begin Aug 7
July 6, 2022The summer series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, Aug 7-28 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available. You’ll learn about the mission and ministry of Derry Church and how you can be involved.
Those who choose to join Derry Church will be received on Sunday, Aug 28 at the 10:30 am service. Registration is always appreciated, never required: click to RSVP.
Love INC Announces New Parsonage Manager
July 6, 2022
Love INC of Greater Hershey is thrilled to introduce their new Parsonage Manager, Paul Liepelt. Paul is excited to be serving through Love INC and has spent the last two weeks settling into his new role of overseeing the Parsonages at Spring Creek and Union Deposit.
In addition to working for Love INC, Paul works as a team pastor with his wife Brandy at Annville Church of the Brethren. Paul and Brandy have two daughters, Esther and Phoebe. He has served for over 20 years in different ministries, which include three years teaching at a Bible college in Nigeria. Contact Paul by email or call the office: 717-835-0110.
The Parsonage Ministry is a home away from home for families whose loved ones are inpatients at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Two former church parsonages have been donated by churches to serve people who must travel more than 50 miles to be with their loved ones but who cannot afford to stay in a local hotel. Read more.
Handbell Concerts by the Calvin Ringers of Tower Hill Presbyterian Church, Red Bank, NJ
Consisting of 12 ringers (ten teenage and two college-aged) and ringing five octaves of handbells, the Calvin Ringers are part of the historic handbell program at Tower Hill, begun by Bob Ivey. The musicians will present exciting handbell repertoire for the full choir, featuring settings of some familiar melodies such as Go Down, Moses, and Holy Manna along with original handbell compositions of the sacred and secular variety.
For the past two years, Tower Hill Church has also welcomed a thriving solo-ringing program and you will hear some of their brilliant young musicians in performance. The Calvin Ringers will feature pieces by some of the preeminent composers of solo handbell repertoire along with two very different works set by director Fiona Smith Sutherland, a movement from a Clementi Sonatina played on a Bell Tree, and the Theme from Schindler’s List.