Month: March 2022
March 31, 2022
When one retires and reflects on their vocation, it’s like looking at the tip of an iceberg. Some say that what is visible on an iceberg is only 10% of it. When I think about my ministry at Derry, all you can see from your perspective at Derry is the tip of my iceberg, these last 25 years where I’ve been privileged to serve as one of your pastors. Just below the water line are my previous pastorates in southern WV (Trinity Presbyterian Church, Shady Spring, WV- 1990-1996) and central Virginia (Rustburg Presbyterian Church, Rustburg, VA 1982-1990)
But that data does not tell you all. The base of my iceberg goes much deeper. It includes generations of hard-working and faithful Scottish ancestors who valued education and had a dedicated trust in a loving God and shared these priorities with their children and grandchildren. Although they did not realize it at the time, they were from a privileged, dominant group as white people, and that reality helped to create my stable iceberg.
From my generations of North Carolina farming ancestors, I learned the love of land and creation, valued hard work from each family member, including young children. I was given the opportunity to explore whatever was of interest. I thrived in a rich diet of southern farm to table cuisine when it was an ordinary occurrence of self-sufficiency. This was all covered with layers of unconditional love, like gravy on mashed potatoes. My iceberg grew and was surrounded with Presbyterian ancestors who were church leaders and thoughtful, questioning Christians. My home church and its congregation were an extension of my family and home. This is a significant part of the 90% that is below the surface.
But wait, there’s more: the gifts of people who made time to guide and mentor me over the years: a home pastor who took me on my college visit, because it was a busy farming season for my dad; a campus minister who gave me a local church job and nudged me to consider seminary; caring professors who encouraged me when I was doubting my sense of call; pastors who supervised me in church internships in Moorefield, WV and Pulaski, VA providing me with models for preaching, conducting funerals, conflict management, and pastoral care that I still use; gifted colleagues here at Derry where I learned the joy of team ministry, and presbytery staff who taught me and provided opportunities to serve other congregations. These important folks helped to broaden that iceberg of my learning and ability to answer this call to ministry. And along the way it was the many members of various congregations who added to my education and faith development. From them and you I learned and saw profound trust in God in the midst of unthinkable tragedies and shared the wonder of God’s presence and direction in indescribable joys. Through all of you, I have experienced the commitment and love of Christ and been inspired.
At this milestone of retirement, when I reflect on my ministry, I give special thanks to the many here at Derry who I have enjoyed serving alongside. Together we have been good teams in faithful service to God.
But most of all I am grateful to God who has gifted me with such abundant grace in my ministry through people like you. Retirement is a good opportunity to reflect in gratitude, but you don’t need that reason. I encourage you to pause and consider the iceberg underneath your surface and give thanks.
Welcome Kathy Yingst as our New Administrative Assistant
March 30, 2022
Derry member Kathy Yingst has been hired to serve as our new Administrative Assistant. We are blessed that Kathy knows the church, its history, and its members well, and she will be a welcome addition to the office staff. Kathy has years of experience managing an office and is familiar with our equipment and software. She will also serve as Sandy’s backup for payroll and other financial matters because of her knowledge and experience working with office finances.
Kathy will continue to serve as Clerk of Session. There is a lot of crossover between the Administrative Assistant position and the Clerk’s duties, so this arrangement will streamline some of that work. Kathy’s first day is Monday, April 25 and she will be in the office 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
Note of Thanks from Pastor Marie
March 30, 2022
Wow! My heart is overflowing with gratitude in your outpouring of love on my last Sunday. Thanks to everyone…from the choir’s beautiful anthems at both morning services, buffalo-checked attire that brought smiles and delights, Derry Ringers’ wonderful preludes, Grant’s ‘Country Road’ postlude (WV anthem), Derry Brass’ ‘Sweet Caroline’ prelude, and Ryan Yingst’s ‘Carolina in my Mind’ Tarheel anthem. AND that’s just the music. Loretta’s epic receptions (plural) were fabulous, beautiful, and delicious and included my favorites (even NC Cheerwine punch (no worries, it’s a soda!) and homemade, chocolate buffalo cookies! Thanks to the gifted army of hardworking kitchen volunteers who were there all day.
The gift of the St. Matthew stained glass window in my honor is overwhelming to me. I am touched beyond words by your generosity and love. The baptism painting by Jill Peckelun and the hand woven scarf by Sandy Morales are treasured symbols of your love as well as the many gift cards from the Personnel committee. Even better were the words by people and puppets and the multitude of personal cards and gifts. Thanks to Sue and the tech crew for live streaming that enabled more family and friends to join in this celebration. I am humbled and touched with gratitude in this transition to retirement.
It’s been a joy to serve as one of your pastors at Derry over these last years. At retirement the relationship between pastor and congregation changes. However, the relationships and friendships do not end, but my role as one of your pastors does. We know in the Presbyterian church, it is helpful that I absent myself from Derry worship services and activities for this season of transition. I will not be available to officiate at weddings, baptisms, or funerals for Derry members. Yet my love and prayers continue for each one. Brad and I are grateful for the gift of friendships in the Derry Church family.
From Brad: Oh Derry, you have pulled out all the stops for a most memorable celebration. You even exceeded Marie’s wish for a pony! One of the great joys of my 18 retirement years has been the privilege of sharing in the worship, ministry and mission life of Derry Church. I am so thankful to you for adopting me into the Derry family. For your support, partnership, affection and care for Marie across these years I am especially grateful. Thank you.
Media Links: Watch Marie’s final worship service and the 3 pm program on March 27. Click to see photos from the day of celebration… click here to see the pictures included in Pastor Marie’s slide show.
Giving is Now as Easy as Sending a Text Message to 844-917-3359
March 30, 2022In addition to online giving, using church envelopes, or dropping cash in the offering boxes at church, Derry now offers a third way to make a donation: by text messaging. Here’s how it works:
Open the texting app on your device. In the “To” bubble, enter 844-917-3359. In the “Message” bubble, enter the amount you wish to donate and press send. You will receive a registration link in return. Click the link and enter your contact and payment information, then tap “Process.”
After registration is complete, you’ll receive a verification text as well as a receipt via email. For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process automatically. Click here to download a quick-reference guide.
New Member Classes Begin May 1
March 30, 2022The spring series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held 9-10 am Sundays, May 1-22 in the John Elder Classroom. Child care is available.
Those who choose to join Derry Church will be received on Sunday, May 29 at the 10:30 am service. Registration is always appreciated, never required: RSVP by Wednesday, Apr 27.
Easter Breakfast: Eat in or Take Out!
March 30, 20228:30 – 11 AM SUNDAY, APR 17 IN FELLOWSHIP HALL
Whether you join in person or take out, don’t miss Derry’s traditional Easter breakfast this year. Chef Charlie Koch and friends are serving egg casserole, sausage, fruit, muffins and cinnamon rolls & beverage, with a suggested donation of $10 per meal or $25 per family. All proceeds support the Bridges to Community mission trip in June going to the Dominican Republic.
Derry’s Pipe Organ Showcased in Industry Publication
March 30, 2022Love INC of Greater Hershey Seeks Part-Time Parsonage Ministry Manager
March 30, 2022Are you looking for a position that combines leadership with the ability to have a positive impact on individuals during some of their most challenging days? The Parsonage Ministry Manager provides the day-to-day leadership for the Love INC Parsonage Ministry. The Parsonages provide a home-away-from-home for loved ones of adult inpatients of the Hershey Medical Center. Learn more and apply online.
March 30, 2022As of Mar 29, Derry’s Matching Campaign has raised $71,500 for Ukraine Relief!
The One Great Hour of Sharing Campaign has raised $7.213, with this offering being received on Easter Sunday, Apr 17. The Mission & Peace Committee has set a goal of $18,000: click here to give online.

March 2022 session highlights
March 24, 2022- The Treasurer reported that contributions are ahead of budget expectations with spending in line with this time last year. Also reported was that our campaign for Ukraine relief has raised more than $31,500. With the addition of the $25,000 in matching funds, more than $56,500 has been donated.
- The session reviewed area hospitalizations and Covid positivity and incident rates. In light of the downward trend in all areas and that our community is in a low rate category, the Session voted to make face masks optional at the church effective immediately. Face masks will continue to be required for those caring for children under five years of age, and anyone is always free to choose to wear a mask at any church event.
- Approved the request from the Building & Grounds Committee to obtain architectural specifications for safety upgrades to the interior Chapel bell tower, a new stairway between the rear parking lot and the lower Mansion Road building entrance, and gutter and downspout repairs to direct roof runoff away from the building.
- The Building & Grounds Committee also submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to restore all remaining stained glass windows in need and to protect seven basement windows along the back of the church with safety glass. The cost of the project is approximately $40,230 to be funded through the Stained Glass Window Restricted Fund. This proposal will be reviewed by Derry’s committees and voted upon at the Session’s April meeting.
- At the Maundy Thursday service, the children in the sacraments class will be permitted to assist with serving communion with their parents’ help.
- Teresa Hutchison submitted her retirement request, which the session accepted with grace and gratitude for her 24 years of faithful service. An updated position description for the Administrative Assistant position was reviewed and approved. The open position will be posted internally.
- Approved a recommendation from the Personnel Committee to increase the hourly wage of the Church Custodian position from $17 to $20 due to market conditions.
- Derry’s Active Membership roll will be updated to delete the names of individuals who have moved, have not been active at Derry for a period of two years or more, or who are attending other churches.
Rev. stephen McKinney-whitaker • pastor
March 24, 2022
On March 27 we will recognize and give thanks for Rev. Marie Buffaloe’s 25 years of pastoral service to Derry Church. I invite you to join in person or by live streaming as Pastor Marie leads worship and preaches one last time. I appreciate Marie’s sermons because she speaks and proclaims the good news with such authenticity and love. I’m fed, comforted, and challenged by her words, and I know this Sunday will be no different. Her love of God and this congregation is so evident when she leads worship. I hope our presence and our participation in worship this Sunday clearly reflects our love of God and our love and appreciation for her.
Following the 10:30 am service, a post worship fellowship in Fellowship Hall will be held in her honor.
Then at 3 pm, I invite you to attend a program held in the Sanctuary and streaming. As we honor and give thanks for Pastor Marie’s ministry, Dick Houtz, Debbie Hough, and I will share our memories and reflections on Marie’s ministry. The puppets will offer a tribute to Marie, we’ll present gifts, and there will be music for all to enjoy. We’ll join together in a liturgy of thanksgiving for all the ways Marie has ministered to us. Finally, we’ll have an opportunity to give thanks for Marie and Brad’s time at Derry and bless them as they enter a new chapter of life together.
After the program, come to Fellowship Hall for a reception that will include some of Marie’s favorite foods. There will be a basket to receive cards and a keepsake guestbook where you can write a personal note to Marie. This book will be available over the next few weeks so that everyone who wants to can have an opportunity to sign it.
Pastor Marie has meant so much to all of us at Derry Church. She has been a pillar of strength, care, compassion, wisdom, and love when we’ve needed it most. She has prayed with us through our saddest and most difficult days and celebrated with us when we’ve been filled with joy and thanksgiving. She’s baptized our children and buried our loved ones. She’s united us in marriage and counseled us in distress. She’s visited us in the hospital and in our homes and shared the love of God with our congregation. She’s been the manifestation of God’s abiding love and care in our lives for 25 years, and she will be deeply missed.
I know I will miss her very much. Marie has been the kind of colleague every pastor deserves but few ever have. I count myself lucky to have been able to minister alongside her these last five years. She made my transition to ministry here so much easier, and for that I will be forever grateful. She has taught me about Derry’s history and traditions, and its wonderful people. She’s been a colleague, a counselor, a confidant, and a cherished friend. I will miss her humor, passion, advocacy, intuition, and heart for God and God’s people. While I will miss ministering alongside her, I am glad to wish her a happy and blessed retirement. She deserves it and she deserves to leave knowing how loved she is, how grateful we are, and what a difference she has made in our lives and the life of this church.
G.O.D. Squad Springs Into Action
March 23, 20223:30-5:30 PM FRIDAY, APR 1 • 8 AM TO FINISH SATURDAY, APR 2
Bring your rakes and garden gloves and join the Gardeners of Derry (G.O.D.) Squad as they work outdoors to tidy up the church grounds and prepare for the spring season. Pickup trucks and wheelbarrows also welcome and appreciated.
Ladies, Save the Date: May 7
March 23, 2022“Who is She? Women of the Bible” fashion show will the program for the Lasses and Lassies Banquet at 6 pm Saturday, May 7 in Fellowship Hall. More details coming soon.
Orange Day is Mar 25
March 23, 2022It’s the day Presbyterian Women raise awareness of exploitation of females and support work ending it. Family and domestic violence is a common problem in the US, affecting an estimated 10 million people annually, and as many as 1 in 4 women. Virtually all healthcare professionals will evaluate or treat a patient of domestic violence at some point. Domestic violence includes economic, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse of children, adults, and elders and can be difficult to identify. Of female victims of domestic homicide, 44% visited a hospital emergency department within two years of their murder. (Domestic Violence, Martin R. Huecker, etc.) On Friday, Mar 25, wear orange or an orange ribbon to show support for workers identifying and trying to end domestic violence throughout the world.
A New Role for Allison Spooner Smith
March 23, 2022Allison Smith was elected by Carlisle Presbytery on March 15 to serve in a bridge position as Temporary Stated Clerk. Allison is a lifelong Presbyterian who grew up at Derry Church. After seminary at Lancaster Theological Seminary, Allison served for five years as pastor to the Faith-Immanuel and Hope Presbyterian Churches. She has been active in the presbytery through the Education Committee, participation in a pastor colleague group, and by offering musical gifts (along with her husband Conrad) in presbytery worship. Allison also serves the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. Read more.
March 17, 2022
The last time I wrote to you in this space, I was focused on the Sunday morning live stream and recruiting for the AV crew. This time I’m writing about something ultra low tech: new outdoor signage for Derry Church.
If you’ve been on the church campus recently, you may have noticed that some signs are deteriorating, have incorrect information, or are missing altogether. Since 2018, the Communications & Technology Committee (CTC) has been vetting sign vendors and figuring out what signs are needed, what they should look like and what they should say. We considered an electronic sign along East Derry Road that would have scrolling text, but dismissed it when we realized it would be hard to read driving by… then we discovered our neighborhood wasn’t even zoned for that kind of signage.
We knew we wanted to incorporate the church’s new tree logo and colors into a unified brand. Working with the security committee, we also knew we needed to number all of the doors in a logical sequence that would make it easy for everyone to locate the entrance they want, especially emergency personnel.
As we met with sign vendors, shared our ideas and listened to their proposals, one company rose to the top, offering a great combination of thoughtful design and competitive pricing: Stoner Graphix. If you’ve been to the Hershey Story Museum, Chocolate World or Hersheypark, you’ve seen their work. They’ve been in business for 30 years and even better, their Hummelstown facility is practically in our back yard.
Their package includes a new sign at the corner of Mansion Road and Chocolate Avenue, a new sign that offers clear directions when you’re at the T by the Session House and don’t know if you should turn left or right, and an illuminated tree logo over the courtyard entrance that effectively bridges our outdoor and indoor spaces.
In January we presented Stoner’s proposed sign package to the Session, and in February it was approved with minor modifications. You can expect to see the signs installed later this year, while the CTC turns its attention indoors to begin the process of updating interior signs. Our goal is to have all the new signs in place in time for Derry’s 300th anniversary in 2024.
While the sign project isn’t as glamorous as live streaming, it’s a key element in making our campus more welcoming. We want to make it easy for everyone to find their way around and let them know we’re glad they’re here. Stay tuned: exciting changes are on the horizon!
Teresa Hutcheson Retires After 24 Years of Service
March 16, 2022
Derry Church’s Administrative Assistant Teresa Hutcheson announced her retirement to the Session this week. The Session accepted her resignation with gratitude for Teresa’s 24 years of faithful service to Derry Church. There will be an opportunity to celebrate Teresa’s service at Derry Church: watch the eNews for details.
The congregation is invited to send Teresa notes of gratitude and thanksgiving for her time at Derry: mail to her at 1140 Woodridge Drive, Middletown PA 17057. We wish Teresa all the best in her retirement and look forward to seeing her and Bill in worship in the future.
Mar 2022 Financial Snapshot
March 16, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 2/28/22
Income YTD: | $221,491 | $208,333 |
Expenses YTD: | 190,046 | 215,656 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 31,445 | (7,323) |
Note from the treasurer:
- Contributions are ahead of budget and prior year. With the $48,830 of contributions for 2022 that were paid in 2021, we are about $25K ahead of prior year in contributions. We are in line with prior year spending.
Coin Return On Sunday Supports Change 4 Children
March 16, 2022Bring your coins for the Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Change 4 Children on Sunday, March 20. A recent ACE update tells the story of Betty whose mother abandoned her at a local hospital just hours after the birth. Despite efforts of the hospital staff and police, no one could find the mother. Betty was sent to the House of Moses, ACE’s crisis nursery for orphaned and abandoned babies. When no leads developed to the identity of her biological family, she was cleared for adoption. Over several months, Betty and her “mummy” bonded through visits until the Zambia Dept. of Social Welfare approved the adoption. Your gifts provide the staffing and items needed to care for these babies until they can be reunited with family or adopted.
Bring your change in zip-closed bags, remembering to bag any foreign coins separately. Check that the bag is free of paper clips, pins, batteries, buttons — anything that is not legal tender — as these clog the coin sorting machine.
Change 4 Children for ACE is collected quarterly at Derry Church. The next offering will be received on Sunday, June 19.
Easter Egg Hunts
10 AM: Toddlers through kindergarteners are invited to gather with us on the front lawn for a craft and story before organizing into groups and inviting the children to enjoy the egg hunt. Please bring your own basket/bucket/bag to collect eggs.
12 PM: Children in grades 1-5 are invited to our “Egg”stravaganza celebration that begins with a bring-your-own picnic lunch on the front lawn. Then we’ll have a blast playing games and hunting for eggs. Parents, pick up your children at 2 pm from the front courtyard area.
In the event of inclement weather, egg hunts will be held indoors.
Children & Sacraments Class
Children in grades 2-4 and their parents/guardians are invited to learn more about the sacrament of communion in preparation for the children’s participation in Maundy Thursday worship at 7 pm Apr 14. Contact ME Steelman to register.
Help Wanted: Administrative Assistant
March 16, 2022Derry Church is looking for a full-time Administrative Assistant to perform a variety of secretarial and administrative duties in support of church staff, members, and Session. Download the job description. Interested applicants can send a cover letter and resume to Pastor Stephen or contact him with any questions.
Adult Bible Study Class Resumes
This participatory class welcomes and invites an exchange of questions, ideas, and various theological perspectives. Rev. Ivo Meilands will lead the first session with a Biblical study on a Lenten theme. Other studies in this series will be led by Meara Kwee and Rev. Tom Folts.
Volunteers Needed for Post Worship Fellowship
March 16, 2022Post-worship fellowship is now being offered after the 10:30 am service, and hospitality coordinator Loretta Chubb needs assistance serving light refreshments such as cookies and a drink. Foods are purchased and/or made ahead of time.
Two volunteers are needed each week to assist with plating, serving and cleaning up afterwards. CLICK HERE to sign up online or call the church office for assistance (717-533-9667).
If you would like to celebrate a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, homecoming, etc.) you can provide additional items by contacting Loretta ahead of time.
Small Candies Needed to Fill Plastic Easter Eggs
Derry Church is hosting its annual Easter egg hunt on April 9, and we need your help: please drop off bags of individually wrapped, nut-free candies in the “Easter Treats” basket in the mission closet in the atrium library by Friday, Apr 1. We’ll be filling dozens of eggs for multiple age groups, so any and all donations are welcome and appreciated.
What’s Next in 11 Minute Lessons? The A’s of Atonement
Join Pastor Stephen in the season of Lent as we consider the “A’s of Atonement”: how different theologians whose names begin with A have interpreted Jesus’s death on the cross, and how His death atoned for our sins, reconciled us to God, defeated death, and makes eternal life possible.
Shares for Scholarships: Fabulous 2022 Report
March 9, 2022Our 2022 “Shares for Scholarships”campaign has come to a close, and your response was overwhelming: 19 new donors have joined with others renewing their scholarship gifts from last year, for a grand total of $13,296! Thank you for your generous outpouring of love for the children of Pakistan. Your gifts make it possible for more than 30 students to benefit from a year full of learning. We can’t thank you enough for your kindness. Bless you and shalom from Derry’s Friends of Sargodha committee!
Scott Montgomery Organ Recital
March 9, 2022
Organist Scott Montgomery is associate director of music at Central United Methodist Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and teaches private piano and organ lessons. He is widely known as a concert organist throughout the country and abroad. His recital will feature the works of Bach, Franck, Miller, and Price.
Notable performance venues for Scott Montgomery have included the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts (Philadelphia, PA), Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA), Ball State University (Muncie, IN), and Heinz Chapel at the University of Pittsburgh.
Additionally, organists and other interested people are invited to Lebanon Valley College’s Miller Chapel at 32 E. Sheridan Avenue for the workshop on “On-the-Spot-Hymn Playing” at 10 am Saturday, March 19.
Questions? Email Tyler Canonico or call (717) 257-1270 ext. 18.
Join the 2022 Derry Church Golf League
Play begins at 10 am through the month of April. From May to September, we will begin play at 8:30 am All skill levels welcome. To sign up, please contact Ken Pearl or Jim Warnock.
Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster
The Mennonite Children’s Choir of Lancaster is a community program serving approximately 160 children and youth in kindergarten through grade 12. Representing nearly 65 congregations, 45 schools, and 15 denominations, singers develop a rich musical repertoire from around the world and across time while being equipped for a lifetime of service to the church and community. The mission of MCCL is training children and youth to glorify Jesus Christ through excellent choral singing.

Dr. Amy-Jill Levine Headlines Orr Forum
Lecture: 10:30 – 11:45 am Jesus’ Parables as Jewish Stories
Jesus told parables to fellow Jews: recovering that original setting corrects their frequent anti-Jewish interpretations, provides a grounding for better Jewish/Christian relations, and offers new insight into both ancient and present-day ethics.
Workshop: 1:30 – 3:30 pm: Understanding Jesus means Understanding Judaism
(Designed for clergy, religious educators, and interested persons)
This workshop details the popular misconceptions about Jesus’ Jewish context found in sermons and church-based educational curricula, explains their origins, and offers new and helpful ways to read the New Testament.
Amy Jill Levine (“AJ”) is Rabbi Stanley M. Kessler Distinguished Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Hartford International University of Religion and Peace and University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies Emerita, Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies Emerita, and Professor of New Testament Studies Emerita at Vanderbilt. Many of her books and videos have been used in Bible studies at Derry Church. The first Jew to teach New Testament at Rome’s Pontifical Biblical Institute, AJ describes herself as an unorthodox member of an Orthodox synagogue and a Yankee Jewish feminist who seeks to correct anti-Jewish, sexist, and other harmful interpretations of the Bible.
Nursery Caregivers Needed
March 7, 2022Derry Church has extended nursery care to children between birth and 23 months. Volunteers are needed to support this caring ministry to our youngest children: contact Heidi Keene for details.
pete feil • chair, mission & peace committee
March 3, 2022
Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In March we’re lifting up the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. You can also check the Joys & Concerns section of the weekly eNews for a quick reminder of what we’re focusing on this month.
Received during the season of Lent (March 2-April 17), the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Offering is the single, largest way that, for over 70 years, Presbyterians have come together to work for a better world by advancing the causes of justice, resilience, and sustainability. These efforts of the Presbyterian Church USA to provide relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed are administered through three programs: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA); Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP); and Self-Development of People (SDOP).
PRESBYTERIAN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (PDA) is well-known for its rapid response to natural and international disasters by supplying funds to help initiate the recovery process. In recent years this has been readily apparent following Hurricane Ida, tornados in the midwest, California wildfires, typhoons, and several earthquakes. With the pandemic, this year’s efforts have been directed toward providing grants to communities pushed to the margins by COVID-19. PDA is also involved in programs supporting the refugee crises in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, and the southern US border.
PRESBYTERIAN HUNGER PROGRAM (PHP) partners with various food and farming projects to alleviate poverty, hunger and its causes throughout the world. Some of this is accomplished through providing animals, bees, and seeds, promoting better crop selection and agricultural methods, fair trade practices, and family gardens. They also seek to supply better and more nutritional foods, secure loans for income-producing projects, and address local environmental and labor issues.
SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE (SDOP) works in partnership with people in low-income communities in the United States and around the world. The aim is to invest in communities responding to their own challenges of oppression, poverty and injustice, thus helping them to develop solutions to their particular problems in areas such as youth-led activities, disabilities, farming, skills development, and immigration/refugee issues.
This year our OGHS Offering will be divided equally between PCUSA and Bridges to Community (BTC), the non-profit organization which has coordinated Derry’s trips to Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic for the past 20 years. Following a two-year pandemic hiatus, we will return in June to the Dominican Republic to build a house for a family in need. We will work with the family, local masons, and community members to provide safe and secure housing in this poor area. We’ll also participate in Bible School activities in the afternoon. Under the BTC model, new homeowners are encouraged to pay into their local community fund, which can then be used by the community at their discretion for selected improvement projects.
The Mission & Peace Committee has set a goal of $18,000 for this year’s OGHS Offering. You may give online or by check made out to Derry Presbyterian Church and notated OGHS, or use envelopes in the pews. Taken together, your contributions to the OGHS offering will enable both PCUSA and BTC to improve their quality of life for many people. Thank you, Derry, for your generous support!
Session Approves NEW Covid Guidelines
March 2, 2022
On Tuesday, March 1 the Session approved the following guidelines based on recommendations from our COVID task force. Please know that you may continue to wear a mask whenever you’re at church.
- Face masks optional at worship services on Sundays at 8 am and Tuesdays at 6:15 pm
- Use of face masks continues on Sundays at 10:30 am worship services
- Masks are optional at post-worship activities including fellowship and 11 Minutes Lessons
- Each group, committee, gathering or adult Sunday school class may determine their own mask policy
- Face masks are not required in the building during the week or in the office, unless requested by the person or group with whom you are meeting
- Anyone working directly with children under 5 must wear a mask.
- Use of face masks continues for all youth and children’s activities
BEGINNING APRIL 1 (barring another significant spike in covid infections):
- Face masks optional at all church-wide worship services, events, and functions (this includes the choir)
- The west transept of the Sanctuary (closest to the lounge) is designated seating for those who prefer to continue wearing face masks
- Committees and groups can set their own mask rules
- Anyone working directly with children under 5 must wear a mask
- Youth and children’s ministry leadership teams are empowered to make masking rules based on the activity, participants, and other situations
We are aware that no decision made by the Session will have universal support. We hope this provides options while also addressing the varied concerns and desires of Derry members. The Session will meet again on March 16 to re-evaluate the guidelines and timetable. READ MORE about the rationale behind these decisions.
Matching Gifts Campaign for Ukraine Relief
March 2, 2022
The war in Ukraine has created a humanitarian crisis for the Ukranian people. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled the country and many more left in the country are in need of relief aid. The Session of Derry Church has approved matching gifts up to $25,000 from the Futures Fund to provide help and support to the people of Ukraine.
Gifts made online to Ukraine Relief, or checks made out to Derry Church and notated “Ukraine Relief” will be matched by the church up to $25,000 and split between these two relief agencies:
- CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. CARE aims to reach four million Ukrainians with immediate aid and recovery, food, water, hygiene kits, psychosocial support, and cash assistance — prioritizing women and girls, families, and the elderly.
- Voices of Children Foundation, a charitable foundation based in Ukraine, focuses on addressing the psychological effect of armed conflict on young children. Founded in 2015 in response to conflict in Eastern Ukraine, the organization provides art therapy, mobile psychologists, and individual therapy to affected children.
Giving to these two organizations allows us to provide funding for two groups currently working on the ground in and around Ukraine but who are very different. One is a large international NGO with many resources and partners that enable them to meet a variety of needs. The other allows us to invest directly into Ukraine and its people by supporting a Ukranian organization that helps children through the trauma of war.
This is our chance to love our neighbors in a real and tangible way. Please consider a donation to this cause. You are invited to share this information so friends and family can have their gifts matched, too.
“The Church of the Future: Problems, Perils, and Possibilities”
March 2, 2022
This four-week series is presented by Lee Barrett of Lancaster Theological Seminary. The religious environment of the United States is changing rapidly and dramatically. Affiliation with religious institutions is declining, dipping below 50%. Pollsters discover that a pervasive lack of interest in religion is increasing in younger generations. In this environment of accelerating secularism and religious indifference, many of the faithful are worried about the future of the church.
To address this issue, we will first investigate some of the causes of this shift in cultural sensibilities. Then we will consider the nature and purpose of the church according to the Reformed tradition, for the church must remain faithful to its mission. Finally we will imagine ways in which this rich heritage can be enacted in our shifting cultural context so that it can grip the minds and hearts of new generations
Coming Soon: Mission Madness VI
March 2, 2022The excitement! The fun! The epic emails written by commissioner Pete Steelman! Yes, folks: it’s almost time to make your “March Madness” bracket picks in support of Derry Church’s “Mission Madness” fundraiser that benefits student scholarships for the Sargodha School in Pakistan.
A suggested $10 donation per entry can be made on the church’s secure online giving portal. If you participated last year, you should be automatically re-enrolled in the Yahoo site where you will enter your picks. If you are new, or unsure if you played before, or have a new email address, just email Pete Steelman and he will add you to the mailing list.
You may pre-register on Yahoo now, although picks cannot be made until “Selection Sunday” in mid-March.
A trophy and engraved plaque for the overall winner will be presented next month, as well as multiple engraved medals for winners of subgroups (Best Youth, Best in Staff, Best on Session, Best in Music etc). And yes, you can also look forward to Pete’s traditional nicknames, updates, and jovial banter that recaps the action after every round of games.
“The Hourglass House” Helps Families Engage with History
March 2, 2022Derry member Courtney McKinney-Whitaker has combined her academic training in history, literature, and children’s librarianship, and creative writing into an exciting new venture: The Hourglass House. It’s a supportive online space for families to engage with history together and find joy and meaning in that process.
For the Hourglass House, Courtney and Pastor Stephen filmed an interview last week where they talked about what he learned when he served as a judge for the Frederick Douglass Oratorical Contest in January, and how it relates to his sabbatical project on peace and reconciliation. Read the blog post here, then sign up at the bottom of that page to stay informed when new articles are posted on the site.