Month: January 2022
Rev. Marie Buffaloe • Parish Associate for Congregational Life and Care
January 27, 2022I find myself quite reflective these days remembering how ministry and I have changed these last four decades. Now thinking back over my sermons, leadership priorities, pastoral care and ministry at Derry and my two previous congregations, I have a few regrets. I guess it’s time for confession.

I wish I had addressed environmental concerns as Christian issues. I grew up learning about environmental concerns and tried to always recycle, but I seldom connected and saw my consumer lifestyle as sin. All we need to do is look at bundles of plastic water bottles that we’ve been convinced are essential for us, as well as our indifference to the fossil fuels we use for our comfort and convenience. Each of those actions, big and small, make a difference. Being a Christian commands us to be good, responsible stewards. It’s part of loving our neighbors as ourselves. I wish I had preached and done more to address how our choices in living with comfort and ease affects others on this planet. I wish I had connected the dots more for all of us.
I wish I had been a more vocal advocate for the voices of those long silenced. I have tried to be a pastor of all those within the congregation, even when I disagreed with their conclusions and assumptions about those who are different. My decision was not to entirely disclose my personal opinions and values, for fear that I would be discounted as their pastor if they knew my personal stance. And for that, I regret not being a more vocal advocate for gays, lesbians, bisexual folks and transgender people. I have friends, family and clergy colleagues who identify as those who question and challenge the binary traditional understandings of sexual orientations. In these years, I’ve learned so much and expanded my own knowledge and understanding. I regret not having taken a public stand in support and calling us to be more inclusive in the Christian family.
I wish I had gone on more mission trips. My first trip outside the US was to Haiti in my first year of ministry. Nothing could have broadened my world view more and challenged my first world perspective. Each additional mission trip to Zambia, Kenya, and Honduras added another chapter and spiritual learning. I regret not going more often as I always seemed too busy, felt too unsafe, and talked myself out of it. What I did learn was that mission work — even for a day to muck out flooded homes in WV, Harrisburg, and central PA — showed me more about God’s love and abundance. Every time I volunteered at Downtown Daily Bread, Grantville Racetrack Ministry and various food pantries, I glimpsed a little more clearly God’s kingdom as I met people I would not otherwise have encountered. Those experiences have been profound for me and as I reflect now, I regret not taking advantage of more opportunities.
Is it too late to address my regrets? We’ll see. But just in confessing my laments, I hope to open up more opportunities for conversations and actions.
January 2022 Session Highlights
January 26, 2022- Re-elected Steven Guenther and Craig Kegerise as Co-Treasurers and Kathy Yingst as Clerk of Session for 2022.
- Scheduled Derry’s annual meeting for Sunday, February 13, 2022.
- In preparing for the annual meeting, the session reviewed Dr. McKinney-Whitaker and Rev. Pamela Meiland’s Terms of Call for 2022. The session voted to recommend the terms as presented to the congregation for review and approval at the February 13 annual meeting. Information regarding the transition of duties as Pastor Marie retires will also be shared with the congregation at the annual meeting.
- The Treasurer shared the 2021 year-end financial reports. Both church income and expenses for the year were below budget. We ended the year with an approximate $27,000 loss, which will be covered with funds from the Anderson Trust.
- Steven Guenther reviewed the Agreed-Upon Procedures report prepared by the accounting firm of Boyer and Ritter. The report reviewed Derry’s procedures, internal controls and balance sheet for the period ending 12/31/20 and found no exceptions.
- Tim Mosher presented an update on Covid infections in our area. While the high positivity rate that has been occurring over the past months seems to be stabilizing, elevated hospitalizations and the virulent nature of the Omicron variant continue to impact our local health care system. Derry’s mask mandate remains in place at present. The session will continue to monitor our response.
- The session approved moving forward with repairs to the exterior of the Scout House in the amount of $25,000 – $10,000 for stone masonry repair, $10,000 for painting, and $5,000 for carpentry & contingency. The funds for the work will be taken from the Futures Fund.
- The Communications & Technology Committee submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to upgrade Derry’s exterior signage. These signs, which are located on and around our building as well as at the corner of Mansion Road and Rte. 422, are deteriorating, some have fallen down, and are inconsistent in design and construction. The approximate cost of the upgrade is $33,000 with funding coming from Derry’s Capital Facilities account. After reviewing proposals from several sign companies, the committee is recommending Stoner Graphix as the contractor for the project. This proposal will be reviewed by Derry’s committees and voted upon at the Session’s February meeting.
- Stewardship & Finance requested approval of a transfer of $250,000 from the Futures Fund to the Capital Facilities Fund. This transfer will help with repairs in and to the church building.
- A fundraising proposal from the Christian Education Committee for a summer youth trip to Acadia National Park in Maine was approved. The proposal will offer a series of fundraising tiers at which individuals and families can donate.
- Elected all active Elders as Presbytery Commissioners for 2020. Elders Ann Kroh and Tim Mosher were elected to serve on Derry’s 2022 Nominating Committee.
Jan 30 Issues Class Will Focus on Pediatric Mental Health
January 26, 2022
“Pediatric Mental Health in the Era of COVID” will be presented by Derry member Jolene Garcia, MD, practitioner in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at Penn State Health. In these difficult times, we all have experienced hardships and may have struggled physically, socially and emotionally. The last two years have been exceedingly difficult for our children, teens and young adults. Prior to COVID and its impact on our world, there was growing concern for an increase in the number of youth experiencing mental health problems. Since COVID the amount and severity of children and adolescents with psychiatric illness has greatly increased.
This class will cover concerns about pediatric psychiatric illness since COVID entered our world, and some insights and interventions will be reviewed. There will be time for questions as well as thoughts on faith and discussion of best practices and the need for care of self, family, friends and our community.
On Feb 6 & 20 Issues Class will be on Zoom as Debbie Hough presents “Come, Holy Spirit, Come,” a look at the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, New Testament and in hymns.
New Opportunities with Family Promise Feb 13-20
January 26, 2022The Board of Directors at Family Promise has approved a plan for the safe return to the weekly church rotation schedule that was in place prior to the pandemic. This is good news because a greater number of people will be provided services. It also means that volunteers will once again have the opportunity to build relationships with the families.
The Seventh Day Adventist Church in Hershey is scheduled to host families the week of Feb 13-20. Derry’s role, as partnering church, is to provide meals, transportation, and overnight chaperones. Please use the links below to volunteer. For more information, contact Jane Robertson. Thanks, Derry!
Click here to serve as a van driver
Grant Wareham Presents an Organ Recital at St. Patrick’s Cathedral
For this 30-minute recital, our Director of Music Ministry will present Rachel Laurin’s Étude Héroïque, Op. 38 (2012), Jean Langlais’ Cantilène from Suite Brève (1947), and Max Reger’s “Wie schön leucht’t uns der Morgenstern” from Two Chorale Fantasias,Op. 40 (1899). Read more.
Meet Ismal, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
January 26, 2022
I am Ismal from class 6. My father is a driver. We are three sisters and my grandparents are living with us. My mother is a housewife. My father can’t pay my fee and because of your hand in mine, I can reach to the edge of my dreams. You are an important part of my life. I work very hard and wish to become the strong support of my family. This is possible just because of your support. Myself and my family pray for your health and for your long life.
For 11 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Claudia Holtzman’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2022.
Ken Pearl • Elder
January 20, 2022
I was baptized and raised as a Catholic. I attended parochial school and served as an altar boy at St Joan of Arc. At that young age I never thought much about God’s work in my life.
I first attended a Christmas Eve service at Derry Church in 2000 while visiting with my wife’s family. Cynthia had joined Derry in 1961 and my mother-in-law, Jo Baum, was the first female Elder at Derry Church. We were living in Minnesota but attended services whenever we were in town visiting family. On our first wedding anniversary, we renewed our vows at Derry Church. When we retired in 2012 we moved to Hershey and I became a member.
Since then, I feel God has instilled in me a will to help others. Prior to being installed as an Elder I volunteered as an usher and greeter. I also volunteered on the G.O.D. Squad, as a Meals on Wheels driver, and serve as treasurer for Derry’s golf league.
In the fall of 2018, I was asked to be an Elder. I attended officer training and was installed as a ruling Elder in January 2019. Serving as an Elder gave me insight into the importance the Session plays in planning and managing the church’s direction. During my three years on Session I served as a financial custodian, usher captain recruiting ushers for church services and serving communion. I was also involved in many important church decisions. I feel the most important of these was approving the COVID team’s recommendations to keep our members safe during the ongoing pandemic.
Other actions the Session took during my term included approving our new Vision and Mission statements, hiring an interim music director, approving the purchase and installation of the Aeolian-Skinner organ, approving the addition of accessible seating in the Chapel, installing tempered glass at the Session House, purchasing a new oven for the church kitchen and approving the restoration of the cemetery for our 300-year anniversary.
During my term as Elder, I served on the Building and Grounds Committee. As a member of this committee I volunteered to be part of the Rental Property Subcommittee and the subcommittee to purchase a replacement church van. Even though my term as ruling elder has come to an end, I will continue to be part of the Building and Grounds Committee and the Rental Property and Van Purchase Subcommittees.
I enjoyed my time serving on Session. It was a great experience working with staff and other Elders on Session.
Jan 2022 Financial Snapshot
January 19, 2022Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 12/31/21
Income YTD: | $1,216,671 | $1,250,000 |
Expenses YTD: | 1,243,950 | 1,319,368 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | (27,279) | (69,368) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions ended up lagging PY and budget
- Expenses were generally in line with budget, with personnel being lower due to some reduced staffing and other differences
- We ended the year with about a $27k loss which we plan to cover with a transfer from the Anderson Trust
Meet Anaya, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
January 19, 2022
Meet Anaya, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
I am studying in class 2. My father is a salesman. We are eight family members altogether. My family is very happy for your kind concern towards us. With your support, I am able to continue my studies. I wish to become a doctor in the future. Please keep loving us.
For 11 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Friends of Sargodha’s goal is to continue to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Claudia Holtzman’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2022.
We’re Overjoyed with the 2021 Christmas Joy Offering!
January 19, 2022Our Christmas Joy Offering received over $11,000! This offering is being shared equally with the Presbyterian Church USA and Church World Service Harrisburg. PCUSA uses this offering to provide supplemental aid to retired church workers and to support Presbyterian racial/ethnic colleges and universities. CWS Harrisburg is opening an office to aid refugee resettlement in the greater Harrisburg area, and your gifts bring hope and help to many in need. Thank you, Derry Church!
January Updates from Presbyterian Women
January 19, 2022- Tuesday, Jan 25, is Orange Day, when Presbyterian Women encourages everyone to wear orange or an orange ribbon to show awareness of and support for those working to end exploitation of women.
- On Sunday, Jan 23 at 9 am, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the YWCA Harrisburg’s Violence Intervention and Prevention Services: CLICK TO JOIN the conversation on Zoom. Danielle Lewis will speak on domestic and sexual violence, impact of the pandemic and how to support survivors.
- PW is collecting items for this year’s hygiene bags (washcloths, deodorants, large-tooth combs, toothbrushes and travel-sized toothpastes, disposable razor blades, tissue packets) to be distributed at the Domestic Violence Center at the YWCA. Drop items in the PW basket in the mission closet.
- The PW Morning circle will meet at 10:30 am Monday, Jan 24 at the home of Joan Theal for the lesson “Ruth and Redemption.”
Christian Churches United is Hiring
January 19, 2022One of Derry’s mission partners has open positions in their HELP Ministries and Susquehanna Harbor Safe Haven programs, as well as a part-time Grant Management Specialist position in the administrative office. Click to view job postings or contact Darrel Reinford, Executive Director (717-230-9550).
Claudia Holtzman • Elder
January 13, 2022Last year Derry Church offered the opportunity to buy shares to support a child’s education in Pakistan through the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB). A remarkable $6,649 was raised for the PEB General Scholarship Fund in 2021.
In addition, there were 10 Derry families who took the extra step and chose to purchase 10 shares and support a child’s education for the entire year. When asked why they made this commitment, we received the following responses:

- There are lots of opportunities to support great causes, but few that have a direct impact on the life of one individual. Funding a scholarship offers that student the opportunity for a great education and hope for a brighter future. Sue and Jim George
- We chose to provide a scholarship for a Pakistani girl because as educators we believe in the transformative power of education. I do not know where else we could make such a difference in someone’s life for such a small contribution to fund a scholarship. Sue Whitaker and Al Reed
- In 2020 I chose to sponsor a child’s education through PEB in Pakistan. I do this to honor my own grandchildren, who have the luxury of living in a country with free public education – my wish is for all children to be blessed with knowledge through education. Kristy Elliott
- We are supporting this fund because we feel strongly about supporting the education of girls in a country where they may not otherwise have the same opportunities as they have here in the United States. James and Ellen Mosher
- Jay & I have chosen to support this program because it is a priority of our church and we believe in it. It is so important to help educate children, especially in places where there is great need. They are our future. Jay and Carol Carr
- We chose to support a child’s education through a scholarship because we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to learn in a safe and supportive environment. Education has the power to change a life, a community, and the world, so we are thankful to have the opportunity to help others receive the gift of education that will last a lifetime. Much of our own education was funded through scholarships, and we wanted to pass that gift along to someone else.
Courtney and Stephen McKinney-Whitaker - We chose to provide support for the children/schools in Pakistan for several reasons. Education is the way out of poverty and to a better life. We believe in the partnership with PEB and the work they have done. We look forward to Veda’s updates and visits. We will continue to support this program as we are strong believers in its mission. Mike and Tracey Kinney
For 11 years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with PEB. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through our Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha. Our goal is to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is approximately $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Whether you are able to give one share, three, or 15, together we can fulfill the dreams of more students in 2022. PEB students will thank you for the precious gift of education that will help them contribute to positive changes in society as citizen-leaders in their communities, churches, their country and the world. Who knows? Your student may one day be the one to change the world.
Winter Weather on the Radar? Where to Find Schedule Changes and Cancellations
January 12, 2022In this winter season our plans can change quickly, as we found out last weekend. When snowy, icy weather is forecast, here’s where you can find church schedule changes:
- At the top of the church website in the black ALERTS bar
- Posted on Derry’s social media channels (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram)
- Text messages to everyone signed up to receive alerts from Derry Church: sign up here to get on that list
It’s our practice NOT to send email notifications for every closing and schedule change as these can be frequent and not everyone subscribed to our email list needs the same information.
Annual Meeting on Sunday, Feb 13
January 12, 2022The annual meeting of the congregation will be held following 10:30 am worship on Sunday, Feb 13. The meeting will be live streamed. Anyone who has questions or comments is encouraged to attend in person.
The annual report will be sent by email as a PDF attachment in early February, with paper copies available for pickup at church by Sunday, Feb 6.
There will be NO 8 am service on Sunday, Feb 13. Church school at 9 am will be held as usual.
Engage The ’80s on Feb 12
Derry’s next Engage worship experience features music of the 1980s as we consider the challenges of being faithful followers of Jesus in the midst of the tensions and pressures put on our lives by our various identities and responsibilities. Led by Pastor Stephen and a group of talented Derry musicians, the service will include the music of U2, Journey, Toto, Bon Jovi, and more.

New Member Classes Begin Jan 30
January 12, 2022The next series of New Member Discovery Classes will be held Jan 30 – Feb 20. Sunday classes meet 9-10 am in the John Elder Classroom, and Tuesday classes meet 7-8 pm on Zoom and repeat material presented on Sundays.
Child care is provided on Sunday mornings.
Those who choose to join Derry Church will be received on Sunday, Feb 20 at the 10:30 am service. Registration is always appreciated, never required: RSVP by Wednesday, Jan 26.
Preschool Opens Registration to Church Members Jan 23
January 12, 2022Derry Church members seeking to enroll their children at Derry Discovery Days preschool for the 2022-23 school year may register for open spots Jan 23-27, before registration opens to the general public. To request registration information and/or a tour of the school, please contact Laura Cox, director. We would love to have your family join our DDD family!
On Jan 31 it’s Derry’s turn to Feed the Racetrack Workers
January 12, 2022Volunteers and dessert donations are needed to augment the hearty chili meal that is being prepared by hospitality coordinator Loretta Chubb. Food and volunteers will depart Derry Church late in the afternoon of Monday, Jan 31 to deliver the meal in Grantville. Contact Marilyn Koch for more information.
4th Annual MLK Day Worship
Christian Churches United and the Race & Unity Action Coalition invite you worship featuring Rev. Carla Christopher-Wilson. You’ll learn about ways we can be supportive of working towards the beloved community that MLK envisioned. In person attendance will be limited and masks are required: click to pre-register and to read more.
Jigsaw Puzzle Exchange
January 12, 2022Derry friends who enjoy working on jigsaw puzzles: we have a good supply of puzzles for you to choose from this winter. Stop by the bench outside the office entrance to pick up a new puzzle or two to work on.
Meara Kwee • Derry Member
January 6, 2022It is estimated that more than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the United States will experience rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime (CDC).
A November 2021 report by UN Women found that since the start of the pandemic, violence against women has become more severe across the globe. The report finds that women have experienced more violence since the start of the pandemic and they feel less safe overall. While COVID-19 has taken a psychological toll on all of us, women who are also exposed to violence, particularly physical violence, experience increased stress and anxiety.
Since 1975, Derry Presbyterian Church has supported the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg. The YWCA’s Violence Intervention and Prevention programs provide free and confidential crisis and counseling services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence, including a crisis hotline, safety planning, individual and group counseling, medical and court accompaniments, and referrals to local services. The YWCA also provides a shelter for women and their children who are experiencing domestic violence, as well as a legal clinic. To raise community awareness and to prevent domestic and sexual violence before it happens, the YWCA provides free, age-appropriate workshops for preschools, schools, colleges, youth groups, community groups and workplaces.
While domestic and sexual violence disproportionately affects women and girls, we all play a role in prevention and supporting survivors. In addition to supporting Missions at Derry, you can help by taking the following actions:
- Educate yourself. Start by checking out the resources at Presbyterian Mission, Faith Trust Institute, RAINN and Love is Respect. Attend the January 23 Issues Class and learn from a YWCA prevention educator about domestic and sexual violence and how you can help.
- Believe survivors. If you know someone experiencing domestic or sexual violence, believe them. Understand that it can be hard to seek help and to leave abusive relationships. Ask how you can support them and let them know about the services that the YWCA provides. The 24-hour crisis hotline is available at 1-800-654-1211.
- Talk about this issue. Invite a prevention educator from the YWCA to speak at your workplace, school or community group. Talk to the children and teens in your life in an age-appropriate way about body safety, consent and healthy relationships.
- Speak up! When you hear someone make a sexist, homophobic or racist joke or a comment that minimizes domestic or sexual violence, say something. These small, seemingly “minor” comments contribute to an overall culture that perpetuates domestic and sexual violence.
Through Derry’s support of the YWCA Greater Harrisburg and each of us taking the steps listed above, Derry members and friends contribute to a safer community for all.
Winter Sermon Series: Faith Words
January 5, 2022
FAITH WORDS is the sermon series for the weeks until Lent begins. This series is focused on defining and explaining commonly used church words. While the words are familiar, we don’t necessarily share a common understanding of what these words mean.
Issues Class Meets on Zoom
January 5, 20229-10 AM SUNDAYS, JAN 9, 16 & 23 • CLICK TO JOIN
For the next two weeks, Issues Class will meet on Zoom as we hear from Andrew Mashas about Church World Service’s Refugee Resettlement Program. Classes will be reposted on Derry’s YouTube and Facebook channels on Sunday afternoons.
The Jan 23 class will also be on Zoom: use the link shown above. Danielle Lewis from the YWCA Greater Harrisburg’s Violence Intervention and Prevention Services will speak on domestic and sexual violence, the impact of the pandemic, and how to support survivors.
Watch this space in following weeks to find out when Issues Class is meeting in person with a streaming option or on Zoom.
Important Notice from the Church Office
January 5, 2022As the COVID pandemic continues its omicron surge, the church staff has been encouraged to work remotely in order to protect worship leaders and ensure that Sunday worship may continue uninterrupted. As a result, there may be times in coming weeks when the office will not be staffed during regular office hours (M-TH 9 am-4 pm). Please contact the staff by email or leave a message if you reach our automated phone attendant. If the matter is urgent, press 5 and your call will be redirected.
NEW! Justice & Peace Book Discussion Group
January 5, 20226:30-8:30 PM MONDAYS ON ZOOM
Presbyterian Women (PCUSA) invite you to join their 2022 Book Discussion Group, meeting every other month on Zoom. Here’s the schedule:
Jan 10 Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance ( 2nd ed.) by Edgar Villanueva
Mar 14 Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
May 9 Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice by Rebecca Todd Peters
Jul 11 Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson
Sept 12 Poverty in America: A Handbook by John Iceland
Nov 14 This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto by Suketu Mehta
Click here to register and download related files for each discussion.
More Star Gifts Available!
January 5, 2022
Star gifts — star-shaped pieces of brightly colored paper with a word for you to ponder in 2022 — were distributed in worship on Epiphany Sunday, Jan 2. If you did not receive a star gift, more are available in a box at the lower level office entrance.
Do You Have Ancestors Buried in the Derry Church Cemetery? We’d like to know!
January 5, 2022A project for Derry’s 300th anniversary in 2024 is under way, and you can help by sharing with us the names of your ancestors buried in Derry Church’s cemetery before 1950, especially those who have been church members. Send information to Deborah White Hershey by email or mail to her at 4535 London Avenue, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
Called out to Serve: Living Out Our Missional Identity in Christ
Matthew 25 and Self-Development of People challenge us to see the world and be in relationships right where we are, and not just far away. Using examples from Black Presbyterian missional trailblazers such as Thelma Adair, Gayraud Wilmore and Edler Hawkins, this interactive workshop on Zoom will equip participants with missional strategies centered around identity, discipleship, relationship building and asset mapping to create and leverage congregational/ communal power in engaging issues in the local church!
Rev. Dr. Alonzo T. Johnson is the Coordinator for the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People Program (SDOP) and the Convener for the Education Roundtable, a group working within the Educate a Child Transform the World Domestic Initiative, both ministries of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Rev. Johnson has 25 years of experience in urban, congregational-based organizing, youth/education, creative arts, peacemaking, anti-racism, anti-poverty, anti-violence and social justice ministries.