Month: November 2021
Advent Begins on Sunday, Nov 28!
November 23, 2021
Advent begins on Sunday, and at Derry Church we begin a “Christmas Tour of Homes” sermon series that invites you into the homes of the Gospel writers.
The conversation continues in our Christmas Tour of Homes Facebook Group beginning Monday, Nov 29 (enjoy having Sundays off during this Advent season). Click here to join now, then check in daily to read posts and share your stories and insights.
Nov 2021 Session Highlights
November 23, 2021- It was the joy of the Session to approve the baptism of Christopher Damon and Tiffany Mittereder and their two children, Kennedy and Juliana and to receive Chris and Tiffany as new members. The Session also received and welcomed Virginia and Randolf Aires, Sharon Lapano, and Susan Diener as new members.
- Examined and welcomed newly elected Ruling Elders and Deacons in preparation for ordination/installation in January.
- Discussed whether the time is right to make masks optional at the 8 am Sunday service. With booster shots and vaccinations for children under way, the Session wants to monitor the impact that these additional vaccinations may have on Covid levels in our area. No action arose from the discussion, however, this item will be reviewed at the December meeting.
- To date pledges totaling $981,442 have been received, which is 76% of our proposed budget. Information is still being gathered in order to complete the budget. The proposed 2022 budget will be presented and voted upon at the December stated session meeting.
- The Session approved a motion to allow the Derry Brass to play in church without masks, as long as the musicians are vaccinated, using bell covers on the instruments and socially distancing.
- Fundraising and collection requests were approved as follows:
- Derry Discovery Days to sell Fox Meadow Creamery Gift Cards
- Mission & Peace requested that Friends of Sargodha be permitted to raise funds through the sale of greeting cards, Mark Smith ornaments, and the Shares for Scholarships program.
- Annual collections for the Giving Tree and Christmas Eve offering with the collection to be split between PC USA and Church World Services.
- Approved a modification to Derry’s Sabbatical policy to include the Director of Communications and Technology as an eligible participant in the program.
Notes of Thanks
November 23, 2021Derry Friends, Thank you for your donations of meals and gift cards to Family Promise. Hungry tummies were filled, and personal care necessities were provided to struggling families. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated! Jane Robertson
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s “Loving Our Community” Auction: sponsors, donors, volunteers and participants, you helped to raise over $21,000 in support of the ministries of Love INC of Greater Hershey, mobilizing the local church to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ. Love INC of Greater Hershey
PW Thank Offering Brings Hope Around the World: Story #4
November 23, 2021Since 1888, Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering has distributed more than $27 million in the U.S. and around the world.
Out of the 29 applications received, 12 projects were chosen for funding this year. As required, over 40% of the projects are related to health ministries. Read about two more of the 2021 Thank Offering recipients:
Habitat for Humanity Homeownership Mentoring, Orlando, FL
As the demand for affordable homes increases due to the economic impact of the pandemic, more families need help and encouragement to prepare them for homeownership. The $5,000 Thank Offering grant will provide mentoring to 100 households in Greater Orlando and Osceola County, offering a rare opportunity for families to receive individual guidance to reduce debt, save money and improve their credit scores to become eligible to purchase a home.
Vehicle and Driver for the Cancer Association of Anderson, SC
The Cancer Association of Anderson provides financial and emotional assistance to local patients who are battling cancer. Having a vehicle will be a game-changer, offering safe and reliable options to patients with no available transportation for their cancer treatment-related appointments. This $42,360 grant will also provide for a compassionate and knowledgeable driver who can offer a caring presence as well as assist patients with special needs.
Please give generously to the Thank Offering so that we can continue to provide for the needs of others at home and around the world. Give online or make checks payable to Derry Church notated “Thank Offering” and mail to the church or drop in the collection boxes.
M.E. Steelman • Children’s Ministry Coordinator
November 18, 2021When the program year began in September, I had no idea what would happen. In my own mind, I was consumed by questioning each program and decision. Would we have families attend Children’s Ministry programs? Is it too soon to start? What spaces should we use? Would we have enough volunteers to help lead our programs? Would we be shutting things down frequently? I found myself talking to God frequently and ultimately following my heart and moving ahead with our normal programming, just doing so in a NEW way.

September saw a return to Sunday School and KIWI. Derry was once again blessed with incredible support from our church families. We have an amazing team of adult teachers/helpers who are filling our classrooms with joy, love and energy each Sunday. COVID gave us a reason to pause and ultimately gave us time to look at our programs and ask what we could do better or different. This led us to add an element of music to our Sunday School time, led by Mr. Grant and Pastor Pam. Children are learning some of the beloved Sunday School songs that many of us grew up singing. Our new curriculum, Spark Activate Faith, has us “Trekking Through the Bible” and having a lot of fun journeying through the Bible together. KIWI has moved to the Chapel and offered us a more special and sacred space to gather and learn about worship. The children enjoy exploring a true worship space and preparing that space with the elements we see in weekly worship that remind us of our sacraments, promises and ways we show our love for our Lord and Savior.
We created a brand-new program called RECONNECT. Pastor Pam has been helping our first and second graders adjust to in-person worship as they focus on the various parts of worship and help them learn how to participate in, and not just sit through, worship. We are hopeful that this new program will make worship more meaningful to these children as they rejoin their parents in December.
Pilgrim Fellowship kicked off in October and has been a lot of fun. Our third through fifth graders love having a time to have fun, be silly and simply be together. We have chosen activities that allow us to be outdoors as much as possible, that connect with many different interests and also offer an element of faith formation through learning, mission and fellowship.
Children’s choirs were greatly affected by the pandemic as Terrific Tuesdays and rehearsals were all cancelled. This is an area of Derry’s Children’s Ministry that brings joy to everyone in the church family and we knew we wanted to find a way to rebuild our choirs. Our church leaders worked together and created a new program, K.I.C. Club (Kids In Christ Club). K.I.C. Club gathers on Tuesday evenings from 5:45-7:15 and offers children the opportunity to explore our creative arts ministries here are Derry: music, creation time and fellowship. The children gather together for our opening circle time and then break into groups to rotate through our three classrooms. Tuesday evenings have come alive again here at the church. The relaxed atmosphere has allowed us the opportunity to make deeper connections with the children and families of the church. And the children have enjoyed making new friends and experiencing each of our extended Children’s Ministry offerings.
When you and your family are ready, I hope you will join us and find a way to let God be a larger part of your lives. These days are full of uncertainty and decision making and I fully respect the choice each family makes, but also want you to know that I am excited to welcome you back whenever you are ready to join us.
I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I continue to thank God for the strength, support and love that surround our Children’s Ministry programs.
November 2021 Financial Snapshot
November 17, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 10/31/21
Income YTD: | $1,049,957 | $1,041,667 |
Expenses YTD: | 969,129 | 1,099,474 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 80,828 | (57,807) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are about in line with 2020 and budget at this point.
- Committee spending generally in line with or under budget.
- Cash flow at 10/31 is in line with last year.
Derry Church Christmas Concert: A Weary World Rejoices
November 17, 2021
Derry’s 2021 Christmas concert will feature our Sanctuary Choir, a brass quintet, the Derry Ringers, and soloist Christyn Seay. You’ll hear favorites like John Gardner’s electric “Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day” and the opening movement of Vivaldi’s beloved Gloria, as well as new pieces like Australian composer Jenny McLeod’s delightfully unique “Falantidida.” The concert will also include plenty of carols for all to join together and sing.
Longest Night Worship
For those who have empty places in their hearts and homes this Christmas season, we offer the “Longest Night” worship service. Led by Pastor Marie, it’s a reflective, come-as-you-are service that includes the sacrament of communion.
Thanksgiving Day = Orange Day
November 17, 2021This year, Thanksgiving Day is also Orange Day. In your thankfulness, remember those females suffering from exploitation. Domestic violence has resulted in a 30% increase in child deaths since the pandemic. Even before COVID-19, 38% of children lived in homes where one parent abused the other. Real life stories include the mother repeatedly beaten until she fled with her children and yet fears her husband will kill her as he has weekend custody; the man who hears the screams of his mother as his father pounds her against a bedroom wall; and the woman beaten, stabbed, shot and left to die on Harrisburg street.
If you know of someone who is abused, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 or TTY 800-787-3224 for help. Wear orange or an orange ribbon on Nov 25 to show thankfulness for those working to end the exploitation of females.
PW Thank Offering Brings Hope Around the World: Story #3
November 17, 2021Since 1888, Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering has distributed more than $27 million in the U.S. and around the world.
Out of the 29 applications received, 12 projects were chosen for funding this year. As required, over 40% of the projects are related to health ministries. Read about two more of the 2021 Thank Offering recipients:
Hagar’s Community Church, Tacoma, WA
Established in 2019, this new church development is planted inside the Washington Corrections Center for Women. The $50,000 Thank Offering grant will help support incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women through Bible study, worship, pastoral care and prayer groups. This ministry seeks to empower women so they may seek their own spiritual connection to God, walk a path of healing, experience fellowship in a community of faith and learn a new sense of belonging in and out of the corrections center.
Hope Harbor Ministries, Warm Springs, GA
This one-year, residential program serves women who struggle with the destructive forces of addiction. A space for learning, gathering, and fundraising, the kitchen is particularly important for the residents. Each year they host a bake sale to purchase holiday gifts for their children and families, allowing them a chance to give back and mend broken relationships. The $20,000 Thank Offering grant will purchase kitchen appliances for a new building to continue serving women as they find freedom from addiction and experience the healing hope of Christ.
Please give generously to the Thank Offering so that we can continue to provide for the needs of others at home and around the world. Give online or make checks payable to Derry Church notated “Thank Offering” and mail to the church or drop in the collection boxes.
eNews Thanksgiving Edition
November 17, 2021Next week’s church eNews will arrive in your inbox a day early, on Wednesday, Nov 24. Happy Thanksgiving!
Tracey Kinney • Co-Chair, Stewardship & Finance Committee
November 11, 2021
This year’s stewardship theme is Growing in Grace & Gratitude. When I think of what that means to me today, a number of things come to mind, some of them a bit different than several years ago when I was asked to write a similar article for the stewardship campaign.
Each year as fall arrives and Thanksgiving approaches, I find myself reflecting on what is important to me and the many things for which I am thankful. The list is long and I consider myself to be blessed in many ways. I am thankful for my family, friends, my health, food on the table, a roof over my head and other things too numerous to mention.
One thing in my life that has been a constant is Derry Church. I’ve grown up at Derry, spending the majority of my life attending here with my parents and then my husband and three children. The support and caring of my church family is something that has kept me here for so long.
Growing up at Derry, I’ve seen and experienced many changes and growth in the church — the physical building, staff, programs and increased church membership. We continue to grow and expand in new and exciting ways. Many churches are not so fortunate.
The past 20 months since COVID hit has truly been a test for all of us. Suddenly being unable to come together to worship and participate in the many church activities came as a shock. Things have been tough and we have all felt a void in one way or another. Not being able to greet one another on Sunday mornings, to chat at post-worship fellowship, to participate in church school, youth activities, Terrific Tuesday meals, just to name a few. However, through God’s continued grace and the combined efforts of so many, we were able to persevere and try to carry on as close to normal as possible. Finding creative ways to worship and continue to do God’s work, caring for our church family and continuing our ministry and mission work despite our limitations.
As I look back on the past year, I am sure I am not alone in the gratitude I feel for how our church family has come together, caring and supporting one another. Gratitude to those that enabled us to live stream worship, church school, and committee meetings. Finding creative ways to worship and continue to do God’s work. Our continued support of various mission opportunities, caring for one another through personal calls from staff “just to “see how we are doing,” notes, loaves of bread and gifts from Shepherd Group leaders and Deacons. Meal trains for those in need. So many working to maintain a sense of normalcy.
Now as we see many in-person church activities resuming, I find myself feeling extremely grateful for Derry and God’s continued presence in my life, my faith and for those that have worked tirelessly in the past year to provide a continued form of God’s presence and grace — whatever form it might have taken.
In this season of Thanksgiving and stewardship, let us reflect on what is important to us and what Derry Church means to you and your family. As you are aware it takes significant financial support to run and operate a church, especially one of our size with the many wonderful programs, staff and mission work that Derry provides. Please take time to prayerfully consider what you can give to Derry for the coming year.
Two Advent Study Opportunities
November 10, 202110:30 AM THURSDAYS, NOV 18, DEC 2, 9 & 16 IN ROOM 7
Join the Thursday Journey In Faith (JIF) group in exploring the stories that surround Jesus’ birth. This 4-week video series featuring Middle-East scholar Prof. Ken Bailey will present a clearer view of what life was like when Jesus was born, according to the Gospel writers.
9-10 AM SUNDAYS, NOV 28, DEC 5, 12 & 19 IN ROOM 9
Led by Rev. Ivo Meilands, this 4-week study of various Advent scriptures will help us to prepare for the coming of our Lord. This class will be participatory rather than lecture based. Through thoughtful study of the Old and New Testaments, together we will attempt to discern where God is leading us in this time and place. Find out more in Sunday’s Issues Class.
Donate Your Gently Used Aluminum Walkers and Canes
November 10, 2021Penn State Health is accepting donations of gently used aluminum crutches, canes and walkers for its hospitals and outpatient locations now through Nov 12. Items can be dropped off at the Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Life Lion Hangar, 10 Life Lion Drive until 7 pm Thursday, Nov 22 and from 8 am to 4 pm Friday, Nov 12. All donations will be inspected for safety and sanitized, then distributed to patients who need them.
A global shortage of aluminum means that crutches, canes, and walkers are in short supply for most hospitals. Hospitals’ current inventories are running very low, and vendors who usually sell these devices simply don’t have them. Donated items will be given to patients free of charge.
Rev. Forrest Claasen Elected as Next Synod Executive
November 10, 2021The Rev. Forrest Claassen, co-executive and stated clerk of the Presbytery of Los Ranchos, has been elected the next executive of the Synod of the Trinity, a multi-state mid council of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), effective Jan. 1, 2022.
Claassen was unanimously elected during the Synod’s recent Assembly, held virtually. He succeeds the Rev. Susan Faye Wonderland, whose contract is expiring after 13 years with the Synod, including the last seven-plus years as transitional executive.
“When I think about what Trinity has called me to do, I see a convergence,” Claassen said. “All sorts of ministry experiences over the last 25-plus years have led to this.”
Claassen is a graduate of Stanford University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, and Princeton Theological Seminary, where he earned a Master of Divinity.
Prior to his service in Los Ranchos, Claassen served as stated clerk of the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest from 2009 to 2013, pastor at Clarkston (WA) Presbyterian Church from 2005 to 2013, co-pastor to a tri-cultural congregation in Southeast Alaska, stated supply minister for a Haida village church in the Presbytery of Alaska for five years, moderator and then chair of General Council of the Presbytery of Alaska, and commissioner to the 212th General Assembly in Long Beach, CA.
PW Thank Offering Brings Hope Around the World: Story #2
November 10, 2021
Since 1888, Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering has distributed more than $27 million in the U.S. and around the world.
Out of the 29 applications received, 12 projects were chosen for funding this year. As required, over 40% of the projects are related to health ministries. Read about two more of the 2021 Thank Offering recipients:
First Presbyterian Church of Grand Haven: Sunday School and Day Care Center for Koinonia Ministries, Orange Walk, Belize
Koinonia Ministries has a mission to train and equip childcare workers to proclaim the love of God to new generations. In Belize, a single parent earns $75 to $90 per week but they must pay $35 per week for childcare. The $15,600 Thank Offering grant will help complete a new building for a Sunday school that serves 125 children per week and a cost-free day care center that serves 50 children of single parents.
Puerta Abierta (Open Door), Libros Abiertos (Open Books) in Santiago, Guatemala
The $50,000 Thank Offering grant will provide funding to reach 3,200 students through intensive support, training and professional development for Guatemalan teachers. This will increase reading literacy and educational success for mostly indigenous children living in areas where schools do not have books and resources. The program will also provide professional development opportunities for teachers across Guatemala, and will help build local leadership, facilitate onsite programs, and grow new teaching and learning sites.
Please give generously to the Thank Offering so that we can continue to provide for the needs of others at home and around the world. Give online or make checks payable to Derry Church notated “Thank Offering” and mail to the church or drop in the collection boxes.
Love INC Shares Happy “Homes Of Hope” Story
November 10, 2021In March 2020, the day after COVID shut down Pennsylvania, Hannah and her girls moved into the Love INC Homes of Hope transitional house. On Saturday, a year and a half later, despite the wind and rain, lots of faithful servant volunteers worked together to move their family to their new permanent housing.
Hannah’s faith and perseverance continue to inspire everyone that has been blessed to walk with her. Hannah says, “Thanks a Million to our AMAZING, Wonderful, Fabulous Volunteers and All our Caring ANGELS who have endlessly prayed, supported us on this Amazing journey, Words are Inadequate to Express.”
Although they’ve moved out of the house, they will continue to be part of the Homes of Hope program through the next six months of their transition. Hannah’s advocate and case manager will continue to meet with her to support and encourage her on her journey towards self-sufficiency.
Marilyn Koch • Chair, Mission & Peace Committee
November 4, 2021
Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In November we’re lifting up Access to Health Care. You can find the current month’s mission focus in the Joys & Concerns section of the weekly eNews.
We at Derry Church are so blessed to have people with many talents and interests. And making time to be a hands-on volunteer can bring a new perspective on our society. But even with the understanding that Covid has greatly impacted how our agencies provide services, I would urge you not to rule out being an active volunteer. Our committee provides funding for several ministries in the midstate area and they can use your support as well.
We support the Community Checkup Center in Hall Manor, Harrisburg, which is a non-profit health center providing quality care to Harrisburg’s diverse and underserved children and adults. Our own Gretchen Ballard served on the board for many years (they have been providing services since 1994) and is still working with them. She delivers the calendars donated by members from our congregation to the center, so they can be given to patients to track return appointments and important reminders. There’s a basket in the mission closet ready to collect 2022 calendars. The Checkup Center sees about 200 patients a month, about half the number they were able to see before Covid due to social distancing issues, although numbers are now starting to increase.
Our connection with Christ Lutheran Church’s Health Ministry has grown over the last few years. They offer the following four free health clinics in South Allison Hill, a neighborhood of intense need in Harrisburg where workers strive to be the healing hands of Jesus in that community:
- The MEDICAL OUTREACH CLINIC is a free, nurse-run walk-in clinic in conjunction with Holy Spirit Hospital. They provide simple lab tests, basic physical assessments, health education, and some limited assistance with social service liaison, medication assistance, and the provision of items necessary for health such as blankets, hygiene items and underwear. The Outreach team includes a small core of paid staff and volunteers. Nursing students from HACC have clinical rotations there. Services are provided in English, Spanish, French and Arabic languages.
- The DENTAL CLINIC is comprised of a team of volunteer dentists, support staff and translators who offer care three days a month for urgent dental conditions requiring simple extractions and fillings.
- The PRENATAL CLINIC provides free prenatal care, including labs and radiology, and is offered to low-income women who are ineligible for insurance and whose pregnancies are in the low risk categories. Nurses and doctors determine the risk factor. Through a partnership with Holy Spirit Hospital, access to advanced care, labor and childbirth delivery at the hospital is included.
- The URGENT CARE CLINIC has a doctor available weekly for urgent (but not emergency) medical needs. By appointment only, but free of charge.
Last, but not least, our own Dr. Larry Espenshade has volunteered for a number of years with Hope Within Ministries in Elizabethtown. They offer free primary health care services for medically uninsured low income residents of Lancaster, Lebanon, and Dauphin Counties, as well as low-cost, sliding scale counseling and donation-
based dental care thanks to more than 30 volunteer medical, dental providers, therapists, and nurses. All appointments are scheduled with patients for the medical and dental clinics and for clients in their counseling center, because they are not a walk-in facility.
Please consider these volunteer opportunities and how you can join these agencies in their missions to provide health care to our uninsured and underinsured neighbors.
Oct 2021 Session Highlights
November 3, 2021- Welcomed and received Tim Mosher as Ruling Elder to fill the term vacated by David Han.
- Treasurer Stephen Guenther reported that contributions are approximately $30,000 behind 2020 levels and budget. Committee spending is in line with the budget.
- The Covid Task Force presented two recommendations: to permit the Deacons to sponsor the annual blood drive in December and to permit the Derry Brass to begin rehearsing with bell covers and social distancing with the possibility of being able to play in worship in late November. After reviewing the recommendations, the Session approved both.
- Approved Derry Discovery Days’ request to hold a Chipotle fundraiser night on Tuesday, November 9 from 4 to 8 pm at the downtown Hershey location.
- Personnel items discussed at the meeting included the following:
- Dan Stokes is stepping away from working at Derry. Dan currently serves as organist at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hummelstown and would like to pursue volunteer activities as he moves into semi-retirement. The Session is grateful for Dan’s time and leadership and wishes him well.
- Reviewed a proposal to hire Eric Riley as Artist in Residence: Choral Arts and Consultant. In this position Eric will work with and mentor Grant and the choir for a full choir season (until June 2023). The proposal was approved.
- Approved removing the “transitional” designation from M.E. Steelman’s title and making her a permanent member of the church staff as Children’s Ministry Coordinator.
- The Communication & Technology Committee has requested permission to seek and hire an Audio Visual Intern. We currently have a small but dedicated pool of volunteers who assist Sue George with the audio visual aspects of Sunday morning worship. Additional help is needed. The proposal is to work with local colleges to find a student who will learn all aspects of our live streaming and its production while earning college credit. The Session approved and is supportive of this trial program, which is not only of benefit to Derry but also to the community by hiring a student who will gain hands-on experience in his/her chosen field of study.
Your Delicious Holiday Cookies Will Make this Year’s Cookie Walk Something Special
Start looking for that special cookie recipe! Each family is asked to donate one batch of homemade cookies (2-4 dozen or more). Drop off on Friday, Dec 3 or by 9 am on Saturday. Include a label with name of the cookie. If cookies contain nuts, peanut butter or almond extract and the name does not reflect that ingredient, please list that information on the label.
Cookies are sold by the pound. Masks are required. Proceeds support Presbyterian Women’s mission goal for 2022. Contact Doris Feil to volunteer to set up on Friday or sell cookies on Saturday.
Winter Golf League
November 3, 2021Too cold for golf? Not for Derry Church’s Winter Golf League! Gregg Robertson, Greg Poland, Pete Feil and Peter Gawron hit the links on Nov 2 despite some rain, temperatures in the 50’s and wind. They felt like they were playing in Scotland! Those interested in playing can email Gregg Robertson. There are no set dates to play. This group keeps an eye on the weather and puts together a foursome or two when the forecast looks favorable.

PW Thank Offering Brings Hope Around the World: Story #1
November 3, 2021Since 1888, Presbyterian Women’s Thank Offering has distributed more than $27 million in the U.S. and around the world.
Out of the 29 applications received, 12 projects were chosen for funding this year. As required, over 40% of the projects are related to health ministries. Read about two of the 2021 Thank Offering recipients:
The Holston Presbytery Camp and Retreat Center and Nature Preschool
Avery County, North Carolina, is an area whose residents have a significant need for preschool and after-school programming. The rural, mountainous region offers few job opportunities beside the seasonal work for tourists. Therefore, many families are forced to find work “off the mountain,” which requires them to find suitable childcare. The $10,000 Thank Offering grant will help provide working families with a quality and affordable option for their children. The Nature Preschool offers young ones transformational experiences of education, outdoor recreation, and spiritual refreshment.
Frontera de Cristo Douglas, AZ and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico
This program supports families with students who are in danger of dropping out of school and need supplemental support in one of the most impoverished communities of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. The $27,000 Thank Offering grant will create a safe, educational space and implement a program to strengthen the children’s academic, social, emotional and spiritual development. Parents enrolled in the program will receive training in food cultivation, nutritious cooking and conflict resolution.
Please give generously to the Thank Offering so that we can continue to provide for the needs of others at home and around the world. Give online or make checks payable to Derry Church notated “Thank Offering” and mail to the church or drop in the collection boxes.