Month: September 2021
Craig Smith • Derry Member
September 30, 2021Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In October we’re lifting up feeding those who are hungry.
During the COVID pandemic Derry Church, through the Mission & Peace Committee, provided additional funding to our non-profit partners’ Feeding the Hungry programs. Here are two of the organizations Derry generously supported with additional funding this past year:
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
Food shouldn’t be an impossible choice. For many, a daily meal is just a choice of what to eat for dinner. For those facing hunger, a daily meal poses a very different type of choice. It is often an impossible choice between food and other critical needs such as utilities, housing or medicine. How will you choose to end hunger?
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank is the primary supplier of food and nutrition programs to many of our non-profit partners. Derry Church provided $10,000 in additional funding to the Food Bank, and church members volunteered to pack food boxes during the pandemic.
Downtown Daily Bread
Downtown Daily Bread (DDB) is a mission project of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church in downtown Harrisburg. For 88 years, DDB has been a gateway to basic human services for hundreds of homeless and hungry individuals in Harrisburg. DDB offers a Soup Kitchen with weekday breakfasts and daily lunch meals; a Day Shelter with cots, computers, phones, and staff counselors; a winter season Night Shelter for men, and numerous assistance programs such as showers, lockers, mail delivery, laundry cards, vouchers for photo IDs, clothing, and other personal hygiene items.
In 2020, the Soup Kitchen prepared and served 11,465 breakfasts and 34,218 lunches. On an average day, 19 people come for showers, 61 people pick up mail, and 40 people check in to receive assistance at the Day Shelter. From December 1 to March 31, 28 men found winter overnight shelter every evening. Bag meals continued throughout the COVID pandemic, and after modifications to the facility, in-person meals and services resumed.
Derry Church provided $10,000 in additional funding to support COVID related building modifications and Day Shelter HVAC upgrades. Church members continued to volunteer in the soup kitchen throughout the pandemic.
Surviving the Holidays GriefShare Workshop
September 29, 2021
9:30 AM-11:30 AM SATURDAY, OCT 30 IN ROOM 7
For those grieving the loss of a loved one, this workshop helps with support, encouragement and advice for the upcoming holiday season. Face masks required. Free. RSVP to Pastor Marie.
What’s Next for the Derry Day Trippers?
September 29, 2021The Derry Day Trippers had a successful kick-off picnic at Memorial Lake Park last week and have planned these upcoming day trips:
- Thursday, Oct 21: Lititz and Bird-in Hand. Carpool from church and have lunch at 11:30 at the Tomato Pie Café (and maybe even make a quick stop at the Wilbur Chocolate Factory). Then go to the Farmer’s Market in Bird-in Hand and the Amish Experience for the 3:00–4:30 tour of an Amish home and school, followed by the five-screen movie experience “Jacob’s Choice” about the choice the young people must make during Rumspringa to remain in the Amish community or to leave. Cost is $19.95 for the Amish Experience (in addition to the cost of your own lunch). Once you sign up, you are obligated as your tickets will be purchased. Sign up by Oct 2
- Wednesday, Nov 10: Visit the Van Gogh Immersion Experience in Philadelphia. The experience lasts an hour to an hour and a half, then have lunch as a group. Carpool departs by 8:30 am for the scheduled 11 am entry to the exhibition. Cost is $34.50 plus $5.00 ticketing charge. Once you sign up, you are obligated as your tickets will be purchased. Sign up TODAY (Sept 30) — these tickets are going fast!
- In December we are planning a trip to Longwood Gardens. Stay tuned for more information.
Checks should be sent or taken to the church clearly marked on the memo line for the event for which you are paying.
Free Flu Shot Drive-Thru Clinic
September 29, 20219 AM – 1 PM SATURDAY, OCT 2 AT LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL, 1000 S. 8TH ST., LEBANON
- Penn State Health is holding a free drive-thru flu shot clinic for ages three and older
- No ID or insurance required
- Face masks required
- Adults must be able to access the middle part of their arm to receive a shot, so loose-fitting clothes are recommended
- Reservations suggested but not required: please click here to register each person over the age of three who will receive a shot
Notes of Thanks
September 29, 2021Derry Family and Friends, it’s been a long time coming, but I would like to reach out and thank each of you for your phone calls, cards, words of encouragement and especially the prayers that you sent our way. The last 16 months have sometimes been difficult for me. With God’s help, on August 10 I was blessed with another lung. I am at home recovering and each day I feel myself getting stronger because of your prayers. Keep them coming. Thank you again for all of your continuing thoughts and prayers. Although I do not know who my donor is for my new lung, please keep his family in your prayers through the difficult time they must be experiencing. Until we meet again at Derry! Peace to all, Jim Carns
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we greatly appreciate your gift of $3,000 in August. We are tremendously blessed by this partnership. Thanks to you, we added a weekly dental hygiene clinic which is in high demand. God bless our siblings in Christ at Derry. Rev. Andrew Stockstill, Christ Lutheran Church, Harrisburg
Rev. Marie Buffaloe • Parish Associate for Congregational Life and Care
September 23, 2021
In the midst of challenging times, I am grateful for the ministry of our Board of Deacons, whose main responsibilities are providing compassion, witness and service to those in need. They are supported and assisted by Shepherd Group leaders who especially in these anxious pandemic months have helped reach out in kindness and care to our church family. That’s not easy when our congregational members live in a variety of communities from Lebanon to Carlisle and lots of places in between.
More than 25 years ago, visionary leaders at Derry organized a caring ministry of neighborhood regions called Shepherd Groups. A Derry member from each geographic group has committed to being the Shepherd Group leader and to work with a Deacon to keep in touch and provide care to members and welcome newcomers. Your Shepherd Group number can be found on your church name tag. You can also find Shepherd Group numbers listed in the Joys & Concerns section of the eNews and on the weekly prayer list.
When it was not so easy to visit in person, our Shepherd Group leaders and Deacons have been busy sending cards, making phone calls, providing meals and organizing meal trains. They have made visits on your door steps, delivered devotions and smiles (behind masks), and kept you in their prayers. When you have a need, please do contact your Shepherd Group leader or Deacon, as well as the church office. We are a stronger church family because of their gifts of time and commitment to reaching out in Christ’s name to offer God’s love and compassion.
Click here for a list of the 2021-22 Shepherd Group leaders and Deacons (PDF). If you don’t know your Shepherd Group, contact the church office or Pastor Marie. To volunteer as a Shepherd Group leader for one year, contact your deacon.
The Apostle Paul reminds us to clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience and above all clothe yourself with love which binds everything together. (Colossians 3:12) That’s a good recipe for any church family.
Watch the First 11-Minute Lesson with Pastor Stephen
September 22, 2021Pastor Stephen’s first 11-minute lesson focuses on the theme, “Can God Suffer?” Lessons continue in the Chapel after 8:00 and 10:30 am worship and will be posted on YouTube and Facebook on Sunday afternoon.
An Afternoon with Presbybop Music
September 22, 2021
Bill Carter and his quartet last played at Derry Church in 2013 , which means our newest Derry Church members and friends haven’t yet had the opportunity to hear the ensemble’s jazz music that glorifies God, renews the Christian church, and models the integration of faith and the arts. Click to sample their music, then save the date and get ready for an afternoon of music that adds new dimensions to the faith and worship of the Christian church.
Orange Day is Saturday, Sept 25
September 22, 2021Orange Day is the day each month that Presbyterian Women wear orange or an orange ribbon to remember female victims of exploitation and those trying to end it.
At 15 years of age, Theresa Flores was drugged, raped and tortured for two long years – kept in bondage, forced to pay back an impossible debt as a sex slave – all while living at home attempting to keep her family safe in an upper-middle class Detroit suburb. She attended school during the day along side her traffickers, only to be called into “service” late each night while her unknowing family slept. Involuntarily involved in a criminal ring, she endured more as a child than most adults do in their lives. Today Theresa share her story and raises awareness of trafficking. She tells her story in “The Slave Across the Street.”
Support Theresa and others to end this exploitation by wearing orange on the 25th of the month.
Join the Virtual CROP Walk on Sunday, Oct 24
September 22, 2021The 2021 Hershey/Hummelstown CROP Hunger Walk is about one month away. That means it is time to plan how you will participate. To keep walkers healthy and safe, this year’s CROP Hunger Walk will once again be VIRTUAL.
Here are the steps to prepare for this year’s walk:
Step 1: Decide if you will walk alone, or with a group.
Step 2: REGISTER ONLINE with TEAM Derry Presbyterian. Encourage friends and family to support you. Donations can be made online by credit card. Checks can be made out to CWS. Write Hershey/Hummelstown CROP Walk on the memo line. Checks should be sent to the church by October 31, 2021.
Step 3: Choose a date and time to walk. Officially, the walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 23, however, you may walk on any day prior to that date.
Step 4: Select a safe place to walk such as a park, walking path, your neighborhood, the church grounds, etc.
Step 5: If you have participated in previous CROP Walks, dig out your old CROP Walk t-shirt and wear it during your walk.
Step 6: Prior to starting out on your walk, take a moment to pray for the vulnerable in our community, nation, and world.
Step 7: As you walk, take photos or videos and send them to Sue George. She will post them on Derry’s Facebook page.
Step 8: Questions? Contact Jane Robertson
Last year we met our goal of $5,000. We are aiming to meet or even exceed that goal this year. Help end hunger, one step at a time by supporting the 2021 CROP Walk for Hunger. Thanks, Derry!

Donations Requested for Love INC’s Online Community Auction
September 22, 2021Love INC of Greater Hershey seeks donations of artistic creations, jewelry, gift cards and items for a variety of gift baskets, services, tools, electronics, household decor and, of course, homemade pies and kitchen creations that can be auctioned online Oct 20-24. Food items DO NOT need to be made for the the day of the event. Baked creations may be made at a time agreed upon between the baker and winning bidder. MORE
Steven Guenther • Treasurer
September 16, 2021We have reached September and are entering budgeting season, so it is time for my annual update on how the church is doing financially and my projections for the rest of the year.
As of the end of August, we have a year-to-date surplus of $48,000 for the general operating budget compared to a year-to-date surplus of $46,000 at the same point last year. We have moved the timing of some payments to the end of the year, so when taking that into account, the comparable surplus to last year would be closer to $26,000. I believe we will probably end the year in the break-even to slight surplus range. In 2020 and so far in 2021 contributions to the general operating budget have trailed 2019 contributions. The lower contributions have been offset by lower expenses due to reduced spending related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As Session, the Stewardship and Finance Committee, and the other committees look toward the 2022 budget and the future, we are working to ensure that Derry Church provides for the current needs of the church members and the community, and also maintains financial stability. We are looking at capital projects over the next several years and are working with the committees to make sure they align with the mission and vision of the church. By planning for the future, we can make sure we are managing our resources responsibly.
Through the generous support of the congregation, we have been able to do large capital projects, like the new organ installation, without pulling significant funds from the session designated accounts that are invested. Also in the past year, we have received generous contributions to create new restricted accounts like the transportation account which enabled us to purchase a new van. We’ve also been able to add principal to session designated accounts like the Legacy and Capital Facilities Funds which help maintain our church and further the mission of the congregation. We have been able to use dedicated and restricted funds to do mission work in our community and throughout the world – whether it be helping youth with college scholarships or building a new wing on a school in Pakistan.
I would like to thank the congregation for your continued support of the church and of mission work in our community.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything related to Derry’s finances, please contact me.
September 2021 Financial Snapshot
September 15, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 8/31/21
Income YTD: | $833,531 | $833,333 |
Expenses YTD: | 787,608 | 879,580 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 45,923 | (46,247) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are in line with 2020 and budget at this point.
- Committee spending generally in line with or under budget.
- Cash flow at 8/31 is in line with last year.
Monday Morning Study Group Begins Oct 4
Derry members will take turns leading this new group as it begins with a short study of Adam Hamilton’s book “Half Truths,” which examines some of the platitudes we typically say about God which aren’t completely accurate. To journey in faith along with this group of recent retirees, please contact Pastor Stephen.
A Day of Celebration on Oct 10: Organ Dedication Sunday
The service of dedication in the Sanctuary for the new-to-Derry Aeolian-Skinner organ will feature hymns, anthems, and a litany of dedication.
The Sanctuary Choir will sing Martin Shaw’s “With a Voice of Singing,” and the upper voices of the choir will sing “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” to a beautiful tune written by the American composer Calvin Hampton. The dedication will also feature his “Postlude on [the tune] Engelberg” as an extended introduction to the singing of the same hymn, which you may know as “When In Our Music God is Glorified.” Other hymns will be “Praise to the Lord” and “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus.” “Praise to the Lord” will feature our lower voices on a four-part arrangement a cappella.
We will have remarks from Nicholas Thompson-Allen, the organ builder in charge of the installation, whose father Aubrey presided over the initial installation in 1950.
The service will conclude with Charles-Marie Widor’s beloved Toccata from his 5th organ symphony. This was the final piece heard on Derry’s previous Reuter organ before it was dismantled.
Officer elections will follow the service, and there will be no 8 am worship.

After more than a year of restoration, the 1950 Aeolian-Skinner Op. 1132 originally built for the Redeemer Church in New Haven, Connecticut, is ready for its inaugural organ recital presented by Grant Wareham, our Director of Music Ministry and Organist.
The program will highlight all the capabilities of the new-to-Derry organ, including soaring, pure flute tones of the new Harmonic Flute (1929 E.M. Skinner pipes that were not included in the instrument’s original installation) on Louis Vierne’s “Clair de Lune,” a bubbly prelude and a soaring fugue in Maurice Duruflé’s tribute to his fallen friend, Jehan Alain, in his “Prelude and Fugue on ALAIN,” and the organ used as a full orchestra in an organ transcription of Felix Mendelssohn’s “Overture to Ruy Blas.” The program will conclude with Max Reger’s Chorale Fantasy on “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star.”
Organist Grant Wareham is particularly excited to present the world premiere of “Up to Eleven,” a piece written specifically for this instrument by Derry’s own Dr. Jamie Mosher.
A free will offering will be received at this Arts Alive Cultural Series event.
KIWI and RECONNECT Help Children Learn About Worship
September 15, 2021
KIWI [Kids In Worship Instruction] • Age 4 – Kindergarten
KiWI offers children an opportunity to learn about the sacraments of baptism and communion, and to practice and better understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and the Doxology. Children will discover hidden beauty in our worship spaces and learn more about worshiping as a church family.
RECONNECT • Grades 1 & 2
Children will learn about our sacraments of baptism and communion, practice and better understand the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and the Doxology, and how to navigate the hymnal and Bible. This semester-long program is designed to help children RECONNECT with worship and be better equipped to participate.
Parents, after worship you can pick up your children in the Chapel or JEC. Adults, extra hands are needed each week. Contact ME Steelman to volunteer.
Derry Gives to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
September 15, 2021Derry Church’s Mission & Peace Committee has approved an allocation of $5,000 from its 2021 budget to support the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) as they providing active response to recent natural disasters including Hurricane Ida, the flooding in Tennessee, and Colorado wildfires.
This allocation is in addition to dedicated PDA donations already made by Derry members totaling $2,488. To give in support of PDA, click here and choose the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance box.
Change 4 Children Received on Sunday, Sept 19
September 15, 2021In Zambia, the Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) pursues programs to protect children in crisis and return them to family as soon as possible instead of institutionalizing them. Since 1998, they have sheltered over 1,000 babies and children between rescue and family placement. Since 2001, ACE community schools have provided daily lunches and education to more than 10,000 children who would otherwise miss out.
A gift of $15.63 provides a full year of lunches and education to a child who would not attend school due to social exclusion, material poverty, or hunger. Bring your change in zip-closed bags, remembering to bag any foreign coins separately. Check that the bag is free of paper clips, pins, batteries, buttons — anything that is not legal tender — as these clog the coin sorting machine.
Change 4 Children for the ACE is collected quarterly at Derry Church and will be received on Sunday, Sept 19 at the end of each service. Thanks, Derry!
Volunteers (with Clearances) Invited to Mentor Our Remarkable Children & Youth
September 15, 2021Teaching or helping in the nursery, Sunday School classrooms, choirs, children and youth fellowships and other youth activities is an awesome way to help the children of the church learn that you value your faith and relationship with God.
As Derry’s youth and children’s programming resumes, volunteers are needed for a variety of activities:
- Contact Heidi Keene to volunteer in the nursery with young children (ages 1-3)
- Contact M.E. Steelman to volunteer with children’s programming (ages 4-grade 5)
- Contact Pastor Pam to volunteer with youth programming (grades 6-12)
All adults who volunteer with youth under 18 years of age must have their Safe Child Clearances up to date and on file with the church. Clearances are valid for 5 years and must be renewed every 5 years. Volunteers must also complete the Derry Safe Children Training Course. Contact Kathy McGrath for more information.
Derry Church appreciates all volunteers and is here to help you through the clearance process.
Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11
September 8, 2021Join your church family at 8 pm Saturday, Sept 11 as Pastor Stephen offers a 15-minute video with prayers and reflections. We’ll gather online as a church family to reflect and share what we remember from that day. Use the link provided above, or go to Derry Church’s YouTube or Facebook pages to join the conversation.
Organ Dedication Update
September 8, 2021
New Member Classes this Fall
Learn more about the mission and ministry of Derry Church in a series of classes offered on Sunday mornings. Those who decide to join will be received on Sunday, Nov 14. Questions? Contact Pastor Marie.
CLICK TO REGISTER (always appreciated, never required)
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank Presents a Virtual Town Hall
For many, a daily meal is just a choice of what to eat for dinner. For those facing hunger, a daily meal poses a very different type of choice. It is often an impossible choice between food and other critical needs such as utilities, housing or medicine. This is our time to educate the public that “food shouldn’t be an impossible choice.”
September is Hunger Action Month. Join the discussion at Central Pennsylvania Food Bank’s Virtual Town Hall. They will share updates on their mission, lessons they have learned over the past year and a half, how they will continue to build resilience and be a resource for our partners on the front lines.
Derry Church is a longtime supporter of the Food Bank through financial and volunteer support, and the Food Bank is an essential partner to many of the organizations we support.

Get Moving for Krislund Camp
September 8, 2021“Moving for Krislund” is a Virtual Walk/Run/Bike event where supporters move for Krislund Camp and Retreat Center and raise money based on how many miles they go!
Because this event is ran virtually over a month you can feel free to do your moving at your own pace, and you can get together with friends and family and move together with the community that supports Krislund Camp.
Last year “Moving for Krislund” raised just over $30,000 with more than 60 movers and almost 100 supporters participating. This year’s goal is $25,000. Funds will support development of Krislund programming, as well as infrastructure and development of the property to better serve campers and year-round guests. Here is the breakdown of where the funds raised will be going this year:
- 25% towards Krislund’s Future (Endowment/Investments)
- 65% towards property and program development
- 10% towards Krislund Scholarships for summer 2022
Click here for more information and to sign up as a mover or a donor. Click here to support our own Pastor Pam, Krislund board member, as she gets moving for Krislund!
Jim Kroh • Derry Member and Board Member, Friends of Presbyterian Education Board
September 2, 2021Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month (or close to it), the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In September we’re lifting up the Peace & Global Witness Offering that encourages the church to cast off anxiety and fear, discord and division, and embrace our God’s mission of reconciliation to those around the corner and around the world. Read about how Derry is making a corner of Pakistan a better place for eager young students.
For the past several years Derry has talked about and publicized the role we play, as part of our global mission outreach, in providing scholarships to poor, impoverished students (primarily Christian) in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. A number of Derry members have been involved each year in donating, through Friends of PEB, either $365 (for a day student) and/or $720 (for a boarding student). These amounts fund a student for an entire academic year.
This interest and involvement in scholarships culminated with a group of 12 Derry members, all of whom were sponsors of students, traveling to Pakistan as guests of the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) in the fall of 2019. The visits to schools and students, especially with specific students sponsored by Derry, were extremely rewarding, gratifying, and reassuring. Particularly reassuring was the concrete sense the Derry group had that their contributions were being fully and efficiently utilized. They could see it in the quality of education, the excitement of students to learn, and the passion for teaching in the teachers.
After the Derry group returned to Hershey, they decided to accept the challenge given to them in Pakistan to help build an additional wing at the boy’s school in Sargodha (Sar-go-da). Through their own contributions and contributions by other Derry members and the Mission and Peace Committee, nearly $430,000 has been raised or pledged. The wing is projected to be completed in 2023. What better global outreach can there be – outreach beyond scholarships and buildings that provides opportunity, hope, changed lives, cross cultural tolerance, and a better world?
In addition to scholarships and buildings, your otherwise undesignated donations provide for other essential resources to include classroom furniture, science lab equipment, fans, laptops and PCs, teacher training and workshops, paper, pencils, and workbooks.
Get involved. Make a difference where you can actually see a difference. You will derive a sense of great satisfaction and, in the future, perhaps travel yourself to meet some amazing people. Learn more by visiting Friends of PEB and the Presbyterian Education Board.
Christian Hope: The Apostle Paul’s Gospel for Today, A Study of 1 Corinthians
You already recognize the importance of faith and love in the Christian life. But what is hope, and how does hope empower believers to face the challenges of the future? Here’s your chance to learn about Christian hope and its significance in a four-week study led by Prof. Charles (Buz) Myers, an ordained Presbyterian minister who teaches Biblical Studies in the Department of Religious Studies at Gettysburg College.

Through a careful consideration of 1 Corinthians, especially the 15th chapter, you will confront the core of the Apostle Paul’s profound message to a church that sounds quite modern. Let the Apostle challenge you to re-examine the roots of your Christian faith and explore the implications that that faith has for the believing community in the 21st century. Find out where the church is headed and what this direction has to say to us today.
- Sept 5: “Who Is Paul, and Who Are the Corinthians? (An Introduction to the Apostle Paul and the Church at Corinth)
- Sept 12: “And You Think Your Church Has Problems!” (1 Corinthians 1-7)
- Sept 19: “Indecent and Out-of-Order: Worship in Corinth” (1 Corinthians 8-14)
- Sept 26: “What Is in Store for Us in the Future?” (1 Corinthians 15-16)
August 2021 Session Highlights
September 1, 2021- Approved baptisms for Cameron Bentley, son of Elia & Brian Bentley and Emmeline McGrath, daughter of Jillian and Ryan McGrath.
- Use of Derry Church was approved for the following events:
- Zumba Gold Fitness Classes beginning Sept 2 in Fellowship Hall on Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 6:15 pm
- Susquehanna Chorale Spring 2022 concert: rehearsal May 2, 2022 5-10 pm and concert May 13, 2022 5-10 pm in the Sanctuary
- Rev. James Smith, Chaplain at Country Meadows, to conduct the marriage of his daughter on Dec 3, 2021 in the Chapel
For all activities, participants must adhere to Derry’s Covid policies.
- Reviewed the Treasurer’s report; contributions are lagging behind last year at this time, spending is in line with budgeted projections.
- Approved hiring Josh Pearson for Derry’s part-time Sexton position.
- Approved donating Derry’s van to Krislund Camp & Conference Center.
- The following motions were passed in light of the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations issued on July 27, 2021 that “everyone in areas with high COVID-19 infection rates wear masks in public indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status.” Dauphin County is classified as having a high infection rate on the CDC’s COVID Data Tracker.
- Require masks at both indoor services
- Permit continued choral and congregational singing and other musical offerings with masks and social distancing
- Require masks for all indoor gatherings (with a few exceptions for small funeral meals currently scheduled)
- All children’s events (under age 12)
- Postpone the start of Terrific Tuesday events until October 5, 2021
- In addition, the Session approved a policy that strongly encourages all individuals, both staff and volunteers, who work with children age 12 and younger, be vaccinated.
- Called a Congregational Meeting for October 10, 2021 for the purpose of electing new church Elders and Deacons as well as Nominating Committee members.
- Derry’s Active Membership roll will be updated to delete the names of individuals who have moved or have not been active at Derry for a period of two years or more. Attempts have been made to contact these members.
- Boyer & Ritter will be engaged to perform a review of Derry’s 2020 finances and accounting procedures at a cost of $6,600 using the “Agreed Upon Procedure” method.
Texters, Thanks for Your Feedback!
September 1, 2021Last week the Communications & Technology Committee sent a short survey to the 74 people who receive text alerts from Derry Church. The results are in and based on those responses, we’ll now be sending a link by text to the weekly eNews, alerts when a Derry member has passed away, and reminders to sign up for events — in addition to the regular Saturday night notification and any last-minute updates or schedule changes. Click here to sign up for text alerts. Send any additional feedback to Sue George.
Bethesda Mission Invites You to its Annual Celebration Banquet
Bethesda Mission has witnessed the goodness of God in a year of uncertainty, trials, and fear. Despite all of the difficulties of the past year, God has continued to change the lives and hearts of His people through Bethesda Mission. It is because of donors and supporters like you that Bethesda Mission can be sustained.
This annual event is crucial for sustaining the life-changing ministry of Bethesda Mission. Please give prayerful consideration to the gift you will give, even if you are unable to attend the celebration. This event kicks off our last quarter of the year in which 40% of their annual giving is received.
Chicken BBQ Fundraiser Benefits Hope Within
Support Hope Within, one of our mission partners, by placing your order for a chicken barbecue meal that includes a half chicken, baked potato, roll, applesauce and beverage ($13).
Note of Thanks
September 1, 2021I would like to thank my Derry Church family for your prayers, phone calls, and flowers as my broken arm recovers. All’s well. Simon and Patsy Yingst.
Well Done, Ryan!
September 1, 2021
Ryan Hosenfeld, Life Scout from Derry Church’s Troop 200, recently completed his Eagle Scout project by building and installing a Little Free Library in Gelder Park. The library, located next to the playground, has a collection of books for all ages. Community members are invited to donate books to the library, and take books of interest.