Month: May 2021
Arts Alive Presents: A Recital by Pianist Ruth Slenczynska
May 27, 2021Legendary 96-year-old American-born pianist Ruth Slenczynska began her piano studies in Europe at age four and took lessons with Arthur Schanabel, Egon Petri, Alfred Cortot, Joseph Hofmann, and even performed for Sergei Rachmaninoff. She performed her debut in Berlin at age six, and made her debut in Paris with a full orchestra at age 11. She became an instant musical sensation in Europe, heralded as the first child prodigy since Mozart. However, the strain of practice and the touring schedule imposed upon her by her father caused great emotional stress, and by the age of 15 she withdrew from performing.
In 1954 the artist resumed her concert career and established herself as a pianist of impeccable technique and considerable musical insight. In 1964 she accepted a full time position at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville as Artist- in-Residence, a title she retained until 1987.
For this recital, Ms. Slenczynska played lesser known works of Frédéric Chopin, including the Fantasie in F Minor, Op. 49 and the Poloniase in F Minor, Op. 71 No. 3: the exact program she will present at the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C. later this year.
Welcome Back, Debbie!
May 26, 2021
Wear Your Nametag on Sunday Morning!
May 26, 2021
Look for the nametag displays near entrances to the Sanctuary. Nametag lost? Need a new one? Email Sue George or add your name to the nametag request pad on the table in the Narthex.
Go to Scotland in October
May 26, 2021Join members of Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church for a trip to Scotland, the home of John Knox, on October 7-18, 2021. The trip will include touring the churches of Scotland, visiting a working sheep farm, and attending a worship service on the Isle of Iona. For more information, contact Rev. Mark Englund-Krieger.
John Hershey Rawley • 1925-2002
May 20, 2021Derry Church is blessed by the many people who make up our church family. In addition to their roles and leadership at church, they have often played important roles in the growth and development of the larger Hershey community. Hershey Community Archives’ oral history collection holds interviews with many Derry Presbyterian Church members. These interviews provide information about their lives and contributions to Derry and the community. Thanks to elder and retired Archives Director Pam Whitenack, who compiled John’s history for this week’s message.
Born into a military family, John Rawley spent much of his youth traveling and living around the United States and in the Philippines and Panama as his father was posted to new assignments. He spent every summer with his father’s parents who lived in Philadelphia and had a home in Avalon, New Jersey. His mother’s father, John Hershey, also lived in Philadelphia. While not related to Milton Hershey, his grandfather was a Hershey and as a boy John Rawley recalled attending two Hershey family reunions in Hershey, PA.
Immediately after graduating high school, John enlisted and served as a pilot during World War II, flying B29s and later B26s during the Korean conflict. In 1950, John married Linda Murray. After his discharge from service in Korea, John went to work for the Scott Paper Company, and held a variety of sales management positions. In 1964 he was serving as the company’s director of marketing.
One day in 1964, John Rawley got a letter from Bill Dearden, then Hershey Chocolate vice-president for sales, inviting him to come meet Bill in Hershey if he ever happened to be in the area. John related the story in his 1991 oral history interview:
So I got a letter from Bill Dearden one day, if I was in Hershey–this was in 1964–if I’d stop in to visit him, that they were considering starting a marketing department. As it happened, I was doing something with a task force that the governor had on business and government, and I had to go to Harrisburg.
So I called and made an appointment. It was on a Thursday that I was going to come up, because I had to be in Harrisburg on Friday, and I thought, “Well, I’ll stop in and meet Mr. Dearden.” On Thursday morning, it turned out that I had to change my plans, so I called and cancelled that appointment.
Shortly after lunch that day, a business associate of mine from Scott Paper Company called me and said, “John, I met a really remarkable man today at St. Joseph’s College.” I said, “Is that right?” He said, “Yeah. You’re going to meet him tomorrow. His name is Bill Dearden.” I said, “Vern, I cancelled that appointment.” He said, “John, don’t cancel it. Find a way to meet this man. It’ll be a very special experience for you.” So I called back and I said that I was able to come on Friday, and I then came up and met Bill that day. I met Harold [Mohler] and I met Gil Nurick. Gil was on Hershey’s board of directors. Three weeks later, I sold my home and moved to Hershey.
The Rawley connection to Derry happened quickly after they moved here.
We developed, immediately upon coming to Hershey, a close affiliation with the Derry Presbyterian Church, which is right adjacent to us, as a family, and became very active in the programs for that church. I served as an elder and a trustee in the church for a number of years, and our kids, we found, got great strength from our Christian friends there, as well as from Ira Reed, who was the minister at that time.
John had a daunting assignment at Hershey Chocolate. He was charged with establishing the company’s first marketing department. Hershey Chocolate was widely known for being a wildly successful brand that had achieved its success without the benefit of consumer marketing, but rather on the strength and quality of its products. As John described it, the company’s sales division was operating much as it had during Milton Hershey’s lifetime.
For the first four years, a very significant part of my energies was directed to the sales organization–restructuring it; introducing modern techniques of selling; identifying our customers; developing a reservoir of knowledge to build a sales organization, because you could not possibly invest in advertising and more sophisticated promotion unless you had a sales organization that had the capacity to implement those plans in the field.
To build the department, John recruited some of his colleagues from Scott Paper, a few of whom also became part of the Derry family, including Vern (and Joyce) Tessier. Vern Tessier was the person who had urged him to not cancel his appointment with Bill Dearden.
John retired from Hershey Foods Corporation in 1991 after having held several positions with the company including Director of Marketing, Director of Strategic Planning and finally Assistant to the CEO, Dick Zimmerman.
May 2021 Financial Snapshot
May 19, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 4/30/21
Income YTD: | $484,385 | $416,667 |
Expenses YTD: | 386,174 | 439,788 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 98,211 | (23,121) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are in line with 2020.
- Per capita was paid in April, and committee spending is generally in line with the budget
- Cash flow is about $40K ahead of last year.
New Church Office Hours Begin May 24
May 19, 20219 AM – 4 PM MONDAY-THURSDAY
Please continue to wear a mask when you enter the office suite
M.E. Steelman • Transitional Children’s Coordinator
May 13, 2021I have exciting news for the children and families of the church: Sunday School, fellowship fun times, and our newest special programs will continue through the summer! In a year that has been full of change, stress, and distance, we want to use the summer months as a time to reconnect and have fun as a church family.
Sunday School will continue virtually to allow children to join together from anywhere. As always, we love seeing kids every week, but we also love to see kids when it fits with their family’s schedule, so please log in anytime! Our studies will take us on a “wild adventure” as we discover and learn about various animals mentioned in the bible.
Fellowship opportunities will include field trips, art programs, mission projects, story time on the playground, and Kids Week 2021. Our Christian Education team is busy creating these opportunities for all ages to find something they can enjoy together as a family or for just the kids. Please keep a close eye on the weekly children’s emails to see what’s coming up!
This summer we’ll be offering field trips for families to meet up, spend quality time together, and maybe even find some of the biblical creatures we’ve learned about in Sunday School at our local zoos or out in nature. These field trips will be awesome for every age and are a wonderful opportunity to meet other families at the church.
For our youngest members, we will offer story time on the playground. We’ll introduce you to the newly updated church library and share some of our favorite books with you. After we finish reading, your family can enjoy playtime together on the playground. This is a wonderful way to make new church friends.
Families who prefer coming to events together will want to join us for our monthly family worship services, “Art Nights in the Grove,” “Hands on Ministry” mission projects, and our summer field trips. These offerings are created with all ages in mind and will bring families together to help grow their faith.
Kids Week 2021 will take the place of our traditional VBS program. Kids Week has been created specifically for the children of Derry Church (members and all who have joined us in the past year). In the week of July 12-14, children entering grades 3 through 7 are invited to gather with us in the evenings. Children age 4 through entering second grade are invited to gather with us in the mornings of July 14-16. We will be taking over the front lawn and transforming the space into our very own church camp. Our week together will offer the children a fun, comfortable, safe and exciting opportunity to gather with their church friends and grow closer to God and Jesus. This week will be memorable for sure!
Whether you have come to everything all year long or you took some needed time to focus simply on work and school, I invite you to rejoin your church family this summer.
UPDATE: Desserts and Servers Needed for Outdoor Picnic at the Family Sports Night
End your Memorial Day weekend by serving others! Four volunteers are needed to serve picnic food buffet-style for the families and workers at the Grantville Racetrack (80-100 people). Gloves and masks are required.
Desserts are also needed, and can be brought to the church kitchen in advance. Contact Marilyn Koch to let her know how you can help.
Love INC Announces New Executive Director
May 12, 2021The Board of Directors of Love INC of Greater Hershey is pleased to announce the appointment of Dale Forshey as the next Executive Director, starting Monday, May 17.
Dale has recently retired from The Hershey Company with over 30 years of experience in project management, financial management, business operations, process improvement, leadership, and team building. Dale and his wife, Stacey, attend Grace United Methodist Church in Hummelstown, and he is an active member of the praise band and bell choir. Dale also volunteers with the Central PA Food Bank and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in Harrisburg.
Contact Dale at or call 717-835-0101.
Picnic at the Vineyard to Benefit Love INC
Bring friends, family & neighbors for fellowship on the covered porch and rolling hills, or in the climate controlled indoor venue. Enjoy an evening of fun, food, art & music! $20 per person through May 31, then $25 each: order tickets here. Proceeds benefit Love INC of Greater Hershey.
ATTENTION DERRY ARTISTS: Love INC is searching for artisans interested in displaying their work at this event. All pieces will be displayed indoors in a climate controlled environment and will be available for viewing by attendees of the Picnic at the Vineyard. Request more information.
Items Needed for PW Hygiene Bags
May 12, 2021It is time to collect items for the hygiene bags for the Domestic Violence Center in Harrisburg. These items can be left in the box marked for hygiene bags at the church office entrance:
- Washcloths
- Deodorants
- Large-tooth combs
- Toothbrushes and travel-sized toothpastes
- Disposable razor blades
- Tissue packets.
Mark Hawthorne • Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club of Harrisburg
May 6, 2021Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In May we’re lifting up one recipient of the Pentecost Offering: the Boys & Girls Club of Harrisburg.

Along with the rest of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted the Boys & Girls of Harrisburg, but we remain steadfast in our mission to provide a safe place for children to learn and develop into productive citizens. In a time when the future is uncertain and adults find it challenging to remain positive, our children’s safety and their access to quality opportunity continue to be our highest priority.
The COVID-19 pandemic has allowed the Boys & Girls Club of Harrisburg to expand our mission by intently supporting the “whole family.” Since March 2020, the Boys & Girls Club has partnered with Harrisburg City Police Department, Harrisburg City School District, Camp Curtin YMCA, and Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, distributing grab-and-go dinners at both of our facilities helping to serve over 1,000 families per week. We continue to distribute meals today with our bi-weekly food pantries in collaboration with Central Pennsylvania Food Bank and the Mid-West food Bank serving over 140 families.
The Boys & Girls Club of Harrisburg (BGCHBG) also collaborates with Representative Patty Kim’s “Community Schools” initiative at the John N Hall clubhouse, and has established multiple programs using a virtual platform model designed to impact our members such as Science Explorers, ABii, an education assistant robot and arts & crafts activities.
Our 2021 Summer Program begins June 14 and is expected to serve more than 100 children spanning the ages of 6 to 18. We have planned a fun and exciting experience for our members including S.T.E.A.M programs, computer literacy, vocational and gardening classes. The Camp will be stretched out over a full 12 hours where our membership will be divided into three age groups over the course of the day. We are thrilled to offer our children several new opportunities. The Boys & Girls of Harrisburg will receive a High Tunnel Greenhouse from the United States Department of Agriculture. The greenhouse is going to be a phenomenal opportunity to teach our children sustainable life lessons. BGCHBG will be a part of a pilot project across 12 cities that includes 200 Connectivity Zones. Through the Connectivity “LIFT” Zones, we are building a continuum of connectivity to support students and community members who need access to the internet and provide them with a connected experience in as many spaces as possible in this new environment.
Finally, we will embark on a great health care initiative called the “Scrubs Program” which focuses on health care careers such as Infection Prevention, Medical Lab Technician, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Paramedic & EMT, Nurses, and Respiratory Therapist for middle school students.
Your support continues to enable us to live up to our motto. “THE SAFE POSITIVE PLACE FOR KIDS! GREAT FUTURES START HERE!!”
April 2021 Session Highlights
May 5, 2021- Approved the use of the church building for the following functions:
- Wedding of Alexandra de la Plante and Dallas Hamlin on June 19, 2021 at 1:00 pm, approximately 10 people attending.
- Use of Fellowship Hall for a birthday celebration for Marion Weaver on Saturday, November 27, 2021 from 11 am to 5 pm using staggered time slots.
- Approved the serving of communion at a children’s sacrament class to be held on May 23, 2021.
- Reviewed the Treasurer’s report for the year to date. Contributions are in line with the budget and 2020 giving. Expenses are also in line with the budget.
- After receiving the home inspection that revealed significant issues, the Session discussed the possible purchase of the 239 E. Derry Road property in depth and concluded that it is not in the best interest of the church to purchase this property, especially when taking into account how the investment of time, energy, and money would affect Derry’s other ministries and needs.
- The Session reviewed recommendations from the COVID Task Force and approved the following:
- Maintain the 60-person limit for worship services
- Move to Phase 2 in the regathering plan with in-person Sunday school returning in the fall
- Derry Brass can practice and record videos for worship services following safety protocols
- Hold outdoor worship services once a month in the summer starting at 7 pm on Tuesday, May 11.
- Approved hiring Laura Cox as the permanent director of Derry Discovery Days. Laura has been the Interim DDD Director this year and will assume her new role on August 1, 2021.
- The Building & Grounds Committee submitted a Capital Procurement Requisition to perform lighting upgrades throughout the church building. The upgrades will include replacement of emergency lighting and exit signs, upgrading the light quality in Fellowship Hall with more efficient LED fixtures and bulbs, and conversion from fluorescent to LED lighting in the church office, basement corridors and narthex. This proposal will be voted upon at the May stated meeting.
Claim a Space for Your Child in Our Preschool for 2021-22!
May 5, 2021
Derry Discovery Days has space in the following classes for the 2021-22 school year:
- Busy Bee 3’s morning class
- Butterfly 4’s afternoon class
There is a waiting list for the Turtle 2’s class.
Derry Discovery Days plans to open the Ladybug 1’s classroom in mid-fall. Children must be one year old by September 1 and walking.
For more information, please contact Laura Cox, check us out online, or call 717-533-9667 ext. 201.
Birthday Offering Expands Surgical Services at Malawi Hospital
May 5, 2021The Birthday Offering of Presbyterian Women celebrates our history of generous giving. Launched in 1922, the Birthday Offering has become an annual tradition. It has funded over 200 major mission projects that continue to impact people in the United States and around the world. While projects and donation amounts have changed over the almost 100 years, Presbyterian Women’s commitment to improving the lives of women and children has not changed.
The third project funded in 2021 is Nkhoma Mission Hospital in Nkhoma, Malawi. This Mission Hospital offers affordable, accessible healthcare services for all in the area, inspired by the love of Jesus Christ. The grant of $129,145 will build an obstetrics and gynecology-specific operating room next to the existing prenatal and maternity wards. This new theater will help decrease delays and reduce maternal deaths caused by having to move patients a significant distance across the hospital grounds. This theater expansion will aid in the hospital’s goals of becoming more self-sustainable by expanding surgical services that are offered and living into its vision of being a leader in quality Christian health care and training in Malawi.
Your continued support will allow PW to fund next year’s projects. You can give online, or mail checks to the church. You can give online or mail checks to the church. Together let us lovingly plant and tend seeds of promise so that programs and ministries can grow and flourish.
More Spring Reading Opportunities
May 5, 2021- Faithful Readers will meet on Zoom at 9:15 am Sunday, May 15 to discuss What My Mother Gave Me by Elizabeth Benedict. Contact the church office for login information.
- The Monday evening study group will meet on Zoom at 7 pm Monday, June 7 to discuss Nomadland by Jessica Bruder. The book (in various formats) is available from the Hershey Library. Contact the church office for login information.

Softball Season is Under Way!
Derry’s co-ed softball team won its first game on May 2! Men and women age 16 and older are welcome to play on Derry’s recreational softball team. Please call or text coach Keri Miller for more information
Upcoming Games:
5-7 pm Sunday, May 16
5-7 pm Sunday, May 23
5-7 pm Sunday, June 6
8-10 pm Thursday, June 10
Are You the Proud Parent of a High School or College Grad?
May 2, 2021Derry Church wants to celebrate with you! In preparation for Graduate Recognition Sunday on May 23, the church office needs information on all those graduating from high school and college by Sunday, May 16. Please send the following details to Sue George: name(s) of the graduate(s) and their parent(s); school graduating from, school attending in the fall and anticipated course of study or the graduate’s future plans.
NEW! Sign Up for Derry Church Text Alerts
May 1, 2021Derry’s Communications & Technology Committee invites you to sign up for text message notifications to help you stay connected with Derry Church. Sign up below for the notifications you want to receive. You’ll be asked to fill out a simple form, then you’re all set:
Click this link or text Derry to 717-820-9060 to sign up for general Derry Church reminders and updates. You can expect two or three texts per week.
Click this link or text Tech to 717-820-9060 to sign up for a weekly Tech Time reminder and occasional tech news of interest to the group.