Month: February 2021
Let’s Talk About It: Potential Property Purchase Under Consideration
February 25, 2021
Derry Church has been approached by the owners of 239 E Derry Road (situated between the Arts on Derry building and the Mission House) with the offer to let us buy the property before it goes on the market.
A task force has explored short and long-term possibilities with the property including: rental property, mission house, storage and extra space for Derry, and parking space. The task force determined 239 Derry was of more strategic value than the house we own at 275 Mansion Rd. The Task Force recommended making an offer for 239 Derry Road and then selling 275 Mansion Rd to offset the cost.
If Derry Church ultimately purchases 239 Derry and/or sells 275 Mansion, congregational approval will be needed.
Questions? Contact Pastor Stephen, George Porter, or Gregg Robertson.
Lauren Talhelm • Derry Member
February 25, 2021
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” John 9:1-3
Within about one hour of our beautiful baby boy Hayden arriving on July 19, after a LONG 26 hours of labor, the words “Down syndrome” came out of the resident’s mouth. I honestly don’t really remember what she said or why she thought Hayden had Down syndrome. Was I shocked? Yes. How was it possible that I have a sister with Down syndrome and now I might have a son with Down syndrome? At that moment did I care? Not really. I was relieved and ecstatic that he was finally here. After going through a miscarriage the year before, we just wanted our baby.
I never thought that we, as parents, sinned to “deserve” Hayden’s diagnosis. He definitely did not either. Actually, most days I think “wow, we must have done something pretty awesome to deserve Hayden, to be blessed with him in our lives.”
We are part of the lucky few. I like to say we are double blessed with both Hayden and Angela, my sister, in our family. Don’t get me wrong- some days are harder than others and sometimes our worries are different than I originally imagined- like living through a pandemic with a child with a diagnosis on the CDC’s high risk list. But all parents have their hard days and their worries- typical children or not.
When speaking about the blind man Jesus said “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” God presents us all with challenges, with bad news, with hard stuff to remind us of his work. In Hayden’s short 19 months in our lives so far, he has shown us God’s work.
God has given Hayden determination as one of his strengths. Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 is a genetic condition caused by three copies of the 21st chromosome. Typically people have two of each chromosome. Low muscle tone, also known as hypotonia, is one of the many health conditions associated with Down syndrome. This makes it harder to do many things- eating, talking, crawling, grasping, walking- you name it. After Hayden rolled over for the first time at three weeks, I knew he had determination in his heart! We may be on the “scenic route” and it might take him a bit longer to reach milestones but boy is he determined to reach them!
Individuals with different abilities were put on this earth as a reminder that we are ALL unique and have different abilities. We all bless those around us with the abilities that God has given us. At 19 months old, I’m not sure yet what all of Hayden’s abilities are or how he is going to make a difference in the world. But I have discovered in that short time that he is full of personality. And I pray that his smile, laughter and big personality will continue to make friends, family and strangers smile and brighten their days.
Hayden’s diagnosis has shown us that God will always provide. There truly is this Down syndrome “tribe,” the “lucky few” as I referenced earlier. We are blessed to know the parents and families of Angela’s friends who are part of our tribe. Social media has also been a great resource for us. The Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network (DSDN) is the largest national organization that provides support to new and expectant parents with a Down syndrome diagnosis. They do an amazing job of connecting parents, providing support and providing accurate and up to date information to parents, families and medical providers. When Hayden was born we received a “welcome” package with books, a onesie and lots of information. I also joined a “birth club” on Facebook which includes moms of babies born with Down syndrome from July-December 2019. That group has been a lifesaver. They have been incredibly helpful, I love networking with the other moms and I am able to provide some advice from growing up with Angela.
March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day and we would love for you to celebrate with our family. It is an official day to spread awareness about Down syndrome and how awesome individuals with Down syndrome are. A simple way to join in the fun is to “rock your socks” by wearing your craziest pair of mismatched socks. Why do you ask? Because chromosomes look like socks and it allows us all to celebrate our differences! We would love to see pictures of all of our Derry friends. Our family will be celebrating by wearing our mismatched socks, our “Hayden’s Heroes” t-shirts, walking a virtual 5K and sharing how much money we will be donating to the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Networks through various fundraisers.
The best way to honor individuals with Down Syndrome and celebrate is to become more informed, check-out the DSDN and PLEASE ask us questions!! If you do not already, follow me on social media and I will share facts leading up to WDSD (Facebook: Lauren Basti Talhelm; Instagram: t21.mama.and.son). We look forward to celebrating our gifts from God together!
Click this link for information about the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network, links to my social media accounts and our various fundraising efforts.
February 2021 Session Highlights
February 25, 2021February 2021 Session Highlights
- Reviewed the annual Statistical Report prepared for PCUSA.
- The Treasurer reported that contributions and expenses are currently in line with budget expectations.
- Received and discussed the COVID Task Force’s re-gathering proposal. After a lengthy discussion, the Session approved 3 phases for re-opening the church: Phase 1A, Phase 1B, and Phase 2. Phase 1A will begin on March 7, 2021 with permitting 8:00 am worship in the Sanctuary (maximum of 30 people based on 10% comfortable pew seating capacity) and AA to meet in Room 10 with use of the patio entrance along Mansion Road. Opening dates for the other phases will be reviewed and discussed at the March 17, 2021 Session meeting.
- Approved continuing the use of the Anderson Trust quarterly distributions (as originally approved in 2017) as follows:
- To pay the debt service associated with the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program loan taken to fund Derry’s HVAC project.
- If funds remain, a distribution will be made, if necessary, to address any shortfall in the Church budget.
- Any remaining funds will be distributed 50% to Derry’s Capital Facilities Fund and 50% to the Legacy Fund.
- Heard a proposal to purchase the property at 239 Derry Road which has been offered by the current owners to Derry for consideration. A task force comprised of members from various session committees toured the building and reviewed possible short and long-term recommendations for the property. The purchase of the property presents a unique opportunity for the church to acquire three contiguous properties along Derry Road. The Session discussed the need to develop a cohesive plan for use of the properties that Derry currently owns. If the property were to be purchased, the current plan would be to sell the property at 275 Mansion Road and develop a long-term strategy for the use of the three contiguous properties. After discussion, the Session authorized the Stewardship & Finance Committee to make an offer on 239 Derry Road at a price not to exceed $215,000 contingent upon a home inspection, appraisal, and congregational approval.
- A called meeting to receive new members was scheduled for March 7, 2021 at 2 pm.
- Held the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees for The Derry Presbyterian Church, Inc. during which time Duncan Campbell was elected President and Connie Henry as Vice President. Kathy Yingst, Clerk of Session and Stephen Guenther, Church Treasurer, were affirmed ex officio as Secretary and Treasurer of the Corporation, respectively.
Notes of Thanks
February 25, 2021To my Derry Church friends, thank you so much for your concern and prayers during my recent surgery and recovery. I am so grateful for your support. In His love, Joanne Unverzagt
Thank you to all who sent cards and expressed their sympathies to me after my brother passed away just before Christmas. In these times of isolation and loneliness, your words have been especially comforting to me and to my family. To all who have lost and who have lived throughout the pandemic, we send our love, in anticipation of being together again very soon. Connie Henry
February 25, 2021February 18, 2021
That’s enough to fund not only the ten students we’ve been supporting, but more than 20 ADDITIONAL students attending Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan! Thank you, Derry Church, for your amazing generosity.
It’s not too late to participate in this fundraiser that closes at the end of February and a final tally will be reported in March. Read on for details…
Meet Youail, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

Greeting from Sargodha. I am writing this note of thanks for the special care and support that you show in choosing me for the scholarship. I am trying my best to be a good student of my class. My school is the best, full of fun and care. I like coming to school. All teachers and my friends are very nice. Thank you again.
For ten years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Our goal is to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Rev. Nancy Reinert’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2021.
Epistemology and the Search for Truth: Session #4
February 25, 2021Week #4 of Pastor Stephen’s class, “Epistemology and the Search for Truth. This week we are talking about the extent of human knowledge; that is, how much do we, or can we, know? How can we use our reason, our senses, the testimony of others, and other resources to acquire knowledge? Are there limits to what we can know?
Lenten Worship from Derry Church
February 23, 2021Financial Webinars Now Available to Watch Anytime
February 21, 2021
Whether you are a recent college graduate, retiree or somewhere in between, this five-session Zoom webinar reviews what you need to know to handle your personal finances. Hosted by Derry Church’s Stewardship and Finance Committee, the sessions cover:
- Investing Fundamentals & Strategies (1/26/21)
- Building a Solid Foundation (2/2/21)
- In Retirement, Now What? (2/9/21)
- Taxes and Planned Giving (2/16/21)
- Financial & Estate Planning: Tips EVERYONE Needs to Know (2/23/21)
Questions? Contact Tracy Burke.
M.E. Steelman • Transitional Children’s Coordinator
February 18, 2021
Over the last few weeks I have been planning, creating and preparing Lent Kits for the children of Derry. Working in ministry I am blessed with the opportunity to focus on each season far in advance. It always feels like Advent ends and immediately I move into Lent preparations. This year, while I experienced the same shift from one season to the next, the preparation for Lent became extra special for me. Teaching remotely over the last year has not been easy! Finding ways to help children and families want to learn more from home and, and at the same time, add more to today’s incredibly hard, stressful and overburdened days has certainly been a challenge. But challenges are a great driving force to help educators create some of their best and most meaningful lessons.
The process of planning what would be inside each Lent Kit became a wonderful distraction from my current daily routine. Reading, researching and brainstorming how I can help children ready themselves for the season of Lent was almost therapeutic for me. The search for the perfect items I wanted to use reminded me of the joy of egg hunts and Easter baskets. And the preparation of each kit gave me time to prepare my own heart and mind for the coming season of Lent.
The planning process was full of questions:
- What will kids need?
- How can I keep learning really easy, lots of fun and at the same time keep it meaningful?
- Why should families participate and add to parents’ already full plates?
- Which items from my list are the best to include?
Those early days of planning, the non stop questioning and decision making moments created the framework “I” needed to pause everything else in life and only think about my relationship with God.
All of a sudden there was a new sense of comfort as I reread stories I have heard over and over again, and these memories of the past made me smile as I recalled what this season brings to each of us. We get to follow Jesus along his journey and relearn the power of prayer, kindness and love for all. We watch as our world moves from the dark, cold and harsh days of winter to the vibrant, warm and reviving days of spring…the real life connection to the amazement and beauty of Jesus’ resurrection.
The creating and collecting phase is my favorite part of any lesson or unit. Finding just the right items to fit each story and each emotion is like gift shopping for those we love. Choosing items like an empty colorful Easter egg to symbolize the Empty Tomb, or dissolving paper to write out your sins and then watch as you ask God for forgiveness and see them disappear in water right before your eyes, lets the children use everyday items or a little magic to bring them closer to God. Including a holding cross to use as they pray, when they need strength or comfort or to calm their anxieties, will help remind them that God is with us always. And my favorite addition to any lesson or unit is the use of something made by a Derry member. Elizabeth Gawron created a Lenten placemat for the children to enjoy, which includes games and activities that bring the children closer to the bible and are surrounded by a unique and beautiful Lent labyrinth to use as they talk with God.
With all the contents of the Lent Kits chosen, collected and copied, it was now time to complete each kit. As I worked to put these bags together for the children, I was blessed with time alone. I was able to be “in the moment” and enjoyed having uninterrupted time with God. As we begin this season, I encourage you to make a little time each day to be “in the moment” with God. I pray that this time can bring you what you are craving. These days are certainly not easy. They are filled with newness around each bend, and often feel like a constant uphill battle. I encourage you to let God walk through these days with you, let God carry some of your burdens, and let God fill you with love, patience and comfort so that you may feel all the emotions the season of Lent offers us.
Creating these kits and choosing just the right items are much like how we prepare our homes and hearts for Lent. As you bring out the colorful eggs, the cute bunny decorations, the signs adorned with words of hope and affirmations, the baskets, and the flowers, may you place them around your homes to serve as daily reminders of God’s love for you. When shopping for the perfect sweet treats to fill Easter baskets, may it remind you of the joy and comfort you feel when you invite God into your life. And when you wake up on Easter morning and “come” to worship, I pray you will be filled with strength and peace and be able to rejoice for God’s unending love for you!
I pray that this season of Lent will bring you the fun and joy of an Easter egg hunt, realizing that even colorful plastic eggs can serve as reminders of Jesus. May you find God in plain sight on the good days and hiding in unexpected places on the tough days. I hope you can be filled with peace and hope as you anxiously wait for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection and the reminder that he continues to live within each of us. May Easter morning let you feel great joy…a kind of joy that only God and Jesus can let us feel.
Take care, my friends!
Lenten Journey Devotionals
February 18, 2021Lenten devotions written by Derry members and staff are available to pick up on the bench outside the office entrance or download a copy.

February 2021 Financial Snapshot
February 18, 2021Cash Flow – Operating Fund as of 1/31/21
Income YTD: | $125,709 | $104,167 |
Expenses YTD: | 102,510 | 109,951 |
Surplus/(Deficit) YTD: | 23,199 | (5,784) |
Notes from the treasurer:
- Contributions are a touch under 2020, but in line with expectations.
- Mission & Peace spending is ahead of budget. All other variances are in line with expectations.
Coming Soon: Mission Madness V
February 18, 2021Derry’s “Mission Madness” featuring actual March Madness college basketball games with commentary by the inimitable Pete Steelman returns this year! Once again, proceeds will support scholarships for students at Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan. Stay tuned for details.
WOOHOO! Derry Church has received $9,250 for Scholarships!
February 18, 2021That’s enough to fund not only the ten students we’ve been supporting, but more than 20 ADDITIONAL students attending Presbyterian Education Board schools in Pakistan! Thank you, Derry Church, for your amazing generosity.
It’s not too late to participate in this fundraiser that closes at the end of February and a final tally will be reported in March. Read on for details…
Meet Aman, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients

I would like to thank you for your support and love. It will help me a lot in my education. I live in the city of Sargodha, which is know as city of eagles. An air base is also in Sargodha. Dear donor, I am a good student and always take good grades. I want to become a doctor. Thank you again for your generosity and thoughtfulness.
For ten years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Our goal is to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Rev. Nancy Reinert’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2021.
Note of Thanks
February 18, 2021We would like to thank the Derry congregation and staff for their cards, concerns, and prayers during Joe’s recovery.
Sandy & Joe Pushnik
Orange Day is Feb 25
February 18, 2021Wear orange or an orange ribbon to support people revealing and countering the exploitation of females worldwide. Three sisters were arrested in Malaysia for trafficking 35 women for their day-cleaning business. 32 Indonesians and three Cambodians were locked in their home at night, denied phone use, and were not paid their monthly wages. Although overseas, this happens throughout the world. Wear Orange next Thursday.
Epistemology and the Search for Truth: Session #3
February 18, 2021Week #3 of Pastor Stephen’s class, “Epistemology and the Search for Truth.” This week you’ll learn about the “Nature of Justification.” Justification is a concept in epistemology used to describe beliefs that one has good reason for holding… in other words, you are justified for holding a belief whether it turns out to be a true belief or not. How do we determine if we are justified in believing a story, a report, a theory, or a belief?
Tips for Scheduling a COVID-19 Vaccine in Central PA
February 11, 2021If you are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine and have not had success getting one scheduled, the following information may be of help to you:
Pharmacy and Store Websites
This website is for some different independent pharmacies in places such as Carlisle, Jim Thorpe, etc. You just have to keep checking to see if there are any appointments available.
This is the website for Giant. There are many different Giant pharmacies offering the vaccine around the area. They seem to put up appointments at various times but more often between 4:30 and 6:30 in the evening.
This is the website for Weis. Again, there are many different stores in the area offering the vaccine. They put up new appointments on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have had the best luck in the evening and early in the morning (between 6:00 and 7:00 AM). or call 1-844-774-8883.
Penn State Health Vaccination Registration and Scheduling site. You will be prompted to provide some basic information about your age, preexisting conditions and occupation. After you have completed your registration, you will receive an email asking you to log in to your Penn State Health Vaccination Registration and Scheduling account and create a password. If you are in the current phase designated by the DOH and appointments are available, you will be able to schedule your vaccination.
This is the website for Rite Aid. Some people have been able to get appointments, some have had no luck here.
CVS – the pharmacy in Hummelstown says they expect a shipment of the vaccine this week but no date yet and no guarantees as to when they will actually get it
Walmart is expecting to be able to administer the vaccine, but no date as to when. The pharmacist at the Walmart in Palmyra said he expects to receive the vaccine in two to three weeks. This is probably the same for other Walmart stores. He also said that they will only be giving 10 vaccines per day, so you can see that the supplies are very limited and that is why it is so hard to get an appointment. He also said that the website for scheduling is not yet set up so he will be making appointments by phone, but he is not sure when he will start doing that. You may want to just keep calling to see if you can get on the list.
You can also sign up with your medical provider and/or Wellspan. These places are not currently making appointments for the vaccine, but you can sign up to be notified when they are taking appointments.
Basic tips
Try various locations (and zip codes if asked) for locating a place for the vaccine. The more flexible you can be with the location, the better the chance of getting an appointment
Have your personal information easily available so you can enter it quickly if you get an appointment. Some sites require insurance information and others do not. They usually want name, address, phone number, email address, birthdate. You have a limited amount of time once you actually get an appointment to enter your information and confirm the appointment.
Keep the pages open on your phone or computer and just keep checking back. It takes dogged persistence, a lot of time, and a good deal of luck!
Once you actually get the first vaccine, you will be scheduled for an appointment for the second one so you do not have to go through the scheduling process again. If you want a different location it does not hurt to ask. Be sure to keep the second appointment as you will not get maximum benefit from the vaccine from just the first dose.
If there are two of you and you only get one appointment, when you go for the appointment, ask if the second person can also get vaccinated. Sometimes they have enough vaccine that they will do it. It does not hurt to ask!
Hershey Vaccine Clinic Seek Greeters, Ushers and Monitors
February 11, 2021While Penn State Health has not yet announced exact locations, there will be a COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Hershey and volunteers are needed. The only requirements for volunteers are that you are able to work at least four hours at a time, and that you are able to stand and move freely. These roles are critical to the success of such a massive project, as they will assist members of the community to navigate the clinic, and will also assist clinicians in meeting the needs of those in the clinic. Hours of operation will be Monday-Saturday 7am-7pm.
As a logistics coordinator for this undertaking, and knowing how many of you would love to assist in efforts to curtail this awful virus, Derry’s own Julie Miller requests that anyone who might be interested in filling one of these roles contact her at for more information.
Epistemology and the Search for Truth: Week 2
February 11, 2021In this session, Pastor Stephen talks about the nature of propositional knowledge.
Tuesday Worship from Derry Church • 2/9/21
February 11, 2021The Way to Shalom: A Lenten Journey to Peace and Wholeness
February 11, 2021Lent is all about spiritual renewal. It is a sacred time of preparation for Easter and a time to reflect on what God has done to redeem us and how we can live a whole and full life as a child of God.
Many of us see Lent as a season of penitence, fasting, service and contemplation — but at the top of our list should be a prayer for the acquisition of peace. In our devotional this year, we invite you to reflect upon the gift of shalom, the Hebrew word with a host of meanings: peace, security, well-being, health, completeness. Our spiritual goal: exploring how can we receive this gift of shalom and, in turn, bestow it upon the world.
Now, more than ever, we deeply crave shalom. Our world is in desperate need of peace. The United States has just come out of a contentious election, a struggle with a global pandemic, and painful racial violence. Poverty, misery and despair fill many corners of the world. Yes, we desire peace. We need peace.
Every week from Ash Wednesday (Feb 17) through Easter (April 4), this year’s devotional from Presbyterians Today Magazine focuses on shalom and what it can mean in our lives and how we can bring it to the world. Explore themes of justice, peace, healing, hope, repairing and reconciliation. Find Scripture readings along with beautiful meditations and prayers.
The Way to Shalom is free for download or print. You’re invited to use it, share it, excerpt from it and make it your spiritual companion this Lent.
Meet Anaya, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
February 11, 2021
I am studying in 1 class. Thank you so much for granting me the scholarship. I am studying with great interest because I want to become a doctor in the future. Thank you.
For ten years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Our goal is to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Rev. Nancy Reinert’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2021.
Notes of Thanks
February 11, 2021Thank you, Derry Church, Pastor Stephen and Pastor Marie for phone calls and prayers in the death of our son-in-law, Jimmy Uhrich. Thanks for keeping our daughter in your prayers.
Simon and Pat Yingst and Karen
Just a short note of thanks for the prayers, cards and phone calls I received after my recent surgery. They are greatly appreciated.
Loretta Chubb
Thank you, members of Derry Church, for your sincere thoughtfulness in sending food, flowers, phone calls, cards and shawls to support our family following the death of Ronald Walker. You are true friends. Michele, Debbie and I, as well as our families, were pleased many of you shared how Ron touched your lives. For some of you, it was many years ago and for some it was recently. We cannot thank you enough for thinking of all of us in so many thoughtful ways.
Martha Walker, Michele Smith, Debbie Duszak, and our families
You’re Invited: Presbytery Meeting on Feb 27
February 11, 20219 AM-12 PM SATURDAY, FEB 27 ON ZOOM
Join the Presbytery of Carlisle as it prepares for post-pandemic life. Included in this Zoom gathering will be several break-out rooms for pastors, elders, and deacons to engage in learning for their roles as church officers. There are choices for those who are new to the role and want the basics, as well as options for those who are ready for a deeper dive.
We welcome pastors and elder commissioners along with any Ruling Elders and Deacons who wish to attend. The line-up of workshops is below. Click this link to pre-register so Zoom break-out rooms can be assigned. Once registered you will be redirected to a webpage providing the Zoom link. Read more, including details on the breakout meetings offered that day.
Joanne McMullen • Derry Member
February 11, 2021Editor’s Note: Joanne wrote this article for a May 2020 edition of the eNews, then publication was postponed as pressing pandemic messages took precedence. Now as we approach Lent and we’re about to begin the sermon series, “Who You Meet on the Way to Jerusalem,” it seems the perfect time to share this message about Joanne’s trip to the Holy Land and some of the people she met on her travels.

A tour of the Holy Lands was never at the top of my bucket list and yet, after experiencing an amazing trip in early 2020, I encourage you to consider the possibility – at some point post-pandemic. About two years ago, I was intrigued by a brochure from my daughter’s church in Northern Virginia that detailed an upcoming trip and I decided to jump on the tour bus with those Methodists and other tag-alongs. As a result of my experiences in the Holy Lands, I will never read the Bible, listen to the news from the Middle East or look at a map of the area in the same way again.
Did you know that the Sea of Galilee is actually a freshwater lake and not nearly as big as you might imagine? Other observations included shepherds still herding their sheep just outside of Jerusalem, learning about real forms of life at the bottom of the “Dead” Sea while effortlessly floating on its waters and realizing that even in the middle of the desert it is cold and snows in January. I also learned that the geography of the West Bank is best compared to that of Swiss cheese and is very removed in many ways from the Gaza Strip.
One of my most memorable moments was participating in a communion service at the Garden Tomb while hearing the Muslim call to prayer being blasted in the background. It was a moment of understanding that the Holy Lands is an amazing place that tries to combine many cultures and faiths into the daily pattern of life for its residents and visitors.
While planning a trip to the Holy Lands, I strongly recommend finding a local tour guide who can put a Middle-Eastern perspective on everything you see and experience. Our tour guide was a Palestinian Catholic gentleman who grew up in Old Jerusalem and lives there with his wife and daughters.
At the top of my list of experiences were the two dinners I enjoyed in the homes of two very different local families. The first dinner was hosted by a Palestinian Catholic family who lives in Bethlehem and is able to trace their ancestors through their local parish all the way to the beginning of current record keeping – more than 400 years ago! They are a wonderful, gracious family who told us they feel like they are prisoners under Israeli rule. For example, most Palestinians are not allowed to use the TelAviv airport and instead must travel to Amman, Jordan to board a plane. My second dinner was hosted by a Jewish family who keeps Kosher in Tel Aviv. They were equally as gracious and happy to share their unique perspective on life in Israel. I quickly realized that, although they desperately want it, there will probably never be peace in this region, especially with the corruption that was evident and the long and diverse cultural history.
After 10 days in Israel, we crossed the border to the country of Jordan. Jordan can be nicknamed the “Switzerland” of the Middle East due to its neutral alignments. It was very different than Israel but no less fascinating. The population of Jordan is 98% Muslim but that doesn’t stop alcohol sales or western influences. I recommend including Petra, Jerash and banks of the Dead Sea on your Jordan itinerary.
Although my new post-COVID travel destination bucket list includes many places, I would love to explore the Holy Lands again someday. I felt very safe throughout my trip and although the area lacks natural beauty, it more than makes up for that in cultural and historical significance – especially for those looking to experience the food and people, to learn more about the origins of our Christian faith, or to literally retrace the steps of Christ.
Tuesday Worship from Derry Church 2/2/21
February 4, 2021Pastor Stephen leads a 25-minute mid-week worship service on the theme, “The Work is Ours.” Scripture: Nehemiah 2:17—3:5; 3:28-30.
Derry Members: Register Your Children Now for Discovery Days Preschool
February 4, 2021Derry Discovery Days Preschool is now registering children of Derry Church members for the 2021-22 school year. Ages two years through pre-K are invited to learn and play at our fantastic preschool. Email Interim Director Laura Cox before registration opens to the community later this month or call 717–533-9667 x 201.
Epistemology and the Search for Truth: Week 1
February 4, 2021Rev. Drew Stockstill • Pastor, Christ Lutheran Church, Harrisburg
February 4, 2021Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, the eNews feature article highlights the mission focus for the month. In February we’re lifting up homelessness. The current month’s mission focus is included in the Joys & Concerns section of the weekly eNews.
In the spring I received a text from one of our Medical Outreach Nurses: “Pastor, I know we don’t normally do this, but I have a patient who lost his job and is way behind in rent. Is there anything we can do?”
At Christ Lutheran Church, we know well those who experience homelessness. Our Health Ministries clinics serve many homeless patients. Our mission is to provide for the basic health needs of our community. When a client has a housing need, we turn to one of our wonderful partner organizations, like Christian Churches United, who specialize in that kind of assistance. But during the pandemic, many we served who did not ordinarily have housing needs were suddenly facing dire situations because of the effects of the health crisis.
Fortunately, and I might even add, miraculously, United Way of the Capital Region reached out early in the pandemic offering a grant for us to respond to the basic needs (housing, food, clothing, medical) our neighbors were now facing. Christ Lutheran’s mission has focused on health needs, but during this crisis we have been able to offer emergency support to help keep people from becoming homeless and put food on the table. The nurse who texted me was able to tell her patient that we would work with his landlord and get him caught up on rent.
Many of our clients are immigrants who did not receive any assistance from the government stimulus. They were those who needed it most. That was the case with a family from Mexico with two young daughters. The husband lost his restaurant job in Hershey and within a couple weeks was unable to pay rent. We were able to cover two months’ rent and take the mother to get groceries. This family would have become homeless, but it didn’t take much to fill the gap and now they are back on track.
Another family of five recently immigrated from Nigeria. Both parents quickly found jobs in local warehouses but were laid off for several weeks due to the pandemic. We were able to cover their rent for two months until their jobs opened again. Members at Derry Church also helped provide a wonderful Christmas morning for their three sons, including new jackets and bikes!
We provided rental assistance for one family when both parents lost their jobs. After months, the husband was finally able to find work but was then injured and out of work again. They just couldn’t catch a break and had no other options. For those who are trying to do everything right, homelessness can quickly creep in.
We all know that homelessness takes many different shapes and the causes are unique and varied. The COVID crisis revealed just how vulnerable to homelessness many of our neighbors are. Folks who pride themselves on their hard work and ability to provide for their families are suddenly facing the very real possibility of homelessness.
Thanks to the relationships our nurses and providers have with our neighbors and emergency support from United Way and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, we have been able to help even just a few individuals in their time of greatest need. Thanks be to God, and our village of support, and to God be the glory!
Jan 2021 Family Worship
February 4, 2021Pastor Pam Meilands, M.E. Steelman and Grant Wareham lead a family-centered worship service on the theme of salt and light.
Meet Tabish, One of Derry Church’s PEB Scholarship Recipients
February 4, 2021
Greeting from Sargodha. I am Tabish. My school is one of the famous school in city. I am writing this note to thank you for your help and support. I am actively involved in extra-curricular activities. This year our school won sport gala. Now Independence celebration are going on. The bazaars and streets are decorated with flags. Thank you again for your generosity and support. I promise you I will work very hard.
For ten years, Derry Church has maintained a partnership with the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan. PEB operates 25 schools, primary through high school, including some boarding schools, that serve more than 5,900 students. Derry, through the Friends of Sargodha group, has a particular relationship with the schools in Sargodha.
Our goal is to provide ten scholarships every year. You can help.
A full scholarship for a day student is $370 a year, about a dollar a day. We are dividing that amount into ten shares, $37 each, to offer you the opportunity to support a portion of a scholarship.
You can purchase one or more shares by writing a check to Derry Church notated “Pakistan Scholarship” or giving online through the church website and selecting “Pakistan Scholarship.”
Read Rev. Nancy Reinert’s message inviting you to participate. This fundraiser continues through February 2021.
More Winter Reading Opportunities
February 3, 2021The Monday evening study group will Zoom at 7 pm to discuss these books:
- MAR 1: The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson
- APR 5: Caste, The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
The Faithful Readers will Zoom at 9:15 am* Sundays to discuss these books:
- FEB 21 (*2 PM): Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- MAR 21: The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey
- APR 18: Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now by Maya Angelou
Download the complete Faithful Readers list for 2020-21 and check out the Faithful Readers’ Facebook Group.
Copies of all books are available in the church library: contact Teresa to request a copy.
Looking for the Zoom Meeting ID? Check the weekly eNews or contact Sue George.